Victory Results:
 67 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  33 %
Total plays 3 - Last reported by PAB on 2022-06-11 20:22:51

June 11th, 1944. Just north of Carentan, France. Lt Col. Robert G. Cole moves from Bridge No.4 with his unit towards a key farm house. After being pinned by German fire for hours, Cole decides to bayonet charge the house. He calls for smoke to be deployed in the large open field and then the charge begins. The Germans are positioned in the surrounding buildings by the farm house as well as trenches in a nearby orchard. After the successful charge Lt Col. Cole would be awarded the Medal of Honor.

"Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in blood of his followers and sacrifices of his friends."
General Dwight D. Eisenhower

  American German
Division 1

5 Squad Bases
- 16 Regular Infantry
- 3 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer

1x Medic

3 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
Division 2

5 Squad Bases
- 16 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry

1x Medic

3 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew
Strategy Decks Command 1 Morale 1
Starting Strategy Cards 1 1
Operations Cards 012 Massive Confusion
006 Merciless Assault
014 No surrender
015 Shaken Defenders
Deployment Zone Any green hexes. Any hex on map tiles 11A, and 7A.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  
Objective The Americans immediately win if they have a unit in the building with the victory objective marker at the end of any round. The German player wins if the American player is unable to fulfill his objective by the end of round 8.
Rounds 8
Actions per turn 2 2
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules

During setup place a smoke marker in each hex with a yellow border. The smoke markers remain on the board until the end of turn four. At the end of the fourth turn remove all of the smoke markers.

Remove both of the "Take Down the Beast" cards from the Moral Deck I.

The German player may not have a concealed squad in the hex containing the victory objective marker.


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alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 7 months ago
breversa (Jul 11, 2009)

I played this scenario tonight for the first time and easily won as the Americans.

The "Shaken defender" card is such a malus to the Germans ! It almost turn the german defensive position into paper ! And combined numerical superiority, the US can suppressive-fire once at each german unit to pin them (effectively silencing them, except the hexes with officers) and then quickly cross the boards unharmed with the rest of the units.

My opponent had set up forward defensive positions in the two small buildings (with one neutral command point markers) and forest border closest to the smoke markers, but by turn 3, even after after losing my 9-dice elite assault squad, I was easily overrunning and bypassing his positions. I did no even try to assault his buildings again : each defending squad simply got pinned by a passing fire-and-moving unit (ONE successful hit being enough !)... Oh, and by the way : I had so many units that I actually forgot one on its starting position in the forest...

After the battle was over, my friend and I wondered about several points and thought about a better strategy : the only suitable solution for the defenser seems to concentrate his troops (at least the MG and one officer) in the victory hex building and wait for the americans to come and try to assault them.

Setting forward defenses was useless, as the "Shaken defenders" card negates their cover (although the squads cannot be routed thanks to the "No surrender" card), and they would be quickly bypassed. On the other hand, bunching defenders in the victory building would force the Americans to either try to shoot them dead (but without concentrated fire due to the "Massive confusion" card, that could take quite some time... maybe too much.) or assault them (but 3 defending squads with MG can deal some MASSIVE retaliation).

In either case, the american numerical superiority or lengthy scenario duration would be enough to grind the german defense and eventually capture the victory hex. So my question is : is there a way for the Germans to tip the balance back ?

I thought about removing both the "Shaken defenders" and "Massive confusion" cards, but even then, 10 american units combining fire can take care of ANY unit if they have enough time (and 8 turn seems long enough !). What about simply reducing the duration to 6 turns, maybe ?