Here you will find various statistics about our scenario database.

Total Plays

All scenarios played a total of 264 times

Full list

CategoryMap NameAuthorGamesAxisAlliesLast PlayerLast Game
Western Front 001 At The Breaking Point Fantasy Flight Games4 50% 50% Jarod 2022-11-06
Western Front 002 Liberation Fantasy Flight Games1 0% 100% pino 2021-10-06
Western Front 003 Silence the Guns Fantasy Flight Games2 100% 0% pino 2022-01-21
Western Front 004 Crossroads Fantasy Flight Games1 100% 0% pino 2021-10-19
Western Front 005 Stavelot Express Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Western Front 006 Siegfried Assault Fantasy Flight Games1 0% 100% alecrespi 2022-07-23
Western Front 007 Mons Again 1A Games3 33% 67% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
Western Front 008 Clash of Elites 1A Games3 67% 33% pino 2023-11-27
Western Front 009 Normandy Farm Willem Boersma13 46% 54% Justin 2023-09-01
Western Front 010 Uphill Battle 1A Games1 100% 0% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
Western Front 011 Chain of Command (duplicate) 1A Games2 0% 100% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
Mediterranean Front 012 Breaking the Line 1A Games6 83% 17% alecrespi 2023-09-11
African Front 013 Hellfire Pass Fantasy Flight Games4 75% 25% pino 2022-12-23
African Front 014 Rescue Mission Fantasy Flight Games5 60% 40% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
African Front 015 Operation Crusader Fantasy Flight Games3 67% 33% PAB 2024-07-14
African Front 016 Fall of Tobruk Fantasy Flight Games2 50% 50% 2023-07-21
African Front 017 Valley of Death Fantasy Flight Games3 0% 100% Rockn 2023-11-02
African Front 018 Assault on Kidney Ridge Fantasy Flight Games1 0% 100% pino 2023-07-19
African Front 019 The Cauldron 1A Games2 50% 50% Rockn 2022-11-07
African Front 020 Capture the Oasis 1A Games8 63% 38% JVHillegas-Elting 2022-01-06
African Front 021 First Tiger Encounter in the Desert 1A Games1 0% 100% pino 2021-05-27
African Front 022 Sting of the Cactus 1A Games1 100% 0% pino 2021-05-29
Western Front 023 Picking Up the Pieces Fantasy Flight Games2 50% 50% pulpulfolker 2022-12-12
Western Front 024 Hide and Seek Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Western Front 025 Red Devils at Breville Fantasy Flight Games1 0% 100% pino 2023-01-28
Western Front 026 Operation Goodwood Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Western Front 027 Bloody Omaha Fantasy Flight Games2 50% 50% PAB 2024-06-23
Western Front 028 Battle in the Bocage Fantasy Flight Games1 0% 100% Rockn 2023-01-09
Western Front 029 Breakout Through St. Lo Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Western Front 030 Piercing the Siegfried Line Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Western Front 031 The Twin Villages Mike Bennighof0 0% 0%
African Front 032 Rat Patrol Richard H. Berg0 0% 0%
African Front 033 Dash to the Wire Uli Blennemann2 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-01-17
Western Front 034 Bloody Lindern Frank Chadwick0 0% 0%
Western Front 035 Night Hunt Frank Chadwick1 0% 100% pino 2023-01-24
Western Front 036 Hell Week John Goodenough and Robert A. Kouba1 100% 0% pino 2022-09-19
African Front 037 Totensonntag Jack Greene7 57% 43% pino 2023-01-10
Western Front 038 So Near and Yet So Far Don Greenwood0 0% 0%
Western Front 039 Night Drop John Hill0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 040 Smoking Cobras Chad Jensen1 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-09-19
Western Front 041 Fire and Brimstone Corey Konieczka1 100% 0% Knightfiend 2023-04-15
Western Front 042 2 on 2, Round One Dana Lombardy with Bill Jaffe0 0% 0%
Western Front 043 New Mission Jason Matthews1 100% 0% pino 2023-05-31
Mediterranean Front 044 Gela Beachhead Joseph Miranda1 0% 100% pino 2022-07-20
Western Front 045 The Neck of the Gap John Prados0 0% 0%
Western Front 046 Ring Around Aachen Jack Radey0 0% 0%
