Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 1 - Last reported by JVHillegas-Elting on 2021-12-17 17:28:28

The Germans advanced 500 Km in the first eighteen days of the invasion of Operation Barbarossa. The German army ran into unexpected resistance near the town of Smolensk, about 400 km west of Moscow. Three Soviet armies, the 16th, 19th and 20th were encircled and destroyed south of the town. Though a significant number of men and equipment managed to escape the encirclement. The Red army began to recover and a new plan was made for the build up around Smolensk for a defensive line. The German plan was a pincer move with the second Panzer army coming from the south and the Third Panzer army coming from the North. But they didn't know about the Soviet Build up.

  Soviet German
Division 1

4 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 2 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

6 T-34/76 Tank 
1 Zis-3 76.2 Gun

1x AntiTank
1x Concealed Concealed

6 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 3 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 3 Machine Gun Crew
- 2 Mortar Crew

2 STuG III Tank
1 PAK 40 AT Gun
1 OB Truck

1x Engineer

Division 2

5 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 2 Machine Gun Crew
- 3 Mortar Crew

1 Zis-3 76.2 Gun
1 GMC 353

1x Sabotage
1x Concealed Concealed

5 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 2 Machine Gun Crew
- 2 Mortar Crew

6 Panzer IV Tank 

1x Engineer
1x AntiTank

Strategy Decks Artillery 1
Combined Air Support 1 (shared)
Ground Support 1
Combined Air Support 1 (shared)
Starting Strategy Cards 2 3
Operations Cards 043 Tank Riders
040 Lack of Tank Radios
009 Tank Ace
008 Lay Smoke
Deployment Zone Division 1: Dark Brown hexes on maps 12A and 5A.
Division 2: Light Brown hexes on maps 11A and 8B.
Division 1: Dark Gray hexes on maps 3A and 1A.
Division 2: Light Gray hexes on map 1A.
Starting Initiative   Initiative Token

Defend the Bridge, fords (if found on the river), and villages to help the 3rd Army to cross into town on it's counter-offensive.

The Bridge is worth 5 points, the ford is worth 4 and each village is worth 3 points. The crossroad is worth 1 point.

Attack and seize the bridge, fords (if found on the river), and villages to facilitate the 7th Panzer Group's attack on Smolensk.

The Bridge is worth 5 points, the ford is worth 4 and each village is worth 3 points. The crossroad is worth 1 point.

Rounds 10
Actions per turn 3 3

Status Phase of Round 5 on the eastern most edge of the board
9 Infantry
1 Officer,
2 MG Crew
1 Mortar
1x AntiTank

2 T76 tanks 

Status Phase of Round 4 on the western most edge of the board.
2 Stug III
1 Panzer IV
3 Elite Infantry
1 Officer
Special Rules
  • The Soviet player will secretly roll a D10, on a 1-5, the victory marker in the river is on a Ford. If it is not, check the river hex south of the victory marker. The Germans must get an engineer unit adjacent to the victory marker to determine if a ford is in a possible ford space. To cross the ford, use two moment points for the river and one for the shore on the other side. The river is deep except at the ford.
  • The Soviet Player can also place 4 Instant mines on the east side of the village.
  • The Russians should keep the tank ace a secret, but write down which take has it, so you know and can play it correctly.
  • The Stug III is a stand in for the Panzer III with the following attributes; Range: Inf; 5 Arm; 6 Firepower: Inf; 6 Arm; 6 Armor; 3 Move; 6 with CF,OR. Sturdy. AT gun and one squad may start off being transported by the trucks.


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JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
3 years 3 weeks ago
It's great to have this online resource and community, for just this reason!

Going forward, particularly for player-created scenarios, I'll definitely do a more thorough job of taking notes about questions and potential issues I have, and then documenting those here. I mostly play solo, and when I play a scenario I usually play it 4-6 times before shifting to another one. This helps me learn the game, and evolve my strategies. It also reflects the fact that I generally fail miserably at one side or the other the first time or two, before I figure-out my tactical mistakes and win with the other faction.
alecrespi replied the topic:
3 years 3 weeks ago

A lack of clarity with some of the scenario detailed required me to make some of my own tweaks, and trial them in play.
Hi James,
I'm happy to hear some feedback from another player.
Playing with a friend of mine we stumbled upon similar issues on other scenarios.
Please share your tweaks when ready so that we can try to fix "broken" or "unenjoyable" scenarios for better gaming experience.
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
3 years 3 weeks ago
I played this one back in July 2019, and found its design and phrasing a bit rough around the edges. A lack of clarity with some of the scenario detailed required me to make some of my own tweaks, and trial them in play.