The latest news from Commands and Colors Napoleonics website
As of now the voting/match record system is working properly again.
Again, please report any issues in the forum.
Thank you so much Robert for helping us overcome this obstacle!
Happy logging to everyone.
As you may have noticed, for about a couple of weeks I worked on the migration of the platform on which this website is developed.
Now everything should be operational, except the Vote plugin.
Thank you for your patience with this necessary upgrade, and your continued understanding whilst we get the scenario victor polling working again.
Please report any problems to
Thank you for your support.
As most of you know, GMT Games is out of stock on a LOT of C&C series games and modules. Here's some perspective and updated news from Tony Curtis, who manages both GMT Gmaes financials and production:
"We had to solve a puzzle: How to get many of the Commands and Colors games back in stock when wood costs have skyrocketed and P500 reprint orders (and thus available funds for the reprints) are lackluster. We know from dealers that there is demand for out-of-print C&C games, but it is not translating into reprint orders on our website. The short-term answer is that we have obtained favorable financing to assist in reprinting many of the C&C Napoleonics games plus C&C Medieval and C&C: Samurai Battles. Stand by for more news and for new/updated P500 listings in December. The ultimate size of the reprints will depend on all of you and your reprint orders because the loan will not cover large numbers of each." - Tony
Hi guys,
I've just published one new epic scenario from Guillaume Gleize.
GG08 The Lost Battle EPIC (13 Feb 1809) |
You can see all his scenarios from his designer page.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
'CCN Scenario Designer' and 'CCN Game Assistant', which together form the 'CCN Game Support' applications suite, are complimentary programs that are primarily intended to support face-to-face play of the 'Commands and Colors: Napoleonics' game system. They are not intended to be a substitute for the CCN Vassal module (and currently only run under MS Windows).
'CCN Scenario Designer' enables the creation and modification of game scenarios which can then be used within 'CCN Game Assistant' to keep track of, and record, progress of a game.
'CCN Game Assistant' also provides aids for game play (such as sequence of play guidance, line of sight and combat dice calculations). Both applications cater for all three of the gameboard sizes, and the 'CCN Scenario Designer' package includes all of the standard and expansion set scenarios.
The applications come with an extensive help facility.
More information on the applications and installation can be found in the following CCN forum thread:
Many thanks to Rob for developing them!
I've recently been contact by one of Richard Borg playtesters (Steven Malecek) asking for permission to post his "solitaire rules".
Here they are, with his introduction:
I am one of Richard's playtesters for 20 years now, during the Flu Pandemic we have found it hard to play, I know there are solitaire rules out there that have been adapted from other games to use with C&C but I have come up with this simple set of solitaire rules. I have tested it over 60 games at least 5 times with each version and it works well even using Combat/Tactical Cards and in EPIC modes.
Solitaire Command and Colors |
Many thanks to Andreas for translating rules to german keep original layout!
Here you can find a direct link.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi guys,
some updates from Guillaume Gleize.
One updated and two new scenarios!
Here they are
GG00 The Lost Battle (13 Feb 1809) new |
GG06 Fleurus (26 June 1794) update |
GG07 Marengo (14 June 1800) new |
You can see all his scenarios from his designer page.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
I've just published a couple new scenarios from Guillaume and a the very fisrt from François.
Details in their scenario designer page:
Hi guys,
I've just published 2 new scenarios from Guillaume Gleize.
Here they are
GG03 Waterloo Epic (18 June 1815) |
GG04 Berezina Epic (27/28 November 1812) |
You can see all scenarios from Kirill in his designer page.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
I've just published 2 new scenarios from Kirill Penteshin.
Here they are
KP03 Borodino (7 September 1812)
You can see all scenarios from Kirill in his designer page.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
another year passed by and we have to prepare for the brand new 2018!
This website is a "one men" work so feel free to contribute in every way you decide using the PAYPAL icon on the top-right corner.
Thank you in advance.
I'm cross posting this message on all other C&C website.
Hi guys,
I've finally managed to publish 3rd edition rules.
You can find them in download section.
Published the latest "Downloadable FAQ" (v 1.8)
You can find it here.
Hi guys,
I've just published 2 new scenarios from Brad Hurst.