Western Front 047 The Bridge at Chambois Ted S. Raicer1 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-04-06
Western Front 048 To Save Bastogne Mark Simonitch2 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-04-14
African Front 049 Crisis at Kasserine Vance von Borries0 0% 0%
Western Front 050 The Road to Oosterbeek Rick Young0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 051 Breaking the Line (duplicate) John Goodenough1 100% 0% pino 2022-04-12
Western Front 052 Chain of Command (duplicate) Corey Konieczka0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 053 Shock and Awe Fantasy Flight Games7 100% 0% JVHillegas-Elting 2023-01-05
Eastern Front 054 Meat Grinder Fantasy Flight Games3 67% 33% JVHillegas-Elting 2022-02-18
Eastern Front 055 Creating the Korsun Pocket Fantasy Flight Games1 100% 0% alecrespi 2021-03-31
Eastern Front 056 Prelude to Breakout Fantasy Flight Games1 100% 0% pino 2022-06-30
Eastern Front 057 Tank Fight at Prokhorovka Bill Jaffe and Dana Lombardy1 0% 100% pino 2021-12-13
Eastern Front 058 Counterattack at Orel Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 059 Paradrop at Kanev Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 060 Armored Maelstrom Fantasy Flight Games2 100% 0% Raygun1966 2021-08-21
Eastern Front 061 Iron Horsemen Fantasy Flight Games3 0% 100% Rockn 2023-11-27
Eastern Front 062 Shot for Shot Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 063 Key to the City Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 064 Terminal Station Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 065 Ramming Speed Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 066 Order No. 227 Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 067 Gully of Death Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 068 Red October Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Western Front 069 Dash to Dunkirk 1A Games1 100% 0% JVHillegas-Elting 2022-02-18
Eastern Front 070 Bridgehead Across the Drut 1A Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 071 First Contact Russia 1A Games1 0% 100% pino 2022-01-29
Eastern Front 072 Tiger Tracks 1A Games1 0% 100% pino 2021-09-25
Eastern Front 073 CounterAttack at Radekhov 1A Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 074 Breakout from Borisov 1A Games0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 075 Anzio 1A Games1 100% 0% pino 2024-01-05
Western Front 076 Those Damned Engineers! 1A Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 077 Stemming the Red Tide 1A Games0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 078 The Longest Ridge 1A Games1 100% 0% pino 2023-11-08
Western Front 079 Breaking the Line (duplicate) Fantasy Flight Games3 67% 33% Justin 2023-09-08
Western Front 080 Chain of Command Fantasy Flight Games3 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-06-29
Western Front 081 The Last Stand Fantasy Flight Games2 100% 0% pino 2021-11-10
Western Front 082 Road to Ruin Fantasy Flight Games1 0% 100% pino 2023-11-02
Western Front 083 Geneva Convention Mike Zebrowski0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 084 Blood on the Mountain Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)1 0% 100% alecrespi 2021-01-14
Western Front 085 D-Day Mederet Bill Jaffe2 0% 100% alecrespi 2021-09-08
Western Front 086 3 Bridges Max0 0% 0%
Western Front 087 A Bridge Too Far Cymrusaint0 0% 0%
Western Front 088 A Key for the Gate Andras Kopcsik1 0% 100% pino 2021-11-24
Eastern Front 089 A Nasty surprise Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Western Front 090 A Simple Job Zarion of Arabel1 0% 100% pino 2021-12-13
Western Front 091 A Town Matter Tisander (Billy Payne)1 0% 100% pino 2022-10-27
Western Front 092 Airborne Stands Alone Billy Payne (Tisander)2 100% 0% pino 2023-12-05
Western Front 093 Another Kelly's Heroes Cymrusaint0 0% 0%
Western Front 094 Assault on the German Regiment Josue0 0% 0%
