Victory Results:
 51 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  49 %
Total plays 55 - Last reported by bartok on 2024-12-02 20:13:36

Historical Background
Napoleon retained his strategic brilliance, placing his army squarely between the Prussian and Anglo-Allied armies on June 16th. His tactical genius was fading. He allowed an entire corps to countermarch aimlessly on the 16th, deny him the opportunity for a decisive victory either at Ligny or Quatre Bras. Instead, at the end of the day the beaten Prussians escaped at Ligny and Wellington still held the crossroads at Quatre Bras. On the 17th Napoleon turned his main strength towards the British, after detaching Grouchy with two corps to pursue the retreating Prussians and prevent them from uniting with Wellington. A massive storm drenched the area on the 17th as Napoleon advanced upon the Anglo-Allied army that was deploying for battle in front of Mount Saint Jean. The 18th dawned clear, but the rain-soaked ground still made maneuvering cavalry and artillery difficult, so Napoleon delayed the start of the battle, waiting for the ground to dry. Wellington fielded an Anglo-Allied army of 50,000 infantry, 11,000 cavalry and 150 guns. In front of his line, there were three strong positions; the château of Hougoumont, the hamlet of Papelotte and the farmhouse and orchards of La Haye Sainte. Many of his veteran regiments from Spain had been sent to Canada and the United States to fight the Americans. Napoleon’s army consisted of 48,000 infantry, 14,000 cavalry and 250 guns. Many of these troops were veterans of at least one campaign. It was about 11AM before Napoleon gave battle with artillery salvoes and ordered the initial assault against Hougoumont. The battle of Waterloo is well documented, and rather than skim through the account, it is recommended that players take advantage of the numerous sources available and enjoy reading about this epic struggle between two of the greatest commanders in history.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?



Battle Notes

Allied Army *
Commander: Wellington
6 Command Cards
3 Tactician Cards then draw 2 at the first arrival of the Prussians and 1 at the second arrival of the Prussians.
* The brown units represent the Nassau, Brunswick, Hanover and Dutch units. Use the brown blocks and apply all Portuguese rules for those Allied troops with one exception: The brown LN retreats 2 hexes for each flag.


French Army
Commander :Napoleon
6 Command Cards
4 Tactician Cards
Move First


15 Banners

Special Rules

  • The 3 buildings with blue borders are each 1 Temporary Victory Banners Objective hexes (Turn Start) for the French player.
  • Those 3 buildings also form a Temporary Majority Victory Banners Objective Hexes (Turn Start) worth 1 banner for the Allied player.
  • Prussian Reinforcements: The Allies player rolls 1 die at the start of each of his turn. If no Flag symbol, the timeline for the Prussian arrival increases by 1 (use any markers). When the timeline reaches 7 and 9, the Prussian reinforcements arrives. The Allies player must setup the Prussians units in any of the grey marked hexes. If not enough room or by choice, the extra units are lost. The Prussians can then be ordered immediately using command cards.
    At 7 the Prussians consists of 3x LN + 2x LT + 2x LC + 1x LNCR + 2 Leaders (Blücher & Bülow) + 2 Iron Will Markers
    At 9 the Prussians consists of 3x RI + 1x GR + 1x HC + 1x HA + 1 Leader (Ziethen) + 1 Iron Will Marker
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bartok replied the topic:
2 months 1 week ago
2nd game, 3 french vs 2 allied players
15-7 win french. Timeline 7 y 9.


bartok replied the topic:
2 months 4 weeks ago
Allies win 15-3 in 15 turns. Blucher breaks the french right sector (0 flags for prussians reinforcements)


bartok replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
perfect GG, i will play as soon as posible.
GG replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
PS > So yes your example was good for 2 flags > The Prussians arriving then in turns 9 and 11 (if the 2 flags were BEFORE the 1st reinforcement)! GG
GG replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
@bartok Hello,
First TY to make a try on my scenario and sorry for my poor English if some special rules are not clear.
At the start of his turn, the Allies player rolls a die. If the result is NOT a flag, he advance a count 1 by 1 (use anything to count or the counter on the side of the board if using Vassal). When rolling a flag, the count do not changes (the Prussians are late). When reaching 7 and 9, the Prussian reinforcements arrive as described!
Hope this helps?
bartok replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
The flags rolls increase the timeline of the prussians? Two flags, for example, increase 7+2=9 for the first wave and 9+2=11 for the second. Correct?

