Here you will find various statistics about our scenario database.

Total Plays

All scenarios played a total of 728 times



Full list

CategoryMap NameGamesTOP ArmyBOTTOM ArmyLast PlayerLast Game
Boston Campaign (1774-1776) 002 Bunker Hill (17 June 1775) 43 28% 72% Hawkmoon 2024-01-21
Boston Campaign (1774-1776) MMcG02 Retreat from Concord (Meriam’s Corner) – 19 April, 1775 1 0% 100% magooF15 2024-07-19
French & Indian War (1754-1763) MM03 Quebec (13 September 1759) 1 0% 100% Mark-McG 2022-12-18
French & Indian War (1754-1763) MM04 Monongahela (9 July 1755) 3 67% 33% ozzie 2024-06-02
French & Indian War (1754-1763) MM05 Fort Carillon (8 July 1758) 1 100% 0% Mark-McG 2022-12-23
French & Indian War (1754-1763) MM06 La Belle-Famille (24 July 1759) 2 0% 100% Mark-McG 2022-12-22
French & Indian War (1754-1763) MM07 Battle of Sainte-Foy (April 28, 1760) 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN01 Fort Necessity - 3 July, 1754 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN02 Jumonville Glen - 28 May, 1754 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN03 The Battle of Grant’s Hill - 14 September, 1758 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN04 The Battle of Loyalhanna - 12 October, 1758 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN05 Battle of Sideling Hill - 4 April, 1756 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN06 Bloody Morning Scout - 8 September, 1755 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN07 Battle of Lake George - 8 September, 1755 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN08 Bloody Pond - 8 September, 1755 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN09 Braddock’s Defeat - 9 July, 1755 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN10 Battle of Kittanning - 8 September, 1756 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN11 Battle of Petitcodiac - 4 September, 1755 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN12 Bushy Run (day one) - 5 August, 1763 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN13 Bushy Run (day two) - 6 August, 1763 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN14 Battle of Point Pleasant - 10 October, 1774 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN15 La Belle Famille - 24 July, 1759 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN16 Battle of Oriskany - 6 August, 1777 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN17 Etchoe Pass - 27 June, 1760 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN18 Grant's Retribution - 10 June, 1761 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN19 Battle of Fort Bull - 27 March, 1756 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN20 Attack on German Flats - 12 November, 1757 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN22 Carillon - 8 July, 1758 0 0% 0%
French & Indian War (1754-1763) RN23 Plains of Abraham - 3 September, 1759 0 0% 0%
Jacobite Rising of 1689 JR01 Killiecrankie - 27 July 1689 15 60% 40% ozzie 2024-02-10
Jacobite Rising of 1689 JR02 Dunkeld - 21 August 1689 13 38% 62% ozzie 2024-02-10
Jacobite Rising of 1689 JR03 Cromdale - 1 May 1690 12 33% 67% Kartigan 2024-01-17
Jacobite Rising of 1715 JR04 Alness - 10 October 1715 11 36% 64% Kartigan 2024-01-17
Jacobite Rising of 1715 JR05 Sheriffmuir - 13 Νovember 1715 15 47% 53% ClanRattray 2024-01-10
Jacobite Rising of 1715 JR14 Preston - 12 November 1715 0 0% 0%
Jacobite Rising of 1719 JR06 Glen Shiel - 10 June 1719 8 0% 100% ozzie 2024-02-10
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR07 Prestonpans - 21 September 1745 10 80% 20% ozzie 2022-05-24