Western Front 095 Assault on Putot Malcolm 'Brummbar44' Green4 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-04-20
Western Front 096 Assault on Singling Aljoscha S. Nett1 100% 0% pino 2022-02-02
Mediterranean Front 097 Attacks in Banija Ivan Radovic2 50% 50% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
Western Front 098 Battle at Mairy Jon Hall1 100% 0% pino 2022-03-02
Western Front 099 Battle of Arracourt Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 100 Battle of Avranches Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 101 Battle of Bastnach BRUNNSTRÖM0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 102 Battle of Cisterna Ron Howard1 100% 0% pino 2021-12-23
Western Front 103 Battle of Foy Ron Howard1 0% 100% pino 2021-04-18
Western Front 104 Battle of Hochwald Gap Ron Howard1 0% 100% pino 2022-04-02
Eastern Front 105 Battle of Prokhorovka Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 106 Battle of Smolensk 41 Ron Howard1 100% 0% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
Western Front 107 Battle of St Lo Ron Howard2 50% 50% alecrespi 2021-11-23
Western Front 108 Battle of Walcheren Causeway Ron Howard1 100% 0% pino 2021-11-13
Western Front 109 Behind Enemy Lines: Extraction José Luis Meseguer (cogollo)0 0% 0%
Western Front 110 Blitz Zarion of Arabel0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 111 Block Busting Billy Payne (Tisander)2 0% 100% pino 2021-09-21
Mediterranean Front 112 Blood on the Mountain Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)1 100% 0% pino 2022-02-08
Western Front 113 Bloody Valley Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)4 50% 50% pino 2022-02-15
Western Front 114 Bridgehead Bretteville Malcolm “Brummbar44” Green1 100% 0% pino 2022-01-22
Western Front 115 Calling It In Peter Cooper1 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-03-28
Western Front 116 Capture the Flag Shane Meehan0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 117 Capture the Observation Post tsmithreg0 0% 0%
Western Front 118 Castle Wewelsburg Shane Meehan1 0% 100% pino 2023-06-17
Western Front 119 Christmas on the Rhine Dean Morgan (Interceptor)0 0% 0%
Western Front 120 Convoy Ambush Degamer0 0% 0%
Western Front 121 Counter-Attack Jetro Dam0 0% 0%
Western Front 122 Coutances Breakout Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 123 Crossing the Moselle Malcolm "Brummbar" Green1 100% 0% pino 2022-02-09
Mediterranean Front 124 Crossroads at Lucca Chris Montgomery1 100% 0% alecrespi 2021-03-30
Western Front 125 Death Factory - Hill 400 Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 126 Death Factory - Hürtgen Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 127 Death Factory - The Siegfried Line Part 1 Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 128 Death Factory - The Siegfried Line Part 2 Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 129 Death Factory - Vossenack Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Scenarios 130 Defending Hell's Highway Klaus Fritsch0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 131 Destination Sarajevo Gregor Samsa1 0% 100% pino 2021-09-06
Western Front 132 Dirtier by the Dozen J. S. Anderson1 100% 0% pino 2023-09-12
Western Front 133 Dog Green Revised Nick Johnson1 100% 0% pino 2023-08-30
Western Front 134 Domination Josue1 100% 0% pino 2023-12-21
Western Front 135 Drei Koenige Joseph S. Anderson1 0% 100% pino 2021-12-01
Western Front 136 Easy! Danick0 0% 0%
Western Front 137 Timmerman's Assault Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 138 The siege of Colmar Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 139 Firestorm OMG - City One Bridge Thoemi0 0% 0%
Western Front 140 Firestorm OMG - Open Ground Thoemi0 0% 0%
Western Front 141 Geneva Convention Mike Zebrowski0 0% 0%
Western Front 142 German Town Assault Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)0 0% 0%
