I've created an article including a summary of almost all keyboard shortcuts useful during a game with Vassal.
Keyboard Shortcuts (Vassal Module)
Enjoy it.
Here you can find a list of recent changes to better identify all available scenarios:
I hope for these additions to be useful.
Enjoy them.
I've just published some new scenarios.
You can find them here.
227 D-Day -1: Sainte-Mère-Église |
289 Battle of Nijmegen Part 1 |
290 Meeting Engagement Version 1 |
291 Meeting Engagement Version 2 |
292 Destroy the Guns |
293 Spear Tip (Kursk Northern Front) |
I've used an old duplicate "codenumber" for scenario 227.
Current module is fully compatible with Vassal 3.6.x. (current 3.6.1)
Don't forget that there is no backward compatibility, you need to install the latest version of Vassal to fully use this module.
Get Vassal here: https://github.com/vassalengine/vassal/releases
Get the module here:
Enjoy it.
Added some custom boards to the Vassal module!
You can find them all here: Map Boards.
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