Here you will find various statistics about our scenario database.

Total Plays

All scenarios played a total of 10536 times


Full list

CategoryMap NameGamesTOP ArmyBOTTOM ArmyLast PlayerLast Game
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) DP01 Camden (16 August 1780) 3 67% 33% Fencer 2022-12-22
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) DP02 Bunker Hill (17 June 1775) 14 43% 57% Fencer 2022-11-13
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) DP03 Cowpens (17 January 1781) 2 0% 100% TRK27 2014-08-06
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) DP04 Guilford Court House (15 March 1781) 4 25% 75% Dawnreader 2021-04-10
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) DP05 Hubbardton (7 July 1777) 11 82% 18% Fencer 2022-11-24
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) MM01 Brandywine Creek (11 September 1777) 3 67% 33% Fencer 2022-10-30
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) MM02 Germantown (4 October 1777) 11 73% 27% Fencer 2022-12-14
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) MM03 Monmouth Courthouse (28 June 1778) 1 100% 0% alma1992 2014-07-17
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) MM04 Monmouth (28 June 1778) 7 71% 29% Fencer 2022-12-20
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) MM08 Bemis Heights (7 October 1777) 5 60% 40% Fencer 2022-12-09
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) MM09 Freeman's Farm (19 September 1777) 5 60% 40% Fencer 2022-12-04
Fifth Coalition (1809) 306 Clash At Pordenone (15 April 1809) 73 66% 34% trailblazer 2025-02-11
Fifth Coalition (1809) 307 Sacile (16 April 1809) 83 71% 29% Pevans 2024-08-12
Fifth Coalition (1809) 308 Teugen-Hausen (19 April 1809) 77 64% 36% Pevans 2024-09-08
Fifth Coalition (1809) 309 Rohr (20 April 1809) 69 41% 59% Pevans 2024-09-17
Fifth Coalition (1809) 310 Eggmühl - Day1 (21 April 1809) 94 39% 61% RiverWanderer 2025-02-03
Fifth Coalition (1809) 311 Eggmühl - Day 2 Attack on Eggmühl (22 April 1809) 49 49% 51% RiverWanderer 2025-01-27
Fifth Coalition (1809) 312 Eggmühl - Day 2 French Left (22 April 1809) 48 40% 60% Jamon79 2024-01-02
Fifth Coalition (1809) 313 Eggmühl - Day 2 French Right (22 April 1809) 38 16% 84% Jamon79 2024-01-02
Fifth Coalition (1809) 314 Eggmühl - Day 2 Alteglofsheim (22 April 1809) 32 38% 63% RiverWanderer 2024-04-19
Fifth Coalition (1809) 315 Aspern-Essling - Day 1 Aspern (21 May 1809) 51 35% 65% GG 2025-02-06
Fifth Coalition (1809) 316 Aspern-Essling - Day 1 Essling (21 May 1809) 52 46% 54% SiriuS 2025-02-05
Fifth Coalition (1809) 317 St. Michael-Leoben (25 May 1809) 51 57% 43% RiverWanderer 2024-12-31
Fifth Coalition (1809) 318 Wagram - Gross-Enzersdorf (5 July 1809) 82 46% 54% RiverWanderer 2024-10-01
Fifth Coalition (1809) 319 Wagram - Macdonald’s Square (6 July 1809) 34 56% 44% Jamon79 2024-02-10
Fifth Coalition (1809) 320 Wagram - Davout at Markgrafneusiedl (6 July 1809) 38 39% 61% GG 2024-09-17
Fifth Coalition (1809) AK01 Raab (14 June 1809) 6 33% 67% Fencer 2021-03-21
Fifth Coalition (1809) BH03 Landshut (21 April 1809) 5 80% 20% Hawkmoon 2019-04-12
Fifth Coalition (1809) BH08 Ölper (1 August 1809) 6 17% 83% GG 2022-11-22
Fifth Coalition (1809) DM01 Sacile (16 April 1809) 2 100% 0% Mark-McG 2018-08-31
Fifth Coalition (1809) EPIC03 Eggmühl (22 April 1809) Day 2 42 60% 40% NCF 2024-12-12
Fifth Coalition (1809) EPIC04 Aspern-Essling (21 May 1809) 26 46% 54% NCF 2024-12-08
Fifth Coalition (1809) EPIC05 Raab (14 June 1809) 28 50% 50% proyce 2023-05-13
Fifth Coalition (1809) MD12 - Eggmühl - "La Grande Battle - 22 April 1809) 2 50% 50% Seabadger 2021-04-28
Fifth Coalition (1809) MD13 - Aspern-Essling - "La Grande Battle" (21 May 1809) 3 0% 100% Shaq88 2017-05-01
Fifth Coalition (1809) SS01 Raszyn (19 April 1809) 1 0% 100% Bayernkini 2014-07-23
Fifth Coalition (1809) TC01 Raszyn (19 April 1809) 2 100% 0% Mattixswe 2021-08-30
