Victory Results:
 41 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  59 %
Total plays 69 - Last reported by Pevans on 2024-09-17 16:34:35

Rohr - 20 April 1809

Historical Background
Davout and his redoubtable III Corps should have been crushed by superior Austrian forces, but instead had won a hard-fought victory at Teugen-Hausen, allowing Napoleon the time to concentrate.
Leaving Davout to occupy Archduke Charles, Napoleon concentrated most of his army near Abensberg to split the Austrian army, and on the morning of April 20th, unleashed them against the Austrian V Corps under Archduke Louis.
Lannes’ provisional corps tore through the Austrian front line and pushed on toward the village of Rohr. En route, Lannes’ troops collided with Thierry’s retreating Austrian brigade, mauling it severely. Thierry’s survivors joined with Schustekh’s light troops at Rohr, but Lannes was close behind and wasted no time in launching his veteran French infantry against Rohr.
As the Austrian infantry collapsed, the outnumbered Austrian cavalry launched desperate attacks to cover the infantry retreat, and were virtually destroyed. Jacquinot’s troopers set off in hot pursuit toward Rottenburg, inflicting further serious losses on the routed Austrians.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 10
Hill 14
Town 2


Battle Notes

Austrian Army
• Commander: Schustekh
• 4 Command Cards
• Optional 2 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Grenzer Light Infantry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
6 1 1 1 1 2

French Army
• Commander: Lannes
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 5 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
8 2 3 1 1 3


5 Banners

Special Rules
• The French player gains 1 Victory Banner for each French unit that exits the battlefield from one of the three Austrian baseline hexes as indicated.

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Pevans replied the topic:
5 months 2 weeks ago
Can Evert get revenge and win as the Austrians in this re-match? My turn with the French, but the Austrians move first in this one - not that it makes much difference as we manoeuvre for position in the first few turns. Exchanges of fire in the centre caused a few casualties on both sides, the more damaged units retiring.

Then Evert flung his (two) cavalry units (led by General Thiery) at the (three) French horsemen on (my) right flank. And knocked off one of the French Light cavalry. That's not supposed to happen! But the dice say otherwise and the score's 0:1 to the Austrians.

The French cavalry chased the Austrians back across the hills and the French Light finished off the Austrian Heavies: 1:1.

More musket fire in the centre removed a French Line infantry before the French Cuirassiers finally took care of the Austrian Light cavalry, Gen Thiery escaping to the rear: 2:2.

The French musketry in the centre now began to take its toll, eliminating one Line infantry and forcing others back. 3:2 and there's the beginnings of a hole in the Austrian centre.

Evert then played our favourite (?) card, "La Grande Manoeuvre", using it to re-organise while putting Grenzers into the woods on the right of the French centre. A rash move as they were promptly disposed of by the French Line units next to them. 4:2 - one more banner needed.

Fighting shifted to the town centre-left with first the Austrians removing a French Line from the town (4:3) and occupying it. And then the French eliminating Gen Schustekh's Line infantry in the town to win 5:3. That was my turn to be lucky with the dice (helped by a "Leadership" card that gave an extra die).

That was 32 turns in 90 minutes, so not as quick as I originally expected. It was noticeable that neither of us got anywhere near exiting any units. And I win the scenario on aggregate: 10:5.

I have also posted this report on my BGG blog (with pictures!):
Pevans replied the topic:
5 months 3 weeks ago
Evert and I continue to work through the Austrian scenarios. I take the Austrians in our first game and tried to get my troops into better defensive positions. Evert tore into my left flank with a "Cavalry Charge" card. The French cavalry under General Jacquinot destroyed the (only!) Austrian artillery, the Line infantry alongside forming Battalion Mass to hold off the cavalry. A good throw of the dice and the score's 0:1 to Evert.

My response ("Forward") let me fling the Austrian cavalry against the French horsemen with support from the Grenzers sheltering in Rohr town. It was my turn to get the luck of the dice. The Grenzers softened up the French Cuirassiers, who were then eliminated by my Light (!) cavalry, Gen Jacquinot falling with his men. The Austrian Heavy cavalry wiped out one French Light cavalry unit and damaged the other, forcing them back into the woods. That's 3:1 and I'm very happy.

