Victory Results:
 39 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  61 %
Total plays 38 - Last reported by GG on 2024-09-17 00:23:23

Wagram - 6 July 1809 (Davout at Markgrafneusiedl)

Historical Background
As fighting on day one at Wagram sputtered out late in the evening, orders for the next day’s fighting were already being sent out from Napoleon and Archduke Charles.
Napoleon ordered Davout and his superb III Corps to strike the Austrian left from the flank at Markgrafneusiedl and roll it up. Charles sought to forestall this attack by ordering the Advance Guard and IV Corps on that flank to strike first, and strike first they did. Some of Davout’s formations were surprised and pushed back, but these were French veterans, and soon the Austrian attack ground to a halt. Not long afterward, Charles called the exposed Austrian units back to their defensive positions.
Now it was Davout’s turn. After a fierce bombardment, he launched his attack around 10 AM against the Austrian left.
Greeted by withering fire, the French infantry kept up the pressure and soon were fighting for the village of Markgrafneusiedl and had gained a foothold on the escarpment. About noon, the cavalry of both armies engaged in mass battles, with the Austrian cavalry eventually being thrown back. It was not long before Davout’s infantry took command of the Austrian left and began to roll up the flank.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 4
Hill 15
River 6
RiverBend 2
RiverBendBridge 1
RiverBendFord 1
RiverBridge 2
RiverFord 2
Town 3
Church 1
Tower 1


Battle Notes

Austrian Army
• Commander: Rosenberg
• 4 Command Cards
• Optional 2 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Militia Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery Leader
10 2 1 4 1 2 1 5

French Army
• Commander: Davout
• 6 Command Cards
• Optional 5 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery Leader
11 4 3 1 2 4 1 6


12 Banners

Special Rules
• The three town hexes of Markgrafneusiedl form a Temporary Majority Group Victory Banner Objective worth 1 banner for the Austrians or 3 banners for the French at the start of the turn (Temporary Majority Victory Banner Turn Start)

• The Stone Tower is a Permanent Victory Banner Objective worth 1 banner for the French player when occupied at the start of the turn (Permanent Victory Banner Turn Start)

• The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner at the start of the turn for each hill hex occupied and each hex occupied between the line of hills and the Austrian baseline (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)

• The Russbach is fordable and the ford hexes have no movement or battle restrictions.

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RiverWanderer replied the topic:
7 months 1 day ago

There is a church tile not listed in the terrain setup inventory.
Thanks for reporting this... fixed now.
airjudden replied the topic:
7 months 5 days ago
There is a church tile not listed in the terrain setup inventory.
Fencer replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Thank you!
We had a company of three episodes of the Battle of Wagram and the preceding Battle of Raab. The French won all the stages (in this section with a score of 12: 11), except for the final and most important: MacDonald's square was broken. Prince Charles won the Battle of Wagram.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Fencer replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Please explain to me where the fords and bridges are located
kostas63 replied the topic:
4 years 8 months ago
Vittoria Austriaca 12-7. I primi turni trascorrono tranquillli mentre i francesi attraversano il Russbach e gli austriaci si assestano sulle colline. Poi inizia il massacro. Nel centro del campo di battaglia le perdite aumentano da entrambe le parti. La chiesa passa di mano ma alla fine gli austriaci hanno la meglio. I francesi perdono due generali (Friant e Gudin) e solo un paio di unita' leggere riescono ad arrivare ai piedi delle colline. La cavalleria francese interviene ed ha la meglio su quella austriaca che perde un generale nella mischia (Nostiz). Le unita' di Puthod sulla sinistra francese ricevono pochi ordini e quindi non riescono a montare un'offensiva decente. Gli austriaci ben asseragliati a Magkrafneueled danno il colpo di grazia alle ultime unita' francesi che si trovano nelle adiacenze.
proyce replied the topic:
7 years 4 months ago
Just soloed this one today. What a battle! French won 12-11. Both sides were tied at 11 for the last 3 turns. French drew and played a Grand Maneuver card, putting two units in town hexes and two units in hill hexes. The Austrians played Forward and somehow managed to push the French out of the town and one of the hill hexes. However, the French won by gaining a hill hex beginning the next turn. A long and bloody battle. French lost 71 blocks, the Austrians lost 69 blocks. One note: Early in the game, the Austrians drew and played 3 Cavalry Charge cards. French the played Elan, and after the reshuffle, the Austrians got another Cavalry Charge card! By this time they didn't have much left, but their HA did destroy two units. A very fun and interesting scenario.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
10 years 1 month ago
12-11 victory for the French. Excellent scenario
Bayernkini replied the topic:
10 years 10 months ago
The Victory Conditions are clear, and why the scenario designer decided to do these, is only in the mind of the scenario designer ;)

And these are not only 2 rows of hex, but nearly 3 complete rows of hexes,
30 single hexes, if you want to know it exact :whistle:
Nimitstexan replied the topic:
10 years 10 months ago

Bayernkini wrote: Thought, i had already added an answer from Richard, because i sent him similar question after starting setup the Vassal module :)

The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner for each hill hex occupied (along the line of hill hexes).
The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner for each hex between the line of hill hexes and Austrian baseline that a French unit occupies at the start of the turn.

Basically the though is that the French are trying to break through so when a French player's unit occupies a hex on the line of hills or a hex beyond this line, at the start of his turn, the French player gains a Victory Banner.

The only hill hex the French do not receive a Victory Banner for when it is occupied, is the lone hill hex in the French right sector.

And yes, each single hill or open ground hex of these conditions, counts as (additional/cumulative) VP.

i had understood from reading the victory conditions, that only hexes actually behind the Austrian ridge count (or in other words, the couple of hex on the the last two rows of the Austrian right are not victory hexes). Otherwise, why not plainly state that any French unit on the back 2 rows counts as a victory banner?
GG replied the topic:
10 years 10 months ago
Won win the Austrians! Arf! I had the chance to attack first with my full cavalry on my left (!) with a charge and good dices: So I cutted down the main of his (huge) cavalry before he could explode my wing! This sent us later with a tied score on this wing! Very important help for me!

The rest was maybe errors from my (dear) buddy: Keeping on advancing with the forward weakened troops pushed from behind by the healthy: So I kept on shooting them with five dice (Austrian big battalions)!

Achtung-Panzer replied the topic:
11 years 2 weeks ago
Hi Michael

I didn't read the scenarios online before Christmas as the expansion was a present and I did not want to spoil the surprise. Thank you for the clarification on the lone hill.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
11 years 2 weeks ago
Thought, i had already added an answer from Richard, because i sent him similar question after starting setup the Vassal module :)

The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner for each hill hex occupied (along the line of hill hexes).
The French player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner for each hex between the line of hill hexes and Austrian baseline that a French unit occupies at the start of the turn.

Basically the though is that the French are trying to break through so when a French player's unit occupies a hex on the line of hills or a hex beyond this line, at the start of his turn, the French player gains a Victory Banner.

The only hill hex the French do not receive a Victory Banner for when it is occupied, is the lone hill hex in the French right sector.

And yes, each single hill or open ground hex of these conditions, counts as (additional/cumulative) VP.
Achtung-Panzer replied the topic:
11 years 2 weeks ago
So, to clarify the detail, the French gain a banner for holding any non-hill hex in the last two rows of the Austrian side of the board? This in addition to any hill hex.

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