First Coalition (1792-1797) GG06 Fleurus (26 June 1794) 34 53% 47% GG 2024-09-30
First Coalition (1792-1797) MM11 Jemappes (6 November 1792) 11 64% 36% miketodd 2023-11-19
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 201 Czarnowo (23 December 1806) 141 38% 62% Talik 2024-09-20
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 202 Golymin (26 December 1806) 91 62% 38% ReadyFreddie 2024-12-12
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 203 Pultusk (26 December 1806) 75 56% 44% Talik 2024-09-20
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 204 Mohrungen (25 January 1807) 68 26% 74% NicolasLL 2024-09-24
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 205 Eylau Plateau Russian Rearguard (7 February 1807) 95 25% 75% NicolasLL 2024-09-24
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 206 Eylau - 8AM to Noon (8 February 1807) 116 47% 53% NicolasLL 2024-09-24
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 207 Eylau - Murat’s Cavalry Charge (8 February 1807) 58 21% 79% NicolasLL 2024-11-12
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 208 Heilsberg - Opening Phase (10 June 1807) 81 43% 57% Dawnreader 2024-11-29
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 209 Friedland (14 June 1807) 61 33% 67% Talik 2024-09-20
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 401 Schleiz (9 October 1806) 92 49% 51% craigJ 2024-08-07
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 402 Saalfeld (10 October 1806) 66 23% 77% LtCol_Theodora_Fusilier 2024-04-27
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 403 Jena - Early Morning (14 October 1806) 110 35% 65% craigJ 2024-08-07
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 404 Auerstadt - 7am - Noon (14 October 1806) 80 20% 80% Mark-McG 2024-08-21
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 405 Halle - Morning (17 October 1806) 47 32% 68% craigJ 2024-08-07
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 406 Halle - Afternoon (17 October 1806) 38 24% 76% craigJ 2024-08-07
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 407 Altenzaun (26 October 1806) 54 61% 39% craigJ 2024-09-20
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 408 Zehdenick (26 October 1806) 31 16% 84% craigJ 2024-09-20
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 409 Prenzlau (28 October 1806) 34 18% 82% RiverWanderer 2024-11-06
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 410 Waren-Nossentin (1 November 1806) Waren 29 17% 83% RiverWanderer 2024-10-02
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 411 Waren-Nossentin (1 November 1806) Nossentin 32 41% 59% craigJ 2024-09-20
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) 412 Lübeck - North Gate (6 November 1806) 45 40% 60% craigJ 2024-09-20
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) AS01 Epic Eylau (8 February 1807) 6 50% 50% reways 2024-01-28
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) CS01 Epic Friedland - 14 June 1807 6 17% 83% Riclev 2025-02-12
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) KP02 Friedland (14 June 1807) 0 0% 0%
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) MD11 Golymin & Pultusk "La Grande Battle" (26 December 1806) 4 100% 0% NCF 2025-01-11
Fourth Coalition (1806-1807) MM14 Epic Heilsburg - 10 June 1807 - 7pm to 10pm 3 67% 33% NCF 2024-12-08
French Campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798–1801) ML01 Battle of the Pyramids (21 July 1798) 1 100% 0% GG 2016-03-24
French invasion of Russia (1812) 210 Borodino - Shevardino Redoubt (5 September 1812) 112 32% 68% Talik 2024-09-20
French invasion of Russia (1812) 211 Borodino - Village of Borodino (7 September 1812) 139 52% 48% TheMP 2024-09-29
French invasion of Russia (1812) 212 Borodino - Utitza (7 September 1812) 70 36% 64% trailblazer 2024-10-22
