Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 1 - Last reported by pino on 2021-09-01 23:59:38

June 6, 1944: The primary mission of the 101st Airborne Division on D-Day was to secure the exits from UTAH Beach. Its secondary mission was to establish a bridgehead over the Douve River in order to provide a springboard for a drive on Carentan.
However, this would prove no easy task, as they would be opposed by the 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment.


  American German
Division 1

7 Squad Bases
- 15 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officers
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

1x Expert
2x Engineer
1x Alpha Unit
1x AntiTank

5 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 5 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

1x Expert
1x Engineer
1x Bravo Unit

Division 2

7 Squad Bases
- 17 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

2x Engineer
1x Medic
1x AntiTank

5 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 5 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officers
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

1x Engineer
1x Alpha Unit
1x Bravo Unit
1x AntiTank

Strategy Decks American Air Support 1
Supply 1
Ground Support 1
Morale 1
Starting Strategy Cards 2 2
Operations Cards - 005 Lay Mines
- 008 Lay Smoke
- 016 Clear Tank Trap
- 007 Lay Razor Wire
- 037 Lay Mines
Deployment Zone Div. 1: Any hex with a green border on maps 7B and 9B.
Div. 2: Any hex with a green border on maps 11B and 8B.
Div. 1: Any hex on map 25A.
Div. 2: Any hex on map 4A.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  

Minor Victory:  capture at least 2 victory objectives by the end of game round 8.

Major Victory: capture all 3 victory objectives by the end of game
round 8.

Any other result is a German victory.
Rounds 8
Actions per turn 2 2
Reinforcements Status Phase 4:
American Division 1
• 1 M4A1 Sherman Tank
American Division 2
• 2 M4A1 Sherman Tanks

Status Phase 3:
German Division 1
• 2 Squad Bases
- 5 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

Status Phase 4:
German Division 2
• 2 Squad Bases
- 5 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry
- 1 Mortar Crew

Special Rules
  • Squads must pay 4 movement points to enter swamp hexes. Vehicles are prohibited from entering swamp hexes.
  • Units in hexes which contain both entrenchments and razor wire may fire at full firepower, regardless of the presence of the razor wire. In addition, German squads may enter or exit the hex normally by paying 1 additional movement point.
Terrain Features Stream is Flooded.


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Johnnyd777 replied the topic:
3 years 4 months ago
I think the anti-tank unit is worthless and should be changed out. As far as the water sections. You could leave the pond but make the river passable by having a unit stop at the river on one turn and then cross 1/2 movement next turn. That way the terrain feature still has a prohibitive value but not totally impassible. Funneling everything over a bridge makes a game like this too restrictive
alecrespi replied the topic:
3 years 4 months ago
Yesterday I started playing this scenario with my friend Pino and a couple of questions arose:
  1. Stream is Flooded and the Pond is impassable, so how can Germans obtain the "2 Command Point" marker?
  2. For the same reason... How can Americans conquer the Objective Marker on the same hex?
  3. German player doesn't deploy tanks (and he cannot even receive them as reinforcement). So what's the actual use of Americans "Anti-Tank" specialization?
As an immediate fix we chose not to use the pond (removing both objective and 2CP markers).
We left the anti-tank specialization (useless) but we think it could probably be a "flamethrower" spec.

What do you think about it?