I have dudes because of: "If no Flag symbol, the timeline for the Prussian arrival increases by 1 (use any markers)". Can you explain it?
GG replied the topic:
1 year 9 months ago
TY for the battle report!
Did you feel the scenario balanced?
rear admiral bolitho replied the topic:
1 year 9 months ago
playing as British lost to the French 7-8
magooF15 replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago
Played it solo cuz I’m stuck in my “Covid Bunker” for 5 days while fending off the dreaded “RONA”. Probably tried to do a “d’Erlon’s Attack” in the center too early because I didn’t get a chance to soften up the Allied center enough. The result was a steady attrition of the French infantry by Allied rifle and cannon fire. The flanks were somewhat historically accurate with the French gaining a toehold on the right flank but never really getting anywhere around Hougomont. End result, the Prussian tide caved in what was left of the French right flank as the Young Guard sacrificed themselves in hopes of the Grumblers getting there to save the day…but it was too little, too late. Allied Victory 15-8. So GG I’m still confused, is the definitive special rule regarding the Prussians all come in on turn 9, or staggered 9 and 7? Great fun, gonna try it again allowing the French to soften the Allied middle before unleashing the French hordes.
GG replied the topic:
3 years 1 month ago
TY to be interested in this scenario.
For me I'm not sure to understand the first part of your question (sorry)?
The Prussians just play NORMALLY as soon they are arrive. All normal rules then apply.
The only point is if there is not enough ROOM (entry hex free) the moment they arrive: the extra units are lost!
Please only read the ACTUAL special rules IN the scenario. The discussions here may only be ideas!
(If any difference with the VASSAL rules, the rules HERE are the one updated). 
Regards - GG
ANDRE replied the topic:
3 years 1 month ago
While reading the thread, I'm a little confused, the Prussians go to free cells if they are busy, you can withdraw them in the next moves, although the rules say that if there is no space, then the units can no longer appear in the game, what will be the correct rule. We have always played who could not now enter the free cages that is lost forever.
GG replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago
Once again Gentlemen I completely disagree with the solution of 2 different number of banners whether for this scenario or for any other.
This system is no beautiful in my eyes and had never been used in any official scenario. On the other hand many other "traditional" way to "fix" a scenario exist. As I said: I'm really not sure this scenario is still unbalanced (I recently changed some rules in favor of the allies) and many other tries must be done.
I think the ideal for a scenario is to stand between 50% and 60% in favor of the historical winner. OK it's still not the case for this one but we need to give the new rule time to change the stats. If it was to stay this way after a delay, I could (for example) give the allies 1 VP for EACH ONE of the famous 3 objective buildings (instead of the actual 1VP for the majority). For sure you are free to play it with any house rule at home but on my side I will never put 2 different number of banners to reach in any of my scenarios. Keep on reporting the sessions.
Best regards Generals - GG
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago
Very interesting conversation indeed !
The arrival of the Prussians, the time we've been playing this map, gave an opportunity for the French side to score banners and win the game easily maybe because Prussians were weak against complete french units.
I like the idea of different number banners for each side.
Vive l'Empereur !
Vive la France !
Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago

1) Regarding Waterloo Epic, the game does not achieve G's goal of a likely Coalition victory (55%-60%).  My "fix" was to suggest that Prussian losses should not count against the Allies.  If this seems too generous, I simply am proposing some incentive for the French player to engage the Prussians.  

I would say this is something the Allied player needs to address, that the Prussians be sufficiently aggressive to force the French to engage them.

The game is unbalanced in favor of the French as it stands.

2) Regarding CCNapoleonics, the simple solution to many scenarios is to each side have different Banner targets.  Yes, for example, Victoria, a 71% French victory, should increase the flags needed by the French to win.  For example, increase the French target to 10 or 11 banners and keep the Coalition at 9 banners.

3) Extra banners for elite or guard units are also an excellent idea.  Note that only in 1 or my 3 Waterloo Epic plays did the OG become engaged, and it took a "Call Up the Reserves" Tacticians' card to make that happen.

Some while ago I proposed a bidding system that could be used to re-balance scenarios, and without re-iterating that, my original concept was to give the unfavoured side banners at start, but it would work equally well (and perhaps be better) by adding Banners to the favoured side equivalent to the bid.

So as an example, this scenario is to 15 banners. If a side bids 2 banners to play the Allies, then they would have to score 2 extra banners (17 in total).

I've found in Waterloo scenarios, I tend to draw the OG towards La Haye Sainte for the assault. They hit pretty hard with Forced March or Bayonet Charge.
GG replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago
Hello Generals!
First TY to play & appreciate this scenario.
Be very full of care: To judge the balance of a scenario needs many many tests! Some for example keep on making the Prussians arriving from the bottom side and get trapped by the French for a massacre! For me I use to win with the Prussians while refusing sometimes to enter all the reinforcements etc. So please keep on testing WITH DIFFERENT OPPONENTS! Plus in case (and after more tests with different players) the French seems always still too strong: I hate the solution of different VP goals but I still have in reserve some other classical solution to fix that. For example the 3 famous building hexes can also become EACH 1VP for the Allies (instead of only 1VP for the majority) etc.
Vive la Republique! Guillaume Gleize
Chasseurs a Cheval de la Garde Imperiale
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the reply.

