Victory Results:
 53 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  47 %
Total plays 34 - Last reported by GG on 2024-09-30 22:27:04

Historical Background
The Battle of Fleurus, on 26 June 1794, was an engagement between the army of the first French Republic under General Jean-Baptiste Jourdan and the Coalition Army commanded by Prince Josias of Coburg during the French Revolutionary Wars. Both sides had forces in the area of around 80,000 men but the French were able to concentrate their troops and defeat the First Coalition. The Allied defeat led to the permanent loss of the Austrian Netherlands and to the destruction of the Dutch Republic. The battle marked a turning point for the French army, which remained ascendant for the rest of the war of the First Coalition. The French use of the reconnaissance balloon was the first military use of an aircraft that influenced the result of a battle.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?



Battle Notes

Allies Army
• Commanders: Princes of Coburg and Orange
• 5 Command Cards.
• Option 3 Tactician Cards.
*Use brown blocks for the Dutch units and the Portuguese National Unit References for those troops.
• Move First

French Army
• Commander: Generals Jourdan and Kleber
• 5 Command Cards.
• Option 3 Tactician Cards.

9 Banners

Special Rules

• If any building hex is not occupied by French troops, the Allies player gains one Victory Banner (Turn start). The Allies player starts with 1 Victory Banner.

• • The French infantry is not yet very experienced and organized so the French Line Infantry do not get +1 die when battling in melee against enemy infantry and
must retreat 2 hexes per flag (Conscript rules).

• French balloon watching: At the start of any turn during which a scout card is played (Allied or French): The French player can watch the full opponent hand.

• The Sambre river is fordable.


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GG replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
PS > This scenario can't be played in solo because the balloon rule won't help the French side - GG
GG replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
TY for the try!
This scenario was tested many times and is very balanced.
Don't hesitate to give it some other tries. Don't forget the balloon rule very important to help the French and the new conscripts rule very important to help the Allies!
GG - Author of the scenario - City of Tours - France
miketodd replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
Allies win 9-3. French never seem to gain initiative as cavalry charges blunted by squares. Continuous activity on flanks contrasts with quiet center.
thomas86 replied the topic:
2 years 2 months ago
The French infantry is not yet very experienced and organized so the French Line Infantry does not get +1 die when battling in melee a gainst enemy infantry.

Hawkmoon replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
Hi Comrades, we've been playing Fleurus yesterday at our club "Les Prétoriens" with Guillaume "Borodino's Butcher" Ambroise. I was very lucky, having killed Prince of Orange during the 1st game and 2 french generals during the 2nd. The 2 games showed the same physionomie : There was a dextrogyre movement : French advanced on their left flank destroying the Dutch troops. Austrians so did the same on their left flank destroying the less capable french Line Infantry. In both games, Cavalry paid a heavy tribute.
1st game : 9-6 for the French
2nd game : 9-5 for the Allies
ervinjason replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago
The French player must remember to watch ALL the opponent cards (including the tactician cards if using them) when a scout card is pl a yed.
GG replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago

What does the star represent next to the Allied Victory Markers above?  

I agree > Those markers are used in other scenarios & expansions
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago

What does the star represent next to the Allied Victory Markers above?

I think you mean the black/grey "Iron Will" counter ?  If so, not relevant to this scenario.
mmcdaniel17 replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago
What does the star represent next to the Allied Victory Markers above?
mmcdaniel17 replied the topic:
4 years 1 month ago
GG06 Battle of Fleurus from the 1st Coaltion Maps from the C&C net site...brutal combat on the French left...Allied assault on the French left was a total disaster...better luck against the French center...results French 9VPs to the Allied 7. Casualties in blocks - French Inf 25 and 5 Cav; Allied Inf 32, 5 Cav, 1 Art and 1 Leader...4 hours including setup.
GG replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago
TY very much for the try & report!
LARS replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago
French were ahead 8-4 and Charles took the heavies and lights and destroyed the French center. Austrians pulled one out of the fire 9-8. Very exciting game.
GG replied the topic:
4 years 10 months ago
TY again for the tryout!
My God what horrible cards and dice rolls you had!
I was suffering as much as you because of the ugly image this could give you about my scenario LOL!
castanos replied the topic:
4 years 10 months ago
Enjoyable scenario!. Prerry much action in the flanks. With balanced cards at the beginning it won't be easy for the French. My first time commanding an Aistrian army and using tactician cards
GG replied the topic:
4 years 11 months ago
The French player must remember to watch ALL the opponent cards (including the tactician cards if using them) when a scout card is played.