Victory Results:
 58 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  42 %
Total plays 12 - Last reported by RiverWanderer on 2022-03-31 18:50:03

Bar-Sur-Aube - 27 February 1814

Historical Background
The Battle of Bar-sur-Aube was fought on 27 February 1814, between the First French Empire and the Austrian Empire. The French were led by Jacques MacDonald, while the Austrians and their Bavarian allies, forming the Army of Bohemia, were led by Karl Philipp Fürst zu Schwarzenberg. The Austrians were victorious. Napoleon I himself, having defeated the Allies at Montereau on 17 February, forcing them to retreat toward Troyes beyond the river Aube, had turned north to the valley of the Marne to try to impede the renewed drive toward Paris by the Army of Silesia (mostly Prussians) under Field Marshal Gebhard von Blücher; the marshals he left behind were ordered to make it appear as though he was still with them. Schwarzenberg tested that assumption by advancing upon Bar-sur-Aube (in part because Alexander I of Russia and Frederick William III of Prussia wanted him to do so), and on the twenty-sixth Napoleon ordered Oudinot to follow Schwarzenberg to the town, near Troyes.
When it was learned that Napoleon was preparing to attack the Army of Silesia, Schwarzenberg took the opportunity to strike first at Oudinot with a Russian corps under General Peter Wittgenstein and a Bavarian corps under General Karl von Wrede. Although MacDonald enjoyed a measure of numerical superiority at the outset, many of his troops were cut off from the main theater of the battle by their deployment astride the Aube and were therefore unable to participate, much of the French artillery being stuck on the wrong side of the river. Not only was MacDonald forced to retreat over the Aube, but he continued retreating for the next few days, pursued by the Allies and leaving Schwarzenberg in an advantageous position, able to concentrate his forces at Troyes as well as to take possession of the river crossings of the Seine.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 9
Hill 18
River 9
RiverBend 1
RiverBendBridge 2
RiverBridge 1
Town 4


Battle Notes

Allies Army
• Commander: Schwarzenberg and Wittgenstein
• 5 Command Cards
• 3 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry Militia Cossack Cavalry Foot Artillery General   Line Infantry  Grenzer Infantry Light Cavalry  Foot Artillery  General   Line Infantry Line Infantry General
4 3 1 1 1 1 2 3    1 1  1 1 1    2  1  1

French Army
• Commander: Oudinot
• 5 Command Cards
• 3 Tactician Cards
• Move First


Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery General
7 2 2 2 2 1 4


8 Banners

Special Rules

• Pre-Battle Mother Russia Roll is not in effect.

• No Iron Will Markers

• Schwarzenberg & Oudinot are Leaders of Honor

• Allies Minor States:
Bavarian Forces (light blue units): Use the russian rules for the bavarian LN and LT (may ignor a flag), except they have 4 blocks Württemberg Forces (red-black stripes units): Use the prussian rules for the württemberg units.

• The Allies get 1VP for each bridge occupying at turn start

• The Aube is unfordable

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 8 months ago
Played the final version, and it is a tense standoff of cavalry in the centre. Eventually I blinked and attacked with the Russian cavalry, which were hopeless. The Grand battery I formed also did precious little, and the Allies were down 0-4. The French cavalry rolled like demons and took down everything in their way.

Then an unusual event (at least for me) was a parade of 3 or 4 Forced Marches. The Wurtemburgers came from the back, threw back the French cavalry, marched again to kill the Horse artillery and threw back the French cavalry against against the river, then marched again to slaughter them all and capture a bridge. Kellerman and Oudinot fell on the field, surrounded by dead horses. The Wurtemburgers never got a scratch. Remarkable!

Allied win 8-7. French dead were cavalry, horse artillery and 2 leaders. Bridge VP was the decider.