Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by PAB on 2024-08-11 17:04:26

June 24, 1941 The Germans have crossed the Bug river and are in full attack formations facing east. The Soviets have fortified hill 53 with bunkers, anti-tank guns, and tank support. Portions of the German Panzer Grenadier Regiment 33 must take and hold road hex and bunker by the end of the firefight.

“The 1st Pz Grenadier platoon has been ordered to take a Soviet stronghold situated on a critical position of hill 53 east of the village of Orlanka. We are told that the Soviets are well entrenched and also have tank support. Eightyfive percent of our Panzers are in operational order and they leave within the hour.” - Oberleutnant Rudi Dacher

Freely inspired by Conflict of Heroes - Awakening the Bear

  Soviet German
Division 1

5 Squad Bases
- 13 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

1x AntiTank
2x Concealed Concealed

1x Zis-3 AT Gun
2x T-34 tanks

4x Panzer IV tanks

Division 2



4 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 2 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

1x LMG

1x Opel Blitz truck
1x SdkFz251 Half-Track

Strategy Decks Tank Buster Leadership Blitzkrieger Leadership
Starting Strategy Cards 1 1
Operations Cards 021 Fuel Shortages 018 Seize the Initiative
054 Shield of Armor
Deployment Zone

Anywhere on maps 12A, 5B, 12B, 11B, 8A and 7B.

The AT Gun can be placed inside the bunker.

Place 2x entrenchments anywhere on the map.

Div.1: Light grey hexes.
Div.2: Dark grey hexes.
Starting Initiative Setup First Initiative Token

Defend the bunker (Objective marker) for the duration of the match.

Conquer the bunker (Objective marker) by the end of the game.

Rounds 6
Actions per turn 3 3
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules -  
Terrain Features -


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pino replied the topic:
1 year 7 months ago
Played the scenario with my friend Ale yesterday.
At first glance it seemed to be a really hard task for the German Player to gain the control of the Bunker on board 12B: The 2 T-34 and the Zis-3 ATG are dangerous foe for the Panzer IV and for the SdkFz251 Half-Track.
For the first 2 rounds German troops spend their time trying to defeat the formidable resistance of the Soviet defense deployed on board 7B & 8A, suffering critical casualties (1 Pz IV destroyed, 1 Pz IV heavy damaged, 1 Pz IV lightly damaged and a MG squad almost wipe out).
But at the start of the third round the tide change in favor of the German and, with a mixture of lucky strategy cards, good dice roll and a pinch of strategy, the final result was an unexpected German victory by the end of round 5.
Great scenario !!