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR08 Clifton - 18 December 1745 10 40% 60% ozzie 2022-06-04
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR09 Inverurie - 23 December 1745 13 62% 38% ozzie 2022-06-04
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR10 Falkirk (Stage 1) - 17 January 1746 9 67% 33% ozzie 2022-05-24
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR11 Falkirk (Stage 2) - 17 January 1746 8 25% 75% ozzie 2022-05-24
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR12 Battle of Culloden - 16 April 1746 8 13% 88% ozzie 2022-05-24
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR13 Culloden (Flanking Μove) - 16 April 1746 5 0% 100% ozzie 2022-06-04
Jacobite Rising of 1745 JR15 Little Ferry - 15 April 1746 1 0% 100% ozzie 2024-05-29
New York and New Jersey (1776-1777) 005 Long Island - Grant’s Attack (27 August 1776) 36 47% 53% ozzie 2024-04-25
New York and New Jersey (1776-1777) 006 Long Island - British Flank March (27 August 1776) 30 20% 80% Hawkmoon 2024-02-24
New York and New Jersey (1776-1777) 101 Pell's Point (18 October 1776) 19 84% 16% ZambaBone 2023-08-05
New York and New Jersey (1776-1777) K01 White Plains - 28 October 1776 12 17% 83% Hawkmoon 2024-07-18
New York and New Jersey (1776-1777) MM02 Harlem Height (16 September 1776) 0 0% 0%
New York and New Jersey (1776-1777) MMcG03 Battle of Assunpink Creek – 2 January, 1777 0 0% 0%
Northern Theatre (1778 -1783) 107 Springfield (23 June 1780) 11 45% 55% ozzie 2024-03-31
Northern Theatre (1778 -1783) MMcG01 Battle of Rhode Island – 29 August, 1778 0 0% 0%
Philadelphia Campaign (1777-1778) 007 Monmouth (28 June 1778) 35 46% 54% ozzie 2024-05-29
Philadelphia Campaign (1777-1778) 102 Brandywine - Washington's Attack (11 September 1777) 18 39% 61% ozzie 2022-12-19
Philadelphia Campaign (1777-1778) 103 Brandywine - British Flank Attack (11 September 1777) 19 42% 58% ozzie 2022-12-19
Philadelphia Campaign (1777-1778) 104 Brandywine - Knyphausen’s Attack (11 September 1777) 15 40% 60% ozzie 2023-12-28
Philadelphia Campaign (1777-1778) 105 Brandywine - Greene’s Rear Guard (11 September 1777) 11 55% 45% ozzie 2022-12-19
Philadelphia Campaign (1777-1778) MM01 Germantown (4 October 1777) 3 33% 67% rjvonline 2021-03-15
Saratoga Campaign 1777 001 Bemis Heights (7 October 1777) 69 55% 45% ozzie 2024-03-31
Saratoga Campaign 1777 003 Freeman’s Farm (19 September 1777) 42 36% 64% ozzie 2024-03-31
Saratoga Campaign 1777 004 Bemis Heights - British Redoubts (7 October 1777) 36 83% 17% ozzie 2024-03-31
Southern Theater (1780-1783) 008 Camden (16 August 1780) 37 30% 70% Hawkmoon 2024-04-20
Southern Theater (1780-1783) 009 Cowpens (17 January 1781) 28 75% 25% Hawkmoon 2024-05-01
Southern Theater (1780-1783) 010 Guilford Courthouse (15 March 1781) 27 52% 48% Hawkmoon 2024-05-18
Southern Theater (1780-1783) 011 Hobkirk’s Hill (25 April 1781) 28 50% 50% ozzie 2024-07-07
Southern Theater (1780-1783) 012 Eutaw Springs (8 September 1781) 19 42% 58% Hawkmoon 2024-07-14
Southern Theater (1780-1783) 106 Savannah (9 October 1779) 16 31% 69% ozzie 2023-10-26
Southern Theater (1780-1783) 108 King’s Mountain (7 October 1780) 8 50% 50% ozzie 2022-11-01
Southern Theater (1780-1783) K02 Stono Ferry - 20 June 1779 7 29% 71% ozzie 2024-04-25
Yorktown campaign 109 Gloucester Raid (3 October 1781) 6 83% 17% ozzie 2023-05-13
Yorktown campaign 110 Yorktown - Assault on Redoubt #9 & #10 (14 October 1781) 7 100% 0% ozzie 2023-10-26


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