Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by pino on 2021-11-19 00:47:27

American intelligence has learned that a detachment of Panzer IVs is en route to join with a German division to the east. The detachment is presently outfitting on the outskirts of a village. Americans have deployed an anti-tank team to destroy the tanks.


  American German
Division 1

5 Squad Bases
- 13 Regular Infantry
- 5 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officer

2x AntiTank
2x Concealed Concealed

3 Panzer IV Tank
Division 2

5 Squad Bases
- 13 Regular Infantry
- 5 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officer

2x AntiTank
2x Concealed Concealed

1 Squad Bases
- 2 Mortar Crew

2 Panzer IV Tank

Strategy Decks Morale 1 Ground Support 1
Starting Strategy Cards 2 (both "Take Down the Beast" cards) 2
Operations Cards - Camouflage -
Deployment Zone Any of the shaded green hexes on 8A or 9B. Anywhere on 11A or 7A.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  
Objective The Americans get one victory point for each German tank killed.  The Germans receive 1 victory point for each tank remaining (in whatever condition) at the close of round 4.
Rounds 4
Actions per turn 2 2
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules - -


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