French invasion of Russia (1812) 213 Borodino - Raevski Redoubt (7 September 1812) 88 59% 41% SiriuS 2025-02-05
French invasion of Russia (1812) 214 Polotsk (18 October 1812) 48 44% 56% trailblazer 2024-10-22
French invasion of Russia (1812) 215 Maloyaroslavets (24 October 1812) 94 47% 53% trailblazer 2024-10-22
French invasion of Russia (1812) 216 Krasnoi (17 November 1812) 37 30% 70% trailblazer 2024-11-11
French invasion of Russia (1812) 217 Crossing the Berezina (27-28 November 1812) 91 53% 47% bartok 2024-12-14
French invasion of Russia (1812) GG04 Berezina Epic (27/28 November 1812) 18 44% 56% Riclev 2024-09-03
French invasion of Russia (1812) KP03 Borodino - All-In-One (7 September 1812) 2 50% 50% Warboard 2021-09-18
French invasion of Russia (1812) MD07 - 1st Battle of Polotsk - 17-18 August 1812 16 38% 63% GG 2024-11-21
French invasion of Russia (1812) MD09 Borodino - Shevardino Redoubt & Utitza "La Grande Battle" (5 September 1812) 4 50% 50% GG 2015-09-21
French invasion of Russia (1812) MD10 Borodino - Village of Borodino & Raevski Redoubt - "La Grande Battle" (5 September 1812) 2 50% 50% Hexagoon 2018-02-28
French invasion of Russia (1812) MM15 Epic Smolensk (17 August 1812) 4 0% 100% NCF 2024-12-08
French invasion of Russia (1812) MM16 Valutino Gora (19 August 1812) 1 100% 0% Mark-McG 2021-11-25
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 001 Roliça (French First Position) (17 August 1808) 385 48% 52% SiriuS 2025-02-08
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 002 Roliça (French Second Position) (17 August 1808) 202 31% 69% Lempoksnis 2025-02-03
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 003 Vimiero (21 August 1808) 251 45% 55% Lempoksnis 2025-02-09
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 004 Corunna (16 January 1809) 237 54% 46% Talik 2024-09-20
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 005 Talavera (28 July 1809) 257 47% 53% utl94 2024-12-28
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 006 River Coa (24 July 1810) 178 60% 40% NightOwl3 2024-12-30
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 007 Bussaco (Reyner's Assault) (27 September 1810) 187 43% 57% Mark-McG 2024-12-10
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 008 Bussaco (Ney's Assault) (27 September 1810) 205 46% 54% Mark-McG 2025-01-29
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 009 Combat at Redinha (12 March 1811) 124 62% 38% krimer 2025-02-04
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 010 Salamanca (Attack on the French Left) (22 July 1812) 167 46% 54% Talik 2024-09-20
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 011 Salamanca (Attack on the French Right) (22 July 1812) 113 58% 42% SiriuS 2025-02-06
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 012 Garcia Hernandez (23 July 1812) 116 54% 46% SiriuS 2025-02-08
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 013 Combat at Aire (2 March 1814) 137 39% 61% SiriuS 2025-02-03
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 101 Bailén (19 July 1808) 164 52% 48% GeneralLundquist 2025-01-24
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 102 Zornoza (31 October 1808) 76 79% 21% wirbi 2024-11-21
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 103 Gamonal (10 November 1808) 75 20% 80% wirbi 2024-11-21
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 104 Espinosa de los Monteros (10-11 November 1808) 111 49% 51% RiverWanderer 2025-01-24
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 105 Somosierra (30 November 1808) 65 26% 74% GG 2025-02-12
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 106 Medellín (28 March 1809) 93 54% 46% RiverWanderer 2024-12-02
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 107 Alcañiz (23 May 1809) 98 41% 59% RiverWanderer 2025-01-29
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 108 María (15 June 1809) 58 38% 62% Talik 2024-09-20
