In this expansion we have taken the opportunity to present a number of Roman battles that we did not have room to include in prior expansions including scenarios in Britain, battles of the Second Triumvirate, and scenarios from the