Here you will find various statistics about our scenario database.

Total Plays

All scenarios played a total of 792 times


Most Played

Recently Played

Map NameTimes Played
001 Bemis Heights (7 October 1777) played 70 times
003 Freeman’s Farm (19 September 1777) played 46 times
002 Bunker Hill (17 June 1775) played 45 times
005 Long Island - Grant’s Attack (27 August 1776) played 39 times
004 Bemis Heights - British Redoubts (7 October 1777) played 37 times
008 Camden (16 August 1780) played 37 times
007 Monmouth (28 June 1778) played 36 times
006 Long Island - British Flank March (27 August 1776) played 32 times
011 Hobkirk’s Hill (25 April 1781) played 31 times
010 Guilford Courthouse (15 March 1781) played 28 times

Map NamePlayed onUser
006 Long Island - British Flank March (27 August 1776) 2025-01-13 07:55:40 Mark-McG
005 Long Island - Grant’s Attack (27 August 1776) 2025-01-13 03:56:13 Mark-McG
110 Yorktown - Assault on Redoubt #9 & #10 (14 October 1781) 2025-01-12 13:18:57 Hawkmoon
K01 White Plains - 28 October 1776 2025-01-11 01:08:49 Mark-McG
JR12 Battle of Culloden - 16 April 1746 2025-01-10 05:07:49 Mark-McG
002 Bunker Hill (17 June 1775) 2025-01-07 20:39:34 toganalper
109 Gloucester Raid (3 October 1781) 2025-01-05 11:33:32 Hawkmoon
101 Pell's Point (18 October 1776) 2025-01-01 05:34:53 ozzie
004 Bemis Heights - British Redoubts (7 October 1777) 2025-01-01 05:33:31 ozzie
001 Bemis Heights (7 October 1777) 2025-01-01 05:32:48 ozzie


Never Played (official)

Never Played (unofficial)

Map Name

Map Name
MMcG01 Battle of Rhode Island – 29 August, 1778
MM02 Harlem Height (16 September 1776)
MMcG03 Battle of Assunpink Creek – 2 January, 1777


Most Balanced

Most Unbalanced

Map NameGames Played
012 Eutaw Springs (8 September 1781) 19
005 Long Island - Grant’s Attack (27 August 1776) 39
007 Monmouth (28 June 1778) 36
104 Brandywine - Knyphausen’s Attack (11 September 1777) 19
108 King’s Mountain (7 October 1780) 12
MM04 Monongahela (9 July 1755) 4
JR15 Little Ferry - 15 April 1746 2
JR14 Preston - 12 November 1715 2
JR05 Sheriffmuir - 13 Νovember 1715 17
105 Brandywine - Greene’s Rear Guard (11 September 1777) 15

Map NameGames Played
110 Yorktown - Assault on Redoubt #9 & #10 (14 October 1781) 10
MM05 Fort Carillon (8 July 1758) 1


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