Eggmühl - 21 April 1809 (Day 1)
Historical Background
Napoleon was about to repeat the mistake he had made at Jena. On the evening of the 20th, he ordered Davout to advance, attack and destroy the enemy before him. Meanwhile Napoleon would take the greater part of the army south, toward Landshut, in pursuit of what he believed was the main Austrian Army.
In reality, Davout’s corps and German allied formations were again in considerable danger. The gallant French 65th Regiment of line infantry, holding Ratisbon and its vital bridge, was forced to surrender when its ammunition ran out. Archduke Charles now had a secure retreat route if he chose to retreat, or an avenue for two additional corps in Bohemia to join him if he chose to attack – and attacking was what he chose.
Davout’s counting skills were undiminished. One of those fresh corps had indeed joined Charles, and Davout properly expressed concern to Napoleon that he was facing more than just the right flank of the Austrian army.
Using the wooded countryside, Davout hoped he could secure his flank and hold, but Friant’s division was pushed back. With news that help was on the way, Davout ordered an all out attack in an attempt to pin the Austrians in place. Charles personally led a counter attack and drove the French back into the woods.
Believing he had time to finish Davout’s destruction on the morrow, Charles ordered a halt to the attack, forfeiting victory and making defeat virtually inevitable – Napoleon was countermarching with all possible speed.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?
Set-Up Order
Battle Notes
Austrian Army
• Commander: Archduke Charles
• 4 Command Cards
• Optional 3 Tactician Cards
11 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
French Army
• Commander: Davout
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 5 Tactician Cards
• Move First
10 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
6 Banners
Special Rules
• Obersanding is a Temporary Victory Banner worth 1 banner for the side that occupies it at the start of its turn (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)
• Oberlaichling is a Permanent Victory Banner for the French player worth 1 banner when occupied at the start of the turn (Permanent Victory Banner Turn Start)