Here they are
BH13 Lützen - French Right (2 May 1813)
BH14 Lützen - French Left (2 May 1813)
You can see all scenarios from Brad HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Published the latest "Downloadable FAQ" (v 1.7)
You can find it here.
On top menu under "The Game" section you will now find "Expansion 6" with full details about:
Next you will also find the complete scenario list with all scenarios from CCN Exp#6 Epic Battles.
Expansion 6 Official Scenarios
Many thanks to GMT Games LLC and to Mr Tony Curtis (Production Coordinator) for granting us the permission to publish all these materials.
Also great thanks goes to Michael Dippel for updating Vassal module and for setting up all these scenarios on Vassal.
Hi guys,
It looks like yesterday when I decided to group all C&C website under a single web domain ( but a full year has passed!
A single domain has the great benefit to ask for a single renewal so I'm here asking for your contribution to keep this website free, updated and without annoying ads!
Feel free to contribute in every way you decide using the PAYPAL icon on the top-right corner.
Thank you in advance.
I'm cross posting this message on all other C&C website.
Published the latest "Downloadable FAQ"
You can find it here.
Hi guys,
Recently Michael and Guillaume updated some of their scenarios.
You can find them here
MD07 Polotsk - First Day of Battle (17 October 1812)
GG01 Austerlitz - All In One (2 December 1805)
Michael has refreshed Vassal extension too.
Hi guys,
I've just published the latest "Downloadable FAQ" provided by Michael Dippel.
You can find it here.
Michael updated the vassal module too (version 3.3)!!!
Hi guys,
many thanks to Michael Dippel who updated Vassal game module (and extension) to V3.2, fixing some main module issues.
You can find the main module and fanscenario extension in Download section.
Enjoy playing!
Hi guys,
Michael just sent me an updated version of "Printable FAQs" (v 1.3).
You can find it here
Thank you Michael for sharing it!
Many thanks to Brad for uploading this file.
This is a compilation document created using sources from C&C Napoleonics website that puts all rules and a few clarifications not in the main rulebooks into a handy reference. I hope you will find usefulness in it.
Enjoy it!
Hi guys,
I've changed a little bit "top menu".
After login the right most link will be changed in "user" menu with the following "submenu":
These should be "self explanatory"... :D
I've also tried to introduce "Played Games" as a sort of "own played game record". Every users should see his own played games.
Let me know if you'd like to have more details under this menu.
Hi guys,
finally I've updated some "missing" scenarios submitted by fan users.
You should find them on top left box called "Latest Maps".
Many thanks to Michael for sending me scenario pictures and obviously to Mark and Donoug for sharing their scenarios!
P.S. Donogh McCarthy is a "new scenario Designer"! WELCOME!
Hi guys,
many thanks to Michael Dippel who updated Vassal game module (and extension) to V3, adding new materials.
You can find the main module and extension in Download section.
Hi guys,
thanks to Michael I've finally manged to publish all scenarios from Expansions#5.
You can find them HERE.
Next step will be trying to fix unit/terrain counts.
Michael is also preparing Vassal game module update.
Stay tuned and enjoy playing!
On top menu under "The Game" section you will now find "Expansion 5" with full details about:
Next you will also find the complete scenario list with all scenarios from CCN Exp#5 Generals, Marshals & Tacticians.
Many thanks to GMT Games LLC and to Mr Tony Curtis (Production Coordinator) for granting us the permission to publish all these materials.
Welcome to a new scenario designer: Petr Šilha !
You can see his very first scenario here:
PS01 Austerlitz (2 December 1805) |
You can see all scenarios from Petr HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
in the past months Brad Hurst submitted several scenarios...
Here you can see the latest 4 of them:
BH08 Ölper (1 August 1809) |
BH09 Schöngrabern (16 November 1805) |
BH10 Katzbach - Janowitz Plateau (26 August 1813) |
BH11 Dresden - Day2 - French Right flank (27 August 1813) |
You can see all scenarios from Brad HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
During this year I've managed to create C&C BattleCry website, to stand among other C&C websites.
Over there you could find scenarios, rules, faqs and Vassal game modules all updated to latest version/revision/expansion.
Sometimes my intervention is timely, sometimes not so timely. So I want to personally Thank You for your patience.
