Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

The 16th Panzer Division approached the kb* River with little opposition. However: A4 guns of the 1077th AA Regiment. manned primarily by young women barely out of high school, depressed their gun bents in order fire on the oncoming tank division. After their initial shock, it was clear to the Germans that the Soviet defenders would fight to the last.


  Soviet German
Division 1

4 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officers

1 T-34

1x AntiTank
1x Commissar

6 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 8 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officers
- 2 Mortar Crews

1x Flamethrower

Division 2

4 Squad Bases
- 6 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officers
- 2 Machine Gun Crews

1x Assault Engineer
1x Commissar

2 Squad Bases
- 4 Regular Infantry
- 2 Elite Irdhntry
- 2 Officers

4 Panzer IIIs

1x Medic

Strategy Decks Command 1
Soviet Urban Warfare 1
Morale 1
German Urban Warfare 1
Starting Strategy Cards 2 2
Operations Cards 050 Rushed Tank Repair
051 1077th Anti-Aircraft Regiment
046 Nebelwerfer Support
054 Shield of Armor
Deployment Zone Division 1: Any hex with a red border on map 40A.
Division 2: Any hex with a red border on map 41A.
Division 1: Any hex with a grey border on map 12A or 213.
Division 2: Any hex with a grey border on map 6B.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  

The player with the most victory points at the end of round 6 wins. Victory points are earned as follows:

  • 1VP for each controlled neutral command objective marker.
  • 1 VP for each destroyed German unit.
  • 1 VP for each remaining AA gun at the end of round 6.

The player with the most victory points at the end of round 6 wins. Victory points are earned as follows:

  • 1VP for each controlled neutral command objective marker.
  • 1 VP for each German squad in the Soviet tank factory at the end of round 6.
Rounds 6
Actions per turn 3 3
Reinforcements The Soviets may choose to purchase a tank each Status Phase for X command, starting with Phase 2, where X equals the current round number.
Each Status Phase, Soviet Division 1 receives:
1 T-34/76 (if cost is paid)
Special Rules
  • Sewer 2
  • If the number of German squads within the factory on board 40A is greater than the number of Soviet squads, the Soviets may not receive reinforcements.
  • Panzer III units may leave board 6B and 5A before all AA guns are destroyed, but for each unit that leaves before this is accomplished award the Soviets 1VP.


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JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
3 years 2 weeks ago
Jon Darlington posted an absolutely amazing after-action report (AAR) on this scenario from 2017 that must be documented here for everyone's benefit:

This AAR goes into great, turn-by-turn, detail on a play-through, supplemented by informative graphics. I found it entertaining as a story in itself, as well as being useful for suggesting tactics and explaining game play.