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 109 Talavera - Spanish Flank (28 July 1809) 93 52% 48% Talik 2024-09-20
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 110 Tamames (18 October 1809) 67 37% 63% Talik 2024-09-20
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 111 Ocaña - Cavalry Action (18 November 1809) 48 17% 83% RiverWanderer 2025-02-11
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 112 Ocaña (19 November 1809) 43 35% 65% Mark-McG 2024-11-14
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 113 Alba de Tormes (28 November 1809) 39 0% 100% Mark-McG 2024-11-26
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 114 Barrosa (5 March 1811) 109 58% 42% Mark-McG 2025-02-11
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 115 Albuera (16 May 1811) 70 24% 76% krimer 2025-02-15
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 116 Vitoria (21 June 1813) 65 29% 71% Jerjinski 2024-09-22
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 117 San Marcial (31 August 1813) 37 78% 22% Jerjinski 2025-01-12
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 118 Ordal Cross (13 September 1813) 65 43% 57% Jerjinski 2025-01-12
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 501 Sahagun - Cavalry Action (21 December 1808) 26 15% 85% RiverWanderer 2025-01-03
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 502 Sorauren - French right early afternoon (28 July 1813) 68 50% 50% ReadyFreddie 2024-12-30
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 503 Sorauren - French left (28 July 1813) 41 54% 46% ReadyFreddie 2025-01-03
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 516 Orthez - French Right (27 February 1814) 32 50% 50% Jamon79 2024-02-23
Peninsular War (1808-1814) 517 Orthez - French Left (27 February 1814) 56 48% 52% ReadyFreddie 2025-02-03
Peninsular War (1808-1814) CK01 Sahagun (21 December 1808) 13 38% 62% RiverWanderer 2021-12-07
Peninsular War (1808-1814) EA01 Majadahonda (11 August 1812) 4 0% 100% RiverWanderer 2023-11-16
Peninsular War (1808-1814) EPIC02 Vimeiro (21 August 1808) 65 42% 58% trailblazer 2024-08-28
Peninsular War (1808-1814) EPIC06 Talavera (28 July 1809) 21 38% 62% bartok 2025-01-18
Peninsular War (1808-1814) EPIC07 Bussaco (27 September 1810) 22 27% 73% Riclev 2024-11-19
Peninsular War (1808-1814) EPIC08 Salamanca (22 July 1812) 39 46% 54% bartok 2024-06-23
Peninsular War (1808-1814) EPIC09 Sorauren (28 July 1813) 18 50% 50% ReadyFreddie 2025-01-19
Peninsular War (1808-1814) EPIC11 Orthez (27 February 1814) 23 43% 57% Mark-McG 2025-01-04
Peninsular War (1808-1814) JH01 Las Eras (15 June 1808) 1 100% 0% RamyRock 2020-08-09
Peninsular War (1808-1814) KB02 Évora (29 July 1808) 1 100% 0% Mark-McG 2023-08-07
Peninsular War (1808-1814) LGB02 Vimeiro (21 August 1808) 17 41% 59% Freeloading-Phill 2025-02-09
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MD01 Salamanca "La Grande Battle" (22 July 1812) 14 71% 29% Mark-McG 2021-12-30
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MD02 Vimiero BT (21 August 1808) 24 38% 63% Freeloading-Phill 2022-03-08
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MD03 Bussaco "La Grande Battle" (27 September 1810) 7 71% 29% LNAGary 2016-02-21
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MD04 Corunna BT (16 January 1809) 5 60% 40% MajorPoldark 2024-03-10
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MD05 Talavera BT (28 July 1809) 4 50% 50% Bayernkini 2012-07-21
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MD06 Talavera "La Grande Battle" (28 July 1809) 3 33% 67% Gormo 2023-03-04
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MD08 Gebora (19 February 1811) 8 50% 50% Mark-McG 2025-02-03
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MM13 Epic Albuera - 16 May 1811 4 0% 100% Riclev 2025-01-15
Peninsular War (1808-1814) MM18 Epic Vitoria (21 June 1813) - British Right flank 5 60% 40% bartok 2024-10-12