Western Front 143 Hammelburg Raid Mathias Groß0 0% 0%
Western Front 144 Hill 192 Greg0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 145 Invasion of Poland – Campaign Eduardo1 0% 100% pino 2021-09-22
Western Front 146 Iron Men of Metz Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 147 Joe's Bridge BJ0 0% 0%
Western Front 148 Kelly's Heroes Brunnström0 0% 0%
Western Front 149 Kelly´s Heroes Neil Parker0 0% 0%
Western Front 150 Hill 400 Levoayash1 100% 0% pino 2023-11-03
Western Front 151 Kesselring's Arrival Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 152 Shadow of the Fallen - The Hürtgen Forest I Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 153 Lunch Time Assault Jose Luis Clotet2 100% 0% pino 2021-10-26
Western Front 154 Mage Con Tourney Bill Huet0 0% 0%
Western Front 155 Medal of Honor Kyle Hawes3 67% 33% PAB 2022-06-11
Western Front 156 Mind the Gap! Klaus Fritsch0 0% 0%
Western Front 157 Mission Albany Diego A. Márquez1 100% 0% PAB 2021-04-23
Mediterranean Front 158 Monte Cassino Cichy0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 159 Monte Cassino Mate Szabo0 0% 0%
Western Front 160 Morning - Convoy Ambush Klaus Fritsch0 0% 0%
Western Front 161 Morning - The Bridge Klaus Fritsch0 0% 0%
Western Front 162 Morning - Village Raid Klaus Fritsch0 0% 0%
Western Front 163 New Player Scenario 1 - Infantry Scott Roberts2 50% 50% pino 2022-02-07
Western Front 164 New Player Scenario 2 - Vehicles Scott Roberts1 100% 0% pino 2022-02-07
Western Front 165 Night Patrol Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 166 Assigned Offensive Josue0 0% 0%
Western Front 167 Mission Detroit Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 168 Operation Green Phantom Estratega0 0% 0%
Western Front 169 Operacion Market-Garden - Fase 1 Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 170 Operacion Market-Garden - Fase 2 Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 171 Operacion Market-Garden - Fase Previa Levoayash0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 172 Operation Konrad Denkmeyer0 0% 0%
Western Front 173 Operation Lüttich von Stichen0 0% 0%
Western Front 174 Operation Market Garden - Doing Your Best Does Not Have to Suffice Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 175 Operation Market Garden - Heroes on Bridges Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 176 Operation Market Garden - Oosterbeek’s Crucible Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 177 Operation Market Garden - Operation Berlin Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 178 Operation Market Garden - Sunday Trip, part I Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 179 Operation Market Garden - Sunday Trip, part II Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 180 Operation Mercury J.S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 181 Operation Nordwind Fredrik and Markus0 0% 0%
Western Front 182 Ormel Farm Bryan Pravel2 50% 50% pino 2021-11-30
Western Front 183 Outskirts of Metz Stacey Hager0 0% 0%
Western Front 184 Overgrown potelli0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 185 Pavlov's House Scott Roberts1 0% 100% pino 2023-06-23
Western Front 186 Pegasus Bridge danick1 0% 100% pino 2022-02-16
Western Front 187 Pegasus Bridges Ron Howard2 50% 50% pino 2021-05-07
Western Front 188 Omaha Beach Josue0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 189 Poland 1939 Howard Posner0 0% 0%
Western Front 190 Strategic bridges Josue0 0% 0%
Western Front 191 Strategic bridges 2 Josue1 0% 100% pino 2024-01-03
Eastern Front 192 Red House Klaus Fritsch0 0% 0%
Western Front 193 Rescue From The Sky Brian L. Bird0 0% 0%
Western Front 194 Roadblock Obelus1 0% 100% pino 2023-06-01
African Front 195 Ruweisat Ridge - First battle of El-Alamein Pavel "Artemis" Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 196 Scramble For The Bridge Zarion of Arabel0 0% 0%