In order to keep these three webistes online and running I'm here to ask for an effort to all users with whom I shared so far this wonderful adventure that I hope will continue for a long time.
Those who wish, without any obligation, could use PAYPAL form (available on right pane) and make its personal contribution.
Take care and have some nice Christmas Holidays!
Hi guys,
thanks to Michael I've finally manged to publish all scenarios from Expansions#4 (The Prussians).
You can find them HERE.
Next step will be trying to fix unit/terrain counts.
Michael is also preparing Vassal game module update.
Stay tuned and enjoy playing!
As promised... here ou can find updated Vassal module and extension!
Welcome to a new scenario designer: Brad Hurst !
You can see his very first scenarios here:
BH01 Caldiero (30 October 1805) |
BH02 Dürenstein (11 November 1805) |
You can see all scenarios from Brad HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Welcome to a new scenario designer: András Kopcsik !
You can see his very first scenario here:
AK01 Raab (14 June 1809) |
You can see all scenarios from András HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Welcome to a new scenario designer: José Herrera!
You can see his very first scenario here:
JH01 Las Eras (15 June 1808) |
You can see all scenarios from José HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
in the past months I've been a little busy so I slowed down C&C website updates... but finally I've spared some time to update Units and Terrains Sections.
You'll find them in the <-- Right menu under "Rules Menu".
In both sections I've updated values from Spanish, Russian and Austrian expansions.
Sorry for the delay...
Please report errors in the forum if you find any.
Welcome to a new scenario designers: David and Michael Pitts
Father and son submitted 5 scenarios included in "special" map category called American Revolutionary War (1775–1783).
You can see all scenarios from David and Michael HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Welcome to a new scenario designer: Mark McGilchrist!
He submitted 4 scenarios: Battles of Brandywine Creek, Germantown and Monmouth from the Philadelphia campaign of 1777-1778 in the American War of Independence.
To fit them I've also created a "special" map category called American Revolutionary War (1775–1783).
You can see all scenarios from Mark HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
A couple of lines to really thanks Michael Dippel and Larry Doherty who contributed again this year!
I'm taking this opportunity also to introduce you the new "CCN Support Banners": they are available for each year now for all, who supports the website with a gift at least of 5 € (each year).
You can see a banner preview below.
Another Year is passing by and we can turn back to see the path we followed:
2008 - launched website
2011 - launched website
2013 - launched website
Right now these websites are full with every available expansion (as to say units, scenarios, rules, faqs, online game modules).
We have 564 scenarios on CCA, 107 scenarios on CCN, 20 scenarios on CCS.
In the past months I've also tried to cut off some of the continuous "spam attempts" and sadly I have unwittingly created login problem to some of you... I've also managed to resolve them but I'll take this opportunity to apologize with you.
Sometimes my intervention is timely, sometimes not so timely. So again, I want to Thank You for your patience.
In order to keep these three webistes online and running I'm here to ask for an effort to all users with whom I shared so far this wonderful adventure that I hope will continue for a long time.
Those who wish, without any obligation, could use PAYPAL form (available on right pane) and make its personal contribution.
Take care and have some nice Christmas Holidays!
I'm happy to announce the publication of 2 new EPIC scenarios from Michael:
MD12 - Eggmühl - Day 2 French Left & Right (22 April 1809) |
MD13 - Aspern-Essling - Day 1 (21 May 1809) |
You can see all scenarios from Michael HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
On left menu under "Rules" you will find "Expansion 3" now with full details about:
Moreover you will also find a complete scenario list HERE, with all 20 scenarios from Exp#3 The Austrian Army.
Many thanks to GMT Games LLC and to Mr Tony Curtis (Production Coordinator) for granting us the permission to publish all these materials.
Hi guys,
many thanks to Michael (Bayernkini) for updating both Base and Epic game module to be used with Vassal.
Base Game Version 2.4 can be downloaded here
Epic Game Version 1.1 can be downloaded here
You can also find a module extension with included fan scenarios (already setup and ready to be played).
The Epic module is a “Stand-Alone” module (similar the CCA Epic module) with all base terrain and units.
In the fanscenario extension you will find all additional winter and desert maps/terrain, special units and all setups of the existing special map size fan scenarios.
Welcome to a new scenario designer: Keith Barker!