1) Regarding Waterloo Epic, the game does not achieve G's goal of a likely Coalition victory (55%-60%).  My "fix" was to suggest that Prussian losses should not count against the Allies.  If this seems too generous, I simply am proposing some incentive for the French player to engage the Prussians.  That could take many forms.  It could be as I proposed - French earn 3 permanent banners upon eliminating 5 Prussian units (in your counter the Coalition would be giving up 11 units to avoid this!) or maybe 1 banner for every two Prussian losses.  If separate Banner totals were agreed upon, Coalition morale could even be increased upon the entry of Prussian reinforcements.  The possibilities are many.

The game is unbalanced in favor of the French as it stands.

2) Regarding CCNapoleonics, the simple solution to many scenarios is to each side have different Banner targets.  Yes, for example, Victoria, a 71% French victory, should increase the flags needed by the French to win.  For example, increase the French target to 10 or 11 banners and keep the Coalition at 9 banners.

3) Extra banners for elite or guard units are also an excellent idea.  Note that only in 1 or my 3 Waterloo Epic plays did the OG become engaged, and it took a "Call Up the Reserves" Tacticians' card to make that happen.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago

Game does illustrate one important fact about CCNappy: The relic from "Battle Cry" of the same VP target for both sides is problematic. Scenarios like this plus historical Allied wins like Victoria and Albuera lean towards the French more than they should.

It is simply time to recognize the obvious: Each side needs a separate "Demoralization (flag) target."

PS. If the typical victory target of 15 flags for both sides is kept, maybe Prussian losses should not be counted in the total or don't include Prussian losses and give the French a 3 permanent banner bonus when they destory 5 Prussian units???

isn't the 15 banners the demoralisation target?
or is the key word ' separate' , meaning different (e.g. 15 for the Allies, 17 for the French?

I can't think why the Prussians should count for less or more, and my understanding is that the Anglo-Allies had even less idea of what the Prussians were doing than the French. What you propose would be a reason to hold the Prussians off the map, or only commit 4 units.

I do think that Guard units should be worth 2 banners, and Old Guard 3 banners. Losing these units had a very strong morale effect on the army.
Conversely, militia should be worthless in terms of banners (as they generally are on the battlefield).
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago
I do like different retreat directions for "Reinforcing units."  I suggest though that it either be NE or E for the Prussians, their nominal LOC.
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
3 years 3 months ago
I like how Guillaume has created additional scenarios that upgrade battles in the CCNappy series. With his EPIC Waterloo, not only can you fight the battle on a larger scale but also the scenario includes Prussian reinforcements.

I have so far played the scenario twice: 1) 15-3 French win (though many depleted Fr Inf units, 2) 15-11 French victory that with one more turn could have become a great Allied comeback.

Game does illustrate one important fact about CCNappy: The relic from "Battle Cry" of the same VP target for both sides is problematic. Scenarios like this plus historical Allied wins like Victoria and Albuera lean towards the French more than they should.

It is simply time to recognize the obvious: Each side needs a separate "Demoralization (flag) target."

PS. If the typical victory target of 15 flags for both sides is kept, maybe Prussian losses should not be counted in the total or don't include Prussian losses and give the French a 3 permanent banner bonus when they destory 5 Prussian units???
GG replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
The Allies now also start with 6 Command cards - GG
GG replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
OK - I changed a little bit the conditions of victory in favor of the allies - Check the second special rule - Plus the Allies now also stat with 6 Cdt cards
GG replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
Sorry I don't agree: My proposition is strong toward the allies: It's rare when the French capture the 3 towns and the average in my numerous testing is 1 town captured > So the average will be 1 or 2 new points for the allies. Plus you must not take the example of your single battle because I experienced many battles (around 20) who were completely different: Even when losing, the Allies used to have a close score. So sorry but for the moment I stick to this new town points for the Allies but will wait to contact Mark.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago

mmm I'm more in favor of a simpler and classical one like:
• Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte and Papelotte (with blue border) are each one Temporary Victory Banners Turn Start for ANY SIDE that occupy them.

that would have made no difference to the outcome of our game, and changed the score to 15-13 French win.
Moreover, this kind of rule induces a 2 banner shift in scores, which would favour the French I think, though probably not significantly in this instance.

The Guard rule would have changed the score 1 in favour of the Allis in our play, but whether it would change the OG play is debatable.
The Prussian retreat rule would have saved the Allies 1 banner.
GG replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
mmm I'm more in favor of a simpler and classical one like:
• Hougoumont, La Haye Sainte and Papelotte (with blue border) are each one Temporary Victory Banners Turn Start for ANY SIDE that occupy them.
I can easily change it here for a try but any change on Vassal is more complicated as I must ask to Mark Benson - And I don't like to disturb him if I ever change again in 10 days LOL
Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
my suggestions are;

Extra Special Rules
• Guards count as 2 banners, Old Guard count as 3 banners
• Prussian retreat at 60 degree angle toward NE corner