Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 1 - Last reported by PAB on 2021-04-23 00:47:32

"Albany" and "Boston" were the code names chosen for the airborne operations that would put on Normandy at 101ª and 82ª divisions. There were two main objectives of the attack airborne, on the one hand they should help unlock the departures from Utah beach. The second goal was dobe, keep occupied the German forces of the inside and on the other try to stop the German reinforcements on the beach heads. The 101ª Airborne was the first unit to land on June 6 of 1944, around 01: 30H. His main goal was to become with control of the area towards the interior of Utah Beach. Su secondary objective was to protect the southern flank of the VII US Army, Los parachute regiments of the 502º y 506º, were in charge of the main goal. the departure from Utah. 

  American German
Division 1

5 Squad Bases
- 8 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 2 Machine Gun Crew

1x Medic
1x Engineer
1x Flamethrower

4 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

1x Engineer 

Division 2

5 Squad Bases
- 8 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 2 Machine Gun Crew

1x Medic
1x Engineer
1x Flamethrower

4 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 2 Mortar Crew

1 SdKfz 251 Halftrack

Strategy Decks Command 1 Artillery 1
Starting Strategy Cards 2 2
Operations Cards   012 Massive Confusion
Deployment Zone Any hexagon highlighted in green, jump zone C. The allied player will select a target hex for each platoon and the will be determined jump deviation, (1 red die and 1 die black). If in the final target hexagon there is a building, forest or it is a hexagon off the board, the unit will be lost in combat. The deviation factor for the parachute jumps is 5. Any grey hexes.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  

The Americans win the game if they control the three indicators of goal at the end of any round.

The Germans win the game if the American player fails meet your goal at the end of the round 6.
Rounds 6
Actions per turn 3 3
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules - -


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PAB replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
Thanks. Great website, by the way. This is a valuable resource for anyone who likes TOI.
alecrespi replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
For the paratroop jump I'll proceed like this:

1- select target hex
2- initial drift number is 5, so you have to roll 5 or 6 with the black dice to drop exactly on that hex.
3- roll both dice: black 1-4 determine drift vale, red 1-6 determine direction
4- building, forest or offboard means "unit lost"

Proceed like this with all other units.

After the first successful drop you can lower the drift number to 3 with "Enhanced LOS" (If the target token is located in a hex either containing, or adjacent to, any friendly unit).

That should lead to more survivng paratroopers...
alecrespi replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
I've double checked the original PDF file and I noticed that I made a mistake with the Objective marker on map 8B (it's not present and I'll remove it).
About paratroopo jump I would use the rules inside "Deployment Zone" section (similar to artillery attacks): select an hex and roll red/black dice for direction and deviation.

See "Determine Drift" here:
PAB replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
This scenario needs some work. The rules are unclear in several places (e.g., how to perform the paratroop jump) and the victory conditions seem to ignore the objective hex on board 8B. Plus, the US has no chance if even only a couple of squads are lost during the jump. One way to balance the scenario would be to give the US two consecutive turns to start or to employ some form of limited visibility or range since the jump occurred at night.