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PD01 Orthez (27 February 1814) 11 9% 91% Hawkmoon 2019-04-28
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PD02 Venta del Pozo (23 October 1812) 1 0% 100% Epaminondas 2011-02-17
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PD03 Sorauren - First battle (28 July 1813) 2 100% 0% Mark McG 2014-10-25
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PD04 Roncesvalles Pass (25 July 1813) 0 0% 0%
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PM01 Sagunto - French left (25 October 1811) 0 0% 0%
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PM02 Foz do Arouce (15 March 1811) 0 0% 0%
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PM03 Fuentes de Oñoro - 3rd day (5 May 1811) 3 33% 67% proyce 2020-01-28
Peninsular War (1808-1814) PM04 Lizaso - Beunza (30 July 1813) 1 0% 100% Mark McG 2014-10-24
Peninsular War (1808-1814) WO01 Fuentes de Oñoro (3 May 1811) 1 100% 0% Fencer 2022-02-13
Peninsular War (1808-1814) WO02 Crossing the Douro River (12 May 1809) 1 0% 100% Mark-McG 2024-03-19
Peninsular War (1808-1814) WO03 The Bridge at Almaraz (18-19 May 1812) 0 0% 0%
Peninsular War (1808-1814) WO04 Castalla (13 April 1813) 0 0% 0%
Second Coalition (1798-1802) EA02 Castricum (6 October 1799) 11 45% 55% miketodd 2023-11-19
Second Coalition (1798-1802) FG01 Alentejo (May / June 1801) 22 55% 45% GG 2024-10-04
Second Coalition (1798-1802) GG07 Marengo (14 June 1800) 16 50% 50% GG 2024-10-23
Second Coalition (1798-1802) MD17 Messkirch (5 May 1800) 16 63% 38% GG 2024-10-06
Second Coalition (1798-1802) MM06 Hohenlinden (3 December 1800) 5 60% 40% Fencer 2019-12-03
Second Coalition (1798-1802) MM07 Hohenlinden BT (3 December 1800) 0 0% 0%
Second Coalition (1798-1802) MM12 Campo Maior - May 1801 2 0% 100% Hawkmoon 2023-11-05
Seventh Coalition (1815) 014 Quatre Bras (16 June 1815) 190 38% 62% Dawnreader 2024-11-17
Seventh Coalition (1815) 015 Waterloo (18 June 1815) 188 33% 67% SiriuS 2025-02-08
Seventh Coalition (1815) 418 Ligny (16 June 1815) 54 33% 67% Jamon79 2024-03-12
Seventh Coalition (1815) 419 Plancenoit (18 June 1815) 60 42% 58% Jamon79 2024-04-18
Seventh Coalition (1815) 420 Wavre (18 June 1815) 53 28% 72% kostas63 2024-10-08
Seventh Coalition (1815) 518 Hougoumont (18 June 1815) 31 68% 32% Hawkmoon 2024-08-30
Seventh Coalition (1815) GG02 Waterloo - All In One (18 June 1815) 37 57% 43% GG 2024-11-12
Seventh Coalition (1815) GG03 Waterloo Epic - All In One (18 June 1815) 55 51% 49% bartok 2024-12-02
Seventh Coalition (1815) KB01 Quatre Bras - Alternate (16 June 1815) 11 73% 27% RiverWanderer 2018-06-21
Seventh Coalition (1815) MB01 Issy (2nd July 1815) 3 0% 100% GG 2024-02-16
Seventh Coalition (1815) MD14 - Waterloo - "La Grande Battle" (18 June 1815) 8 63% 38% RiverWanderer 2021-02-06
Seventh Coalition (1815) MD15 - Waterloo - Alternate (18 June 1815) 11 55% 45% GG 2019-06-13
Seventh Coalition (1815) MD18 Waterloo - Breakthrough (18 June 1815) 2 50% 50% Bayernkini 2015-06-21
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 218 Champaubert (10 February 1814) 42 2% 98% RiverWanderer 2024-11-30
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 219 Montmirail (11 February 1814) 55 29% 71% trailblazer 2024-12-14
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 220 Craonne (7 March 1814) 40 20% 80% trailblazer 2024-12-14
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 413 Blankenfelde (23 August 1813) 24 67% 33% craigJ 2024-10-24
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 414 Grossbeeren (23 August 1813) 75 47% 53% SiriuS 2025-02-05
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 415 Dennewitz (6 September 1813) 112 38% 63% TheMP 2024-11-30
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 416 Laon - French Right (9&10 March 1814) 55 58% 42% Dawnreader 2024-11-17
