Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

The German ground onslaught continued with an assault on the burial mound Alantayey Kagan. This strategic position would offer the Germans an unmatched view of the city and the Volga River if they could install artillery observation posts atop it. The Soviet 95th Rifle Division was committed to hold the position.


  Soviet German
Division 1

6 Squad Bases
- 18 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officers
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

2x SMG

5 Squad Bases
- 11 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officers
- 1 Mortar Crew

2 StuG III

2x Engineer

Division 2

6 Squad Bases
- 18 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officers
- 2 Machine Gun Crew

2x SMG

5 Squad Bases
- 11 Regular Infantry
- 4 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officers
- 1 Mortar Crew

2 StuG III

2x Engineer

Strategy Decks Artillery 1
Morale 1 (remove "Go to Ground" cards)
Artillery 2
German Reinforcements 1
Starting Strategy Cards 2 2
Operations Cards 013 Desperate Defenders
014 No surrender
008 Lay Smoke
004 Double Time
054 Shield of Armor
Deployment Zone Division 1: Any hex on map 47B or 50B.
Division 2: Any hex on map 46B or 498.
Division 1: Westernmost full row of edge hexes on map 2B.
Division 2: Westernmost full row of edge hexes on map 6B.
Starting Initiative   Initiative Token
Objective The Soviets win if the Germans are unable to fulfill their objectives by the end of round 6 The Germans win if they control all neutral objective hexes by the end of round 6.
Rounds 6
Actions per turn 2 2
Reinforcements Status Phase of Round 5, Soviet Division 2 receives:
• 2 T-70s from the 137th Tank Brigade, which may arrive at the Soviet Command objective marker if the Reinforcement hexes are occupied by enemy troops.
Special Rules
  • The Soviet player must set up before the German player, even though the German player has initiative.
  • At the beginning of the game, the Soviet player declares which units are on Op Fire, before the German player.
  • When placing the razor wire tokens on the map, the Soviet player can choose to flip any of them to their Tank Trap side.


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JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
3 years 3 weeks ago
Jon Darlington posted an absolutely amazing after-action report (AAR) on this scenario from 2015 that must be documented here for everyone's benefit:

This AAR goes into great, turn-by-turn, detail on a play-through, supplemented by informative graphics. I found it entertaining as a story in itself, as well as being useful for suggesting tactics and explaining game play.