Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 1 - Last reported by pino on 2023-11-27 23:16:05

The "Casone del Partigiano", in the Rubizzano hamlet of San Pietro in Casale, is a building in which, during the Resistance, the partisans of the 2nd Paolo brigade met and found refuge.
The municipal territory was invested by the retreating German army between 18 and 19 April 1945.
On the morning of 19 April, reinforced by some members of the 4th Venturoli brigade, the men of the Paolo, under the command of Marcello Zanetti, set off from Casone along three routes to attack an enemy determined to defend the Galliera road, the main escape route towards the north.
On 21 April the partisans made contact with the first allied vanguards, while strong enemy contingents were barricaded in the town of San Pietro.
On the morning of 22 April, the English avant-garde reached the area south of San Pietro in Casale and an officer informed Zanetti that they would launch a bombardment on the town to definitively drive out the Germans.
In order to avoid such an operation, the partisans organized a complex attack on the enemy positions.
The battle lasted between the afternoon and evening of April 22nd and ended in the night with the evacuation of the town by the Germans.
During the fighting, 22 young people between the ages of 21 and 25, originally from San Pietro and neighboring towns, fell.
At dawn on April 23, the partisans entered the liberated town.
At sunset, the English entered San Pietro in Casale, already liberated.


  Italian Partisans German
Division 1

4 Squad Bases
- 15 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry

1x LMG

3 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
Division 2

4 Squad Bases
- 15 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry

1x LMG

3 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 1 Mortar Crew

Strategy Decks Command 1
Morale 1 (shared) (remove 2x "Take Down The Beast")
German Urban Warfare (remove "Flamethrower Support",
"Nebelwerfer Assault", "Reich Propaganda", "Fliegerkorps VIII", "Stormwedge")
Morale 1 (shared) (remove 2x "Take Down The Beast")
Starting Strategy Cards - -
Operations Cards 018 Seize the Initiative
002 Heavy Fog (shared) remove on Round 2 (Status)
013 Desperate Defenders
014 No surrender
002 Heavy Fog (shared) remove on Round 2 (Status)
Deployment Zone Any hex on map 6A (south east)

Any hex on map 5A (north west)

Starting Initiative Initiative Token Setup first
Objective Control the town center of San Pietro in Casale (objective marker) by the end of Round 5. Prevent your opponent from reaching his goal.
Rounds 5
Actions per turn 3 3


Special Rules



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alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago
The Italian partisans tried to fire with everything (combined fire using all units in 2 separate actions) to pin or wound the mortar and machine gun, but without success. First round thrown away.
On the second attempt both the mortar and the German machine gun were eliminated and the partisans began to approach.
Buildings and razor wires represent quite an obstacle to overcome in such a short time...
The Germans entered in the building at the bottom right and hide (concealed) thanks to some command cards.
The partisans advanced in open ground under enemy fire and moved closer to remove the concealed markers.
A successful assault allowed the Partisans to enter a building at the end of turn 4 and with so few German troops remaining reach the objective point in round 5.