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 417 Laon - French Left (9&10 March 1814) 34 29% 71% Dawnreader 2024-11-17
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 504 Göhrde (18 September 1813) 25 56% 44% RiverWanderer 2023-10-31
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 505 Wartenburg (3 October 1813) 46 63% 37% GG 2024-05-05
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 506 Dohna (9 October 1813) 17 71% 29% Jamon79 2024-01-13
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 507 Liebertwolkwitz - morning (14 October 1813) 36 33% 67% Jamon79 2024-02-18
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 508 Liebertwolkwitz - afternoon (14 October 1813) 42 64% 36% RiverWanderer 2024-12-12
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 509 Lindenau (16 October 1813) 48 52% 48% Riclev 2025-02-15
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 510 Möckern - French Right (16 October 1813) 22 14% 86% GG 2024-05-16
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 511 Möckern - French Left (16 October 1813) 38 37% 63% Jamon79 2024-03-09
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 512 Gohlis (17 October 1813) 30 50% 50% GG 2024-04-28
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 513 Brienne (29 January 1814) 38 34% 66% Jamon79 2024-01-13
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 514 Chateau-Thierry (12 February 1814) 40 68% 33% Jamon79 2024-02-18
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) 515 Vauchamps (14 February 1814) 17 6% 94% RiverWanderer 2024-11-20
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH04 Lützen P1 (2 May 1813) 7 57% 43% sansmerci 2017-04-14
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH05 Lützen P2 (2 May 1813) 3 67% 33% Bayernkini 2017-11-29
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH06 Bautzen D1 (20 May 1813) 7 43% 57% LARS 2021-02-13
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH07 Bautzen D2 (21 May 1813) 2 100% 0% LARS 2021-02-17
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH10 Katzbach - Janowitz Plateau (26 August 1813) 3 0% 100% LARS 2021-02-24
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH11 Dresden - Day2 - French Right flank (27 August 1813) 19 47% 53% Dawnreader 2021-05-22
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH12 Dresden - Day2 - French Left flank (27 August 1813) 6 50% 50% LARS 2021-02-25
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH13 Lützen - French Right (2 May 1813) 1 100% 0% LARS 2021-02-11
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH14 Lützen - French Left (2 May 1813) 2 50% 50% LARS 2021-02-12
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) BH15 Lützen - Final Center Assault (2 May 1813) 3 67% 33% LARS 2021-02-13
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) EPIC10 Möckern (16 October 1813) 27 22% 78% NCF 2025-01-11
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) EPIC12 Laon (9-10 March 1814) 27 26% 74% bartok 2024-12-22
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) GG05 Leipzig Epic (16-19 October 1813) 18 56% 44% NCF 2024-12-08
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) MD16 Hanau (30 October 1813) 16 31% 69% LARS 2021-03-17
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) MD19 La Rothière (1st February 1814) 4 75% 25% GG 2019-11-19
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) MD21 Altenburg (28 September 1813) 10 50% 50% GG 2022-05-24
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) MD22 Bar-Sur-Aube (27 February 1814) 12 58% 42% RiverWanderer 2022-03-31
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) MD23 - Laon - "La Grande Battle" (9–10 March 1814) 0 0% 0%
Sixth Coalition (1813–1814) MM17 Epic La Rothiere (February 1, 1814) 3 67% 33% Hawkmoon 2024-11-24
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 301 Wertingen (8 October 1805) 120 34% 66% trailblazer 2024-12-14