After this setback, the French were cautious, moving their infantry forward in left half of the board and gradually forcing the Austrian infantry back.

Then the Austrian cavalry returned to the action (I finally had some cards for my left flank), forcing French infantry in the centre into square and then finishing off the Light cavalry that had retreated into the centre. That's 4:1.

I pushed General Schustekh forward with his infantry in the centre, but concerted volleys from the French removed the soldiers (the General retiring quickly) and pushed my cavalry back (Evert played a "Fire and Hold" to good effect): 4:2.

The Austrian Heavy cavalry attacked again, with Line infantry and Gen Thiery in support. The French Line under Gen La Sablonniere formed square against the cavalry and drove them off, but the Austrian muskets finished the job for a famous victory: 5:2.

29 turns and nearly 90 minutes is what we expect a game to take -especially with Evert on the back foot after the first few turns. It definitely felt like a win against the grain, fuelled by the early success of the Austrian cavalry. The return match could be very different.

I’ve also posted this report on my BGG blog (with pictures!):
Riclev replied the topic:
1 year 6 months ago
Played twice. In the first game, the French cavalry charged into the Austrian left, eliminating the heavy cavalry and line infantry (helped by a Break the Square card) for the loss of one light cavalry unit. Then an advance on the other flank quickly eliminated a further three Austrian line units for a 5-1 victory.

In the second encounter, a similar French cavalry advance on the right was pushed back with the loss of one of the light cavalry units for no loss to the Austrians. A French attack on the opposite flank was defended against more effectively than in the first game, with the Austrians running out 5-1 winners.

An interesting short scenario, with both sides having a chance for victory.
MarcoMu replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Introductory scenario to learn the rules. Interesting and hard-fought, with a 5-4 win for the Frenchman. Assault on the left and central French side, with a combined counterattack by the Austrian infantry and cavalry leading to the killing of Morand. In the end, the victory went to the Frenchman who was able to count on greater mobility (thanks also to a higher number of cards available), and precision in both ranged and melee combat.
LARS replied the topic:
4 years 1 month ago
Very exciting end to the Rohr scenario. Austrians can win by eliminating Morands’s troops with an inspired Schustekh and cavalry assault, but Morand pulls back and the Austrian cavalry is caught in crossfire! Game over, French win 5-4.
Craterus replied the topic:
4 years 8 months ago
This weekend I played with a friend and we both win with the french.
g1ul10 replied the topic:
6 years 4 months ago
Watching this scenario played in the OT2018 tournement and having played it twice myself, I have the impression it does not replicate the historical feeling, albeit it is surely fun to play. The use of tactician cards (I'll never be a big fun of those) dilute national differences and in particular the French advantage in maneuverability. At the end, with decent cards the Austrian can easily tie or even win the cavalry match on the right flank. At that point, it's probably a 3 VP game and given the Austrian resilience in defence, five LN units are sufficient to give him the victory. If it were a 6 VP scenario, probably it would better replicate the historical result.
Michalxo replied the topic:
10 years 9 months ago
Aggressive tactics for Austrians worked well and they managed to destroy many French units. Resulting in 5-2, and more would come...
Much better dice for Austrians and also, French was beginner player. Anyway, I would never say, such result would be possible for Austrians.
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
11 years 2 weeks ago
We've been playing last friday evening with my friend leboucher (that means in french "The Butcher") and I won both games with a final score of 10 - 0... He had no luck with his dices. It looked like chess game.
With the Austrians, I got a lot of luck with my HC ripping the same turn with a normal card (no bonuses)a full LC unit and a full Cuirassiers unit ! 8 hits on 9 dices !
So the Butcher was butchered (I hope he will play CCN again with me) !
Sometimes the dices are very boring.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
11 years 1 month ago
Lost just with French 0:5!!!!
Never expected such a result with French in this scenario.
I had good Cards (2 Force March, 1 Bayonett Charge), but no comment about my dice,
see below to my signature :evil:
Mark-McG replied the topic:
11 years 1 month ago
This was a real cat & mouse game that could have swung either way. 5 banners of excitment. 5 stars!! (mdg)