Victory Results:
 75 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  25 %
Total plays 4 - Last reported by GG on 2019-11-19 23:36:43

MD19 La Rothière - 1st February 1814

Historical Background
The Battle of La Rothière was fought on 1 February 1814 between the French Empire
and allied army of Austria, Prussia, Russia, and German States previously allies with France.
The French were led by Emperor Napoleon and the coalition army was under the command of
Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher. Attacked by a large force in severe weather conditions (wet snowstorm),
the French managed to hold until they could retreat under cover of darkness. Multinational coalition
forces used white shoulder bands to distinguish friends from foes during the battle.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 11
Hill 8
River 3
RiverBend 7
RiverBendBridge 2
RiverBridge 1
RiverEnd 1
Town 7


Battle Notes

Allies Army
• Commander: Blücher / de Tolly
• The Prussian units represent the Bavarian and Württemberg Allies. The prussian rules apply, except they get no Iron Will counters
• 5 Command Cards (no Iron Will counters)
• (Optional 5 Tactician Cards)
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Guard Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Guard Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery General   Line Infantry Line Infantry Line Infantry  images/CCN/units/pru_LDR.png    Line Infantry    Line Infantry 
3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 3   3  1 2 1   3 1 1 1

French Army
• Commander: Napoleon
• (Optional 6 Tactician Cards)
• 6 Command Cards


Line Infantry Light Infantry Young Guard Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Guard Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery General
7 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 5


8 Banners

Special Rules
•  Napoleon, Nansouty, de Tolly and Sacken are Leader of Honor
• Pre-Battle Mother Russia Roll (5 dice for Russian units) is in effect. Saber and CAV rolls have no effect
• The River Aube is impassable, except on the bridges
• The Stream is fordable
• French line infantry units are conscripts and do not receive one additional die in melee when attacking an enemy infantry unit
• The 4 marked town hexes (La Giberie, Petit-Mesnil, La Rothière and Dienville) are a Temporary Majority Victory Banner at turn start, worth 2 banners for the French
• Each of the 4 marked town hexes are a single Temporary Victory Banner at turn start for the the Allies

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Waterloo-Simon replied the topic:
8 years 1 month ago
Thanks. Possibly one to add flavour to a game where historical rivalry was to the fore.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
8 years 1 month ago
The original rules allow, to attach the "Allies Leaders" to each nation on their side, but you can sure play a houserule, that they can´t :)
Waterloo-Simon replied the topic:
8 years 1 month ago
In such a mixed nation battle, do the officers of say the Russians have the same effects on Austrian or Prussian troops and vice versa? We played a recent game with Spanish, British and Portuguese and decided the British and Portuguese were interchangeable but not the Spanish. Any thoughts?
Bayernkini replied the topic:
8 years 2 months ago
Small update:
• Napoleon, Nansouty, de Tolly and Sacken are Leader of Honor