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 302 Günzburg (9 October 1805) 108 58% 42% RiverWanderer 2025-01-14
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 303 Haslach-Jungingen (11 October 1805) 106 41% 59% trailblazer 2025-01-30
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 304 Elchingen (14 October 1805) 118 42% 58% trailblazer 2025-01-30
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 305 Mariazell (8 November 1805) 64 34% 66% trailblazer 2025-02-11
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 601 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) Sokolnitz & Telnitz 58 62% 38% RiverWanderer 2024-11-15
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 602 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) Davout’s Counter Attack 30 17% 83% Riclev 2025-01-29
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 603 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) Soult’s Center Attack 33 21% 79% Riclev 2025-01-23
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 604 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) Lannes vs Bagration 33 27% 73% RiverWanderer 2024-12-19
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 605 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) Russian Guardsmen 59 61% 39% Riclev 2025-01-16
Third Coalition (1803-1806) 606 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) Soult Attacks South 17 12% 88% Fencer 2024-08-26
Third Coalition (1803-1806) BH01 Caldiero (30 October 1805) 9 56% 44% ozzie 2024-07-07
Third Coalition (1803-1806) BH02 Dürenstein (11 November 1805) 5 60% 40% Mark-McG 2023-04-14
Third Coalition (1803-1806) BH09 Schöngrabern (16 November 1805) 4 25% 75% Mark-McG 2023-04-14
Third Coalition (1803-1806) EPIC01 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) 65 40% 60% NCF 2024-12-08
Third Coalition (1803-1806) GG01 Austerlitz - All In One (2 December 1805) 29 48% 52% srugge 2022-11-27
Third Coalition (1803-1806) GG09 Austerlitz LGB Alt (2 December 1805) 9 44% 56% GG 2024-02-15
Third Coalition (1803-1806) KP01 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) 13 46% 54% GG 2024-11-05
Third Coalition (1803-1806) LC01 Maida (4 July 1806) 8 38% 63% Mark McG 2012-05-27
Third Coalition (1803-1806) LGB01 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) 18 28% 72% RiverWanderer 2024-12-07
Third Coalition (1803-1806) MD20 Amstetten (5 November 1805) 21 62% 38% Mark-McG 2023-04-14
Third Coalition (1803-1806) PS01 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) 0 0% 0%
Third Coalition (1803-1806) PS04 Austerlitz - Right Flank (2 December 1805) 0 0% 0%
Third Coalition (1803-1806) PS05 Austerlitz - Center (2 December 1805) 0 0% 0%
Third Coalition (1803-1806) PS06 Austerlitz - Left Flank (2 December 1805) 1 100% 0% Bayernkini 2016-05-16
Various Scenarios (unsorted) GG00 The Lost Battle (13 Feb 1809) 9 22% 78% GG 2024-04-03
Various Scenarios (unsorted) GG08 The Lost Battle EPIC (13 Feb 1809) 6 33% 67% bartok 2023-12-07
Various Scenarios (unsorted) HR01 Puebla (5 May 1862) 1 100% 0% srugge 2023-05-03
Various Scenarios (unsorted) LC02 Saratoga - Second Day (9 May 1815) 0 0% 0%
Various Scenarios (unsorted) MM05 Assaye (23 September 1803) 2 0% 100% Freeloading Phill 2015-07-30
Various Scenarios (unsorted) MM10 Balaclava (25 October 1854) 1 0% 100% Bayernkini 2016-10-16
Various Scenarios (unsorted) PS02 Kolín - Morning (18 June 1757) 1 100% 0% Bayernkini 2016-06-04
Various Scenarios (unsorted) PS03 Kolín - Afternoon (18 June 1757) 0 0% 0%


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GG replied the topic:
9 years 2 days ago
WOAAAAAA! Thank you so much Alessandro Caesar Imperator!

I just discovered this by hasard through a post:

I'm surprise dI didn't saw it directly inside you website while posting my results!

It's HUUUUGE! Thank you so much!