This is a modified Quatre Bras scenario that has been inspired by William Barnes Wollen's painting of the battle: Black Watch at Bay.
To this end the French lancers have been added and one of Picton's units upgraded to GR to represent the highlanders. The crossroads was vital so now the French must capture it in order to win. Kellermann's Cuirassiers and Cooke's Foot Guards are no longer available at the start of the battle.
You can see his very first scenario here:
KB01 Alternative Quatre Bras (16 June 1815) |
You can see all scenarios from Keith HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
after collecting a lot of stats in the past year about scenario playing, I've decided to publish a new webpage grouping them all. You will find the Statiscs HERE.
You can also reach them clicking MAPS section (on top of the page).
I hope you enjoy these ones!
Thank you for your contribution (stats submission) and don't hesitate to suggest even more on the Forum.
Many thanks to Mr Borg for sending us some "official answers" mainly about Fieldworks rules.
He also cleared out one doubt about river in Heilsbeg scenario.
I'd like to thank also Michael, for updating images for 205, 206, 207 and 208 scenarios.
Enjoy playing!
I'm happy to announce the publication of 3 new scenarios from Michael:
MD09 Borodino - Shevardino Redoubt & Utitza (5 September 1812) |
MD10 Borodino - Village of Borodino & Raevski Redoubt (5 September 1812) |
MD11 Golymin & Pultusk (26 December 1806) |
You can see all scenarios from Michael HERE.
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
many thanks to Michael (Bayernkini) for creating the Epic game module to be used with Vassal.
Version 1.0 can be downloaded here
You can also find a module extension with included fan scenarios (already setup and ready to be played).
The Epic module is a “Stand-Alone” module (similar the CCA Epic module) with all base terrain and units.
In the fanscenario extension you will find all additional winter and desert maps/terrain, special units and all setups of the existing special map size fan scenarios.
I'm happy to announce the publication of 4 new scenarios!
Two from Pascal:
PD03 Sorauren - First battle (28 July 1813) |
PD04 Roncesvalles Pass (25 July 1813) |
and two more from Michael:
MD07 Polotsk - First Day of Battle (17 October 1812) |
MD08 Gebora (19 February 1811) |
I should fix unit/terrain counts as soon as possible!
Enjoy playing and thank you for sharing!
Hi guys,
With the last maps from "Sixth Coalition" I've complete the publication of all Exp#2 scenarios (Russian Army).
I've fixed alla units and terrain count.
Moreover I should have correctly TAGged all scenario, to be more "search friendly".
See all scenarios from Exp#2 using this link (Expansion 2 Official Scenarios).
If you find some errors, please report it into the form and I'll going to fix it ASAP.
I'm really sorry for being so late during the publication process, thank you for your patience!
Enjoy your Napoleonic plays.
Hi guys,
I've just published some more scenarios from Exp#2 (Russian Army).
Actually you can find full battles from "French invasion of Russia".
You can find them HERE.
I have to fix units counts (where not set).
In the meantime you can see all published scenarios from Exp#2 using this link (Expansion 2 Official Scenarios).
Hi guys,
I've started to publish scenarios from Exp#2.
By now I've published battles from "The Fourth Coalition".
You can find them HERE.
I have to fix units and terrain counts (where not set).
Please be patient and I'll post all other scenarios in the following days.
Many thanks to Michael for supporting me in this.
On left menu under "Rules" section you will find "Expansion 2" now with full details about:
In the next days you will also find the complete scenario list HERE, with all 20 scenarios from CCN Exp#2 The Russian Army.
Many thanks to GMT Games LLC and to Mr Tony Curtis (Production Coordinator) for granting us the permission to publish all these materials.
Hi guys,
as a "new year gift" Michael (Bayernkini) completed the update for the vassal game module.
Version 2.2 can be downloaded here
The update is not compatible with old 2.1 version and also NOT to the fan "epic" expansion (this update will follow in future).
You can follow the forum thread here.
Thank you Michael.
Best wishes for NEW YEAR 2013 to you all.
Hi guys,
it's time for some more Variant / House Rules. I've published an article from Tony French (you will find it HERE) regarding Skirmishers and Evasions.
Don't forget to publish your comments and suggestions about this one in the linked forum.
I'll take this opportunity to post my personal best wishes to you all for this Christmas.