Western Front 197 Second Battle of Mortain Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 198 Sedan 1940 Gregor Samsa1 100% 0% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
Mediterranean Front 199 Shootout at Cecina Billy Payne0 0% 0%
Western Front 200 Without Alternative Estratega0 0% 0%
Scenarios 201 Skirmish Mode - King of the Hill Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 202 Skirmish Mode - Mortaine Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 203 Slugging Match Zarion of Arabel0 0% 0%
Western Front 204 Sniper's Alley Robert Artajew1 100% 0% alecrespi 2021-04-13
Western Front 205 Snipers Vs. Rangers Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 206 Stalingrad: Factory Fortress Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 207 Subzero Shelter: Fight or Freeze Willem Boersma6 50% 50% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-17
Western Front 208 Sweep and Clear (Solo) Shane Meehan1 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-06-29
Western Front 209 Tank Hunters Scott Roberts2 100% 0% pino 2021-11-19
Western Front 210 Thanks the Tanks! Danick0 0% 0%
Western Front 211 The Ardennes Offensive - Meuse River Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 212 The Ardennes Offensive - Operation Greif Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 213 The Ardennes Offensive - Operation Stoesser Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 214 The Ardennes Offensive - Pocket at Houffalize Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 215 The Ardennes Offensive - Shnee Eifel Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 216 The Ardennes Offensive - St. Vith Pavel Dushek0 0% 0%
Western Front 217 The Assault at Brecourt Manor Wei-Cheng Cheng1 100% 0% pino 2023-09-02
Mediterranean Front 218 The Battle for Monte Cassino Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 219 The Bunker on the Hill Freddie Yu0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 220 The Dzherzhinskiy Tractor Factory Shane Meehan1 100% 0% pino 2021-06-09
Western Front 221 The Fog of Huertgenwald Cipheron1 100% 0% pino 2023-05-30
Western Front 222 The Gauntlet Vedantin0 0% 0%
Western Front 223 The Ghost Division Spooked Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Western Front 224 The Last Patrol Deano C. Ware1 100% 0% pino 2022-10-04
Western Front 225 The Last Siegfried Line Bunkers BJ Benjamins2 0% 100% pino 2021-09-20
Western Front 226 The Merville Battery Assault Barry Doyle2 100% 0% PAB 2024-07-13
Western Front 227 D-Day -1: Sainte-Mère-Église Unknown0 0% 0%
Western Front 228 The Rangers at Pointe du Hoc Wei-Cheng Cheng0 0% 0%
Western Front 229 The Redball Express Shane Meehan1 0% 100% pino 2023-08-30
Western Front 230 The Reichswald Brummbar1 100% 0% pino 2022-01-30
Western Front 231 The Seige Peter Cooper0 0% 0%
Western Front 232 The Siege of Bastogne Shane Meehan0 0% 0%
Western Front 233 The Village Josue0 0% 0%
Western Front 234 Those Damned Engineers! Ray Trochim2 0% 100% pino 2021-05-14
Western Front 235 Tiger Blitz -The Battle of Villers-Bocage Stuart Favilla0 0% 0%
Western Front 236 Tiger Hunt Mike Zebrowski2 0% 100% pino 2021-11-01
Eastern Front 237 Tiger Tracks Ray Trochim1 100% 0% PAB 2023-02-12
Scenarios 238 Traitors!!! Santiago Machín0 0% 0%
Western Front 239 Unfortunate Drop Stachu & Dombro (PL)0 0% 0%
Western Front 240 Who Killed the Black Baron Malcolm Green2 50% 50% pino 2021-11-03
Nordic Front 241 Winter raid Hans Sverre Smalø7 57% 43% JVHillegas-Elting 2022-02-18
Nordic Front 242 Winter War Ray Trochim0 0% 0%
Western Front 243 Wittmann Strikes Again Sgt. Hank0 0% 0%
Western Front 244 Wittmann's Breakout Shane Meehan1 0% 100% pino 2021-05-03
Western Front 245 Worthington Force Malcolm Green1 100% 0% pino 2023-10-31
Western Front 246 Wounded Tiger András Kopcsik0 0% 0%
Western Front 247 WW2 Tanks Divisions Estratega0 0% 0%
African Front 248 Free-French at Bir Hakeim Bill Jaffe0 0% 0%
