Movement: No movement restrictions. An Infantry unit may form square on an Orchard/Vineyard hex.
Battle: Any unit may battle the turn it moves onto an Orchard/Vineyard hex.
When battling out of an Orchard/Vineyard hex:
• An Infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• A Cavalry or Artillery unit will reduce the number of battle dice rolled by 1.
When targeting an enemy unit or Leader on an Orchard hex, any attacking unit will roll 1 less battle die in ranged and melee combat.
Line of Sight: An Orchard/Vineyard hex blocks line of sight.
A Church has all the characteristics and effects as a town terrain tile hex. In addition, a unit on a Church hex may ignore one flag. Please see the core Terrain rules section for complete Town details.
Four-Sided Field Works
Included in this expansion is a 4-sided redoubt.
This hex has the same characteristics of the Three-sided redoubts, except for the number of hex sides it effects. Please see the core Terrain rules section for complete Field Works details.
NOTE: an Infantry unit, on a Field Works hex, may not form square when attacked by cavalry through a hex side with Field Works. However, an Infantry unit, on a Field Works hex, may form square when attacked by cavalry through a hex side that does not have Field Works.
Movement: An Infantry unit, Cavalry unit or Leader that enters a Marsh hex must stop and may move no further on that turn. A Marsh hex is impassable terrain for an Artillery unit. An Infantry unit may not form square on a Marsh hex.
Battle: A unit may battle the turn it moves onto a Marsh hex.
A unit, on a Marsh hex will reduce its battle dice rolled by 1, in range and melee combat.
When targeting an enemy unit or Leader on a Marsh hex, a unit will roll 1 less battle die in melee combat, but its ranged combat dice are not reduced.
Line of Sight: A Marsh hex does not block line of sight.
Walled Garden
A Walled Garden has all the characteristics and effects as a forest terrain tile hex. In addition, a unit on a Walled Garden hex may ignore one flag. Please see the core Terrain rules section for complete Forest details.
Walled Farm
A Walled Farm has all the characteristics and effects as a Town terrain tile hex. In addition, a unit on a Walled Farm hex may ignore one flag. Please see the core Terrain rules section for complete Town details.