Hello everyone,
I've just published 2 more scenarios from Patrick Matthews.
PM03 Fuentes de Oñoro - 3rd day (5 May 1811) |
PM04 Lisazo - Beunza (30 July 1813) |
You can download VSAV files in Download section to play them online using Vassal Engine.
I've also completed unit count for every Exp#1 scenario!
I hope you enjoy it.
Keep up playing and sharing scenarios, results and suggestions.
in the past week I've updated all scenario map pictures with new unit graphics from "unofficial vassal module"!
Many thanks to Michael Dippel for helping me out on this!
Moreover you'll find one more scenario from Patrick Matthews (his scenario are available in Download section).
PM02 Foz do Arouce (15 March 1811) |
I'm also updating Exp#1 scenario pages with "unit count", stay tuned!
Thank you for your support!
Keep up playing.
Hi, here you'll find a couple new scenarios!
Patrick Matthews created his very first scenario
PM01 Sagunto - French left (25 October 1811) |
while Laurence Cutner created a scenario about the battle of Saratoga (from the American War of Independence)
LC02 Saratoga - Second Day (9 May 1815) |
Thank you both for these submissions and please don't stop creating new scenarios!!!
Enjoy playing.
Hi guys,
this one to let you know that Variants section is finally open!!!
I've just published first House Rule article from Bill Ray and Mike Oliver (you can find it HERE).
Don't forget to publish your comments and suggestions about this one in the linked forum.
Hi guys,
some days ago Bayernkini updated his "unofficial vassal module" (v 2.1) and extension (v 1.72).
In download section you will find
Thank you Michael for this great update.
Michael also spotted an error in 101 Bailén (19 July 1808) scenario image, so I've fixed it.
Moreover I've published his latest epic scenario: MD06 Talavera EPIC (28 July 1809).
Enjoy playing.
Hello everyone!
I've just published 2 new scenarios by Walter O'Hara.
WO03 The Bridge at Almaraz (18-19 May 1812) |
WO04 Castalla (13 April 1813) |
VSAV files to play online using Vassal are available in Download section.
Thank you Walt for sharing this.
On left menu under "Rules" you will find "Expansion 1" now with full details about:
Moreover you will also find a complete scenario list HERE, with all 18 scenarios from Exp#1 The Spanish Army.
Many thanks to GMT Games LLC and to Mr Tony Curtis (Production Coordinator) for granting us the permission to publish all these materials.
Hello everyone!
We are starting this new year 2012 with some fresh additions:
Guillaume Gleize update his very first scenario and also created a new one
GG01 The Starter Battle (1810) |
GG02 Austerlitz (1805) |
Moreover Phill discovered online a website with 2 fan made scenario by Walter O'Hara. I've asked for permission to publish them so... here they are!
WO01 Fuentes de Oñoro (3 May 1811) |
WO02 Crossing the Douro River (12 May 1809) |
Thank you everbody for supporting the website that way!
Hi guys,
yesterday Bayernkini updated his "unofficial vassal module" and extension.
In download section you will find
Hi guys,
here they come some minor updates about:
We hope that you enjoy them as usual.
Hi guys,
as you've already seen in the past days we added something new:
We hope that you enjoy them as usual.
After receiving permission directly form GMT Games I've published following materials.
Recently we have changed/updated something on the website, so I'm here to sum it up:
Work in progress:
Every help will be really appreciated.
Thank you
Alessandro - Admin
Hi guys,
Michael Dippel released a new version of his unofficial module containing modified card deck for both Epic and Breakthrough scenarios (thanks to Chris Roper for producing the cards).
Read more to find some previews (map and cards) and also direct download link.
Enjoy playing.
Some times ago I've read some thread over BGG talking about "missing" (after the satisfactions around I've thought about it and after receiving permissions directly from GMT Games I've decided to create the "brother".
As previously suggested in BGG threads I've decided to keep them separate (so users will have to register again over here, sorry!) but Ive kept most of the features like Downloads, Scenario Results, Forum, Rules, ecc... trying to improve them.
I'm completely open to add new features or better ones, so don't hesitate to write them down in the forum.
Hope you like and enjoy it as we all did on website.
Website is officially Launched.
Some card preview from GMT website.