African Front 249 American Resolve vs German Steel Willem Boersma6 67% 33% JVHillegas-Elting 2021-12-19
Mediterranean Front 250 Operation Encore - Riva Ridge Pino0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 251 Operation WinterGewitter Pino3 0% 100% alecrespi 2021-03-04
Eastern Front 252 The Grain Elevator Sander Gaastra0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 253 Guards Counterattack Bill Jaffe1 0% 100% pino 2023-07-13
Western Front 254 Bridges over Troubled Waters Bill Jaffe1 0% 100% pino 2021-09-01
African Front 255 Metal Mules - The Second Battle of Longstop Hill Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Western Front 256 Race to the Rescue Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
African Front 257 A Bitter Farewell - Battle of Médenine Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Western Front 258 The Battle of Bloody Gulch Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 259 Battle for Nevsky Pyatachok Ron Howard1 100% 0% pino 2022-01-30
Western Front 260 Drive towards Trun Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 261 Hells Highway - Son Bridge Ron Howard2 50% 50% pino 2021-04-28
Eastern Front 262 Key to Kiev - Breaching the Stalin Line Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 263 Kursk Northern Salient Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 264 Sapun Ridge - Sevastopol Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 265 Tank Assault at Singling Ron Howard1 100% 0% pino 2022-07-20
Eastern Front 266 City of Doom Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 267 Lair of the Beast Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Western Front 268 Wittman's Charge - Villers Bocage Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Scenarios 269 Skirmish Mode - Best Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 270 Skirmish Mode - Caen Countryside Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Scenarios 271 Skirmish Mode - Gilroy´s Harbor Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 272 Skirmish Mode - Leningrad Countryside Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 273 Skirmish Mode - Lyon Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 274 Skirmish Mode - Meuse Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 275 Skirmish Mode - River Vire Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 276 Skirmish Mode - Saint-Mere-Eglise Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 277 Skirmish Mode - Siegfried Line Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 278 Skirmish Mode - St Dizier Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 279 Skirmish Mode - Stalingrad Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 280 Skirmish Mode - Steppe Stefan Sasse0 0% 0%
Western Front 281 First Battle of Mortain Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 282 Counterattack on Mortain Ron Howard0 0% 0%
Western Front 283 All or Nothing Beto110 0% 0%
Western Front 284 Evacuation: Battle of the Bulge The Kaiser0 0% 0%
Western Front 285 The Jaws of the Trap Brian L. Bird0 0% 0%
Western Front 286 Machinegun Hilton Brian L. Bird0 0% 0%
Western Front 287 Matter of chance Beto110 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 288 The Factory Ron Howard1 0% 100% pino 2021-12-10
Western Front 289 Battle of Nijmegen Part 1 Michael Merritt0 0% 0%
Western Front 290 Meeting Engagement Version 1 Ray Trochim0 0% 0%
Western Front 291 Meeting Engagement Version 2 Ray Trochim0 0% 0%
Western Front 292 Destroy the Guns Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)1 100% 0% pino 2022-12-02
Eastern Front 293 Spear Tip (Kursk Northern Front) S. Favilla0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 294 Capanno Tassoni Pino1 0% 100% alecrespi 2022-03-09
Mediterranean Front 295 South African Rush Pino2 100% 0% pino 2022-06-17
Mediterranean Front 296 Battle of Porta Lame - Part 1 Pino1 0% 100% alecrespi 2022-03-23
