Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by LARS on 2021-02-17 07:11:40

Bautzen (Day 2)  Preititz
May 21, 1813

Historical Background
On the 21st, the battle resumed. The ferocity of Oudinot's attack the previous day had worried the Allies, and they reinforced their left to try and push Oudinot's XII Corps back. As Oudinot was pushed back, he requested reinforcements, but this was denied as it suited Napoleon's plans to have the Allies overextend their flanks.
Ney was under orders to be at Preititz by 1100AM  and Lauriston would advance on Ney's left, deepening the envelopment behind the lines Blucher's retreat.  Marmont and Soult would attack as soon as Ney reached Preititz.  Ney snarled the situation, taking Maison's division from Lauriston to cover his right flank, but failing to mass his own troops.  Lauriston advanced very cautiously on the far flank, forcing Barclay to shift most of his corps toward Baruth.  Thus aided, Souham, the lead division took Preititz around 1030.  When Napoleon's orders reached him, Ney was fearful to advance thinking he would upset Napoleon's timetable.  He was probably also worried that his other divisions had not caught up to him.  
As the fighting was growing more noticeable on the extreme left, Napoleon assumed that Ney was in position and so ordered Soult to take command of IV Corps and seize the Allied center right. The 20,000 infantry, 1000 cavalry, and 30 guns of IV Corps launched into a brutal attack against General Blucher's position and his key fort. Napoleon moved 60 guns of the Imperial Guard into a supporting position, and before long the fort was taken and Blucher was falling back. However, IV Corps could not find any good ground to deploy their artillery on for the next stage of the attack, and so the attack lost momentum.
Kleist managed to drive the unsupported Souham back on Gleina, and Ney lost his remaining wits.  Ordering Lauriston to close up on his left, he put in his first available division (Delmas) to recover Preitits; then, galled by Blücher's artillery firing into his right flank, he sent Delmas attacking westward, keeping the rest of his corps ready to support them.
Almost trapped, but keeping their men under tight control, Blücher and Yorck slipped out past Ney.
This battle focuses on the Allied attempt to retake Pretitz, and keep the French from advancing and interrupting lines of retreat.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 3
Hill 12
River 7
RiverBend 7
Town 1
Marsh 8


Battle Notes

Allies Army
• Commander: Kleist
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Tactician Cards
• Move First
2 Iron Will
(move first)

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Reserve Infantry Militia Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Cossacks Field Artillery Leader
2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1

French Army
• Commander: Ney
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery General
9 3 2 2 3


7 Banners

Special Rules
Mother Russia rule is in effect, roll 4 dice and reroll sword results.

Preititz is a Temporary Allied Objective (turn start) worth 1 victory banner. (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)

The French player receives one Permanent victory banner for each unit he exits off the Allied map edge.

The stream stops movement, but has no effect on battle except for cavalry and artillery that battle into or out of it (-1 die)

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LARS replied the topic:
3 years 6 months ago
Ney is beaten 7-1. Block losses: French 34.... Prussian 12, Russian 2. Bautzen is a great victory for the Allies. Napoleon must quickly negotiate a truce.
Tarheel replied the topic:
7 years 5 months ago
4 dice for mother russia
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
Several of these scenarios have had a year of hard play among my local ftf play group. I've held off updating the files here at this site for quite some time as changes have evolved. Now that GMT has arrived, I have to update all of the files, per your request a while back to everyone, to the new CCN version, so I'm taking this opportunity to bring several of these scenarios 'up to speed' with what is working better ftf. Many of the scenarios will simply add the new Tactician cards, but several scenarios, most notably Bautzen day 2 and Lutzen day 1 needed more than just a few changes from our experience. To everyone their own though.
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
Adding accumulated changes over the last year to several scenarios and to get them patched to he GMT expansion.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
Best, we wait still 2 weeks more before i update the scenarios, maybe you change some scenario more times again :whistle:
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
Updates to this scenario to follow. Some slight map/forces changes. Here follows the new specifics:

May 21, 1813

Bautzen, Day 2, Preititz

Battle Notes
Allied Army
• Commander: Kleist
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Tactician Cards
• Move First
2 iron will

French Army
• Commander: Ney
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Tactician Cards

7 Banners

Special Rules
• Mother Russia rule is in effect, roll 2 dice and reroll xsd results.
• Preititz is a Temporary Allied Objective (turn start) worth 1 victory banner.
• The French player recieves one Permenant victory banner for each unit he exits off
the Allied map edge.
• The stream stops movement, but has no effect on battle except for cavalry and artillery
that battle into or out of it (-1 die)