Victory Results:
 33 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  67 %
Total plays 9 - Last reported by bene70 on 2023-04-25 16:43:07

Historical Background
A massive Celtic (aka Gauls) invasion of Greece began with the overunning of Macedonia (See Battle of Macedonia). A large Celtic force under the leadership of Brennos, headed south to plunder the wealthy Greek cities and temples.
A Greek army of approximately 25,000 men under the Athenian General Callippos assembled at the famous pass of Thermopylae. It consisted mainly of Beotians and Aetolians along with contingents from Phocis, Athens, Atalante, Ionia and Macedonia. It was supported at sea by the Athenian fleet. Most of these states were directly threatened by the Celtic invasion.
Callippos attempted to stop the Celts at the River Sphercheios but his advance force was outflanked by a Celtic night crossing so they withdrew back to Thermopylae. The Greeks attacked the assembled Celtic army, but despite inflicting considerable losses they were unable to break them and as night fell both sides retired to their camps to lick their wounds after what had been a bloody stalemate. This is the battle being simulated here.
To break the deadlock Brennos devised a cunning plan. He dispatched a force to raid the territory of Aetolia which caused the Aetolians (about a third of the Greek army) to leave to defend their homeland. Brennos then sent a force through the mountains, as Xerxes had done 200 years before, to outflank the weakened Greeks. Warned late of the flanking attack by the Phocian rearguard the Greeks made a hasty fighting withdrawl to their ships where they embarked and sailed away. Although the Celts were now free to ravage Greece, it appears that when they plundered the temple of Delphi they suffered some sort of setback, due to bad weather, Greek mountain ambushes and some say the enraged Greek Gods. Brennos died, was killed or committed suicide and the Celts returned north.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

War Council

Gallic Army
Leader: Brennos
Take 5 Command Cards      .

Greek Army
Leader: Callippos
Take 5 Command Cards      .
Move First

6 Banners.
If a turn ends with the score 4 or 5 banners each the game ends as a draw.

Special Rules
During the battle the Athenian fleet sailed close inshore to provide missile fire support. At the start of every Greek turn before playing a card that player may attack one gallic unit which is on a marsh hex with 2 combat dice. Only coloured symbols affect.

All hill hexes are impassable.

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g1ul10 replied the topic:
6 years 10 months ago
The Greek advanced and attacked in their left and center section maintaining the line formation. The heavy infantry took the usual substantial toll from the enemy. A timely Barbarian cavalry charge could have changed the sort of the battle, or at least evened it out, but failed to achieve any substantial effect. Final score 6-3 for the Greek.