Mediterranean Front 297 Battle of Porta Lame - Part 2 Pino0 0% 0%
Nordic Front 298 Operation Gunnerside Pino1 100% 0% pino 2022-06-28
Western Front 299 Eben Emael Pino0 0% 0%
Western Front 300 Operation Sea Lion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) Pino0 0% 0%
Pacific Front 301 Cutting off the Snake’s Head Willem Boersma2 50% 50% pino 2022-10-04
Pacific Front 302 Bougainville - Operation Cherry Blossom Pino1 0% 100% pino 2022-09-25
Pacific Front 303 Operation Landcrab - Battle for Attu Pino0 0% 0%
Pacific Front 304 Bukit Timah Pino0 0% 0%
Pacific Front 305 Singapore Pino1 0% 100% pino 2022-10-25
Western Front 306 Pegasus Bridge Tom Martin1 100% 0% pino 2022-12-09
Pacific Front 307 Operation R - Battle of Rabaul Pino2 50% 50% pino 2022-10-11
Eastern Front 308 Ambush Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 309 Dedovsk Village Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 310 Offensive on the Istra Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 311 The first liberation of Rostov-on-Don Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Pacific Front 312 Piva Forks Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 313 Tank column Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Western Front 314 Hedgerow Hell Tom Martin2 100% 0% PAB 2023-02-08
Western Front 315 Yellow Beach Tom Martin3 33% 67% pino 2024-04-02
Eastern Front 316 A Matter of Initiative Pino1 0% 100% pino 2022-11-23
African Front 317 The Last Outpost Pino2 50% 50% pino 2023-01-18
Mediterranean Front 318 The Train Station Pino0 0% 0%
Western Front 319 Achtung Panzer Pino1 0% 100% alecrespi 2023-07-01
Eastern Front 320 Partisans Alessandro Crespi1 100% 0% pino 2023-10-23
Eastern Front 321 NKVD Defense at Mir Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 322 General Petrov Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 323 The Monsters Alessandro Crespi1 100% 0% alecrespi 2023-02-21
Eastern Front 324 The Bunker Alessandro Crespi1 100% 0% pino 2023-06-18
Eastern Front 325 Smolensk Breakout Alessandro Crespi0 0% 0%
Western Front 326 Hitdorf on the Rhine Maury Richards0 0% 0%
Western Front 327 Counterattack on Schmidt Ron Roberts0 0% 0%
Pacific Front 328 Terror in the Tropics - Battle of Peleliu Willem Boersma0 0% 0%
Western Front 329 The Rangers at Pointe du Hoc (Revised) Wei-Cheng Cheng0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 330 Encounter at Dubno Bill Jaffe0 0% 0%
Western Front 331 The Battle for Villers-Bocage Joseph S. Anderson0 0% 0%
Western Front 332 Death from above Brian Whiskey0 0% 0%
Eastern Front 333 Prelude to Breakout (Revised) Bill Jaffe0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 334 Operation Dragoon - Dragoon Headquarters Beto110 0% 0%
Western Front 335 Jagdtiger! Billy Payne (Tisander)0 0% 0%
African Front 336 Against Enemy and Ground: Final Days of the Battle of Keren James V. Hillegas-Elting0 0% 0%
Western Front 337 Kill the Unfehlbar Beto110 0% 0%
Western Front 338 The Assault at Brecourt Manor Pino0 0% 0%
Mediterranean Front 339 Casone del Partigiano Pino1 0% 100% pino 2023-11-27
Western Front 340 Road to Ruin (Revised) Fantasy Flight Games0 0% 0%
Western Front 341 Hill 400 (Revised) Levoayash0 0% 0%
Western Front 342 River Village Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)0 0% 0%
Western Front 343 Village of the Damned Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)0 0% 0%
Western Front 344 German Village Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)0 0% 0%
Western Front 345 Cliff Battle Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)1 100% 0% pino 2024-04-08
Western Front 346 Non-lopsided Vehicles for Beginners Matt Simpson Siegel (7times7is49)0 0% 0%
Western Front 347 Normandy - On the way to Caen (British 49th inf) Bill Jaffe0 0% 0%
Western Front 348 Suicide game Santiago Machín0 0% 0%


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