Victory Results:
 76 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  24 %
Total plays 120 - Last reported by summun on 2024-10-19 10:39:03

Historical Background
After the battle of Granicus River, Darius assembled a new army near Babylon while Alexander overran Asia Minor. Darius advanced into Syria to await the Macedonian invader. However, when Alexander’s advance was delayed due to his illness, Darius maneuvered his forces around behind the Macedonian army and overran its supply base. Alexander turned back to meet Darius at the Pinarus River. Darius’ army was deployed defensively behind the river, with light-armed units on the hills on his left, Greek mercenaries in the center and the majority of his cavalry on his right under Narbazanes. Alexander took command of the Companion Cavalry on the right, deployed his phalanx in the center and sent the Thessalian cavalry under Parmenio to the left flank to hold out against the massed Persian horse. Alexander’s advance was slow at first, but when he realized the Persian units in the hills were no threat, he ordered the charge toward the Greek mercenaries. The Macedonian phalanx initially had a tough time against Darius’ Greek mercenaries, but Alexander broke through with his Companions and took the mercenaries in the flank. The Persian center rapidly collapsed and Darius fled the field. A fierce, evenly matched cavalry battle near the shore turned into a Persian rout when the horsemen saw Darius take flight. Persia had lost two armies, and Alexander now had access into the heart of the empire.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

Light Infantry   Light Bow Auxilia Medium Infantry       Heavy Infantry Light Cavalry     Medium Cavalry           Leader  
2   2 2 2       4 1     2           3  
Light Infantry Light Sling Light Bow Auxilia Medium Infantry         Light Cavalry     Medium Cavalry Heavy Cavalry         Leader  
3 2 2 5 4         3     2 1         3  

War Council

Macedonian Army
(Use Greek blocks)
• Leader: Alexander
• 6 Command Cards 
• Move First

Persian Army
(Use Eastern Kingdom blocks)
• Leader: Darius III
• 4 Command Cards     

8 Banners

Special Rules
• The Pinarus River is fordable with no battle dice reductions.

• When Alexander is attached to a unit, the unit will battle with 1 additional dice in Close Combat.

• The Greek Companion Cavalry is a special unit. Place a special unit block in the same hex as the Companion Cavalry unit to distinguish it from the other units. The Companion Cavalry will ignore 1 sword symbol in Close Combat and may ignore 1 flag.

• The Persian Immortals is a special unit. Place a special unit block in the same hex as the Immortal unit to distinguish it from the other units. The Immortals are armed with bows and follow Ranged Combat rules.

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HANJEL replied the topic:
2 years 6 months ago
The position of Pinarus river makes the macedonian to be the defensive army. Although, it is a great battle with a lot of historical flavour thanks to other things.
clavain replied the topic:
3 years 5 months ago
My Persians defeated the Macedonians at Issus, after a hard fought engagement, 8-5. The game started with Alexander and the Companions being a bit brave/brash and coming out to play on the Persian left. While they did some damage, I used a Clash of Shields card to have two Persian Auxiliaries (of the four that came down out of the Amanus Mountains) to beat them down to one point, and Alex ended up retreating. The Macedonian Phalanx then formed up and moved forward, smashing most of the Persian Medium foot in the centre. Darius and the Immortals however counterattacked, taking out some weakened Phalanx units and a Medium foot, while being battered down to one point himself before falling back. The Macedonians continued to press in the centre along with Parmenio's cavalry, and Darius ended up fleeing his destroyed Immortals to the remnants of his Medium foot on the other side of the Pinarus River. However, this opened up gaps in the Macedonian line, and a four-unit (1 Heavy, 2 Medium, 1 Light cav) Mounted Charge smashed into Parmenio and chased down several Macedonian units, pushing them back, while cutting down Alexander's remaining Companions when they tried to evade, leaving him stranded on his own in the Macedonian rear. The Macedonian gambled and moved up his surviving Phalanx units to try to kill the Persian heavy cav, but they successfully evaded. The next turn the Persian cavalry under brave Narparzanes changed history by swooping in to kill Alex, as his last ditch effort to evade off the board failed, while Darius sipped wine from a golden chalice whilst looking on approvingly. All hail our new Persian overlords! Currently planning a big library for the new city of Narparzania.
Warboard replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
From Instagram @warboard: 8 to 6 trophies victory for Macedon at Issus 333BC. Very costly and almost a disaster, as the Greeks began the battle by attempting to skirmish and probe against an army half again as large as theirs and massively out matching them in the number of light, fast units. Once the historical attack in the centre using both heavy infantry and cavalry belatedly began, the tide was turned, and not a moment too soon for Macedon. The Persians conducted some inspired and devastating maneuvers, and their troops in the centre fought valiantly, but once the medium infantry was gone, there was no one left who could protect the Great King.
mk20336 replied the topic:
7 years 1 month ago
Long and bloody game. Being Persians I knew I need to attack in open sop where I have cards. It was right wing (when playing Persians I usually attack on left, via mountains). It went initially very well, but then double time hit me in flank. I responded with DT and finally it was fight to the last banner. Good game and Persians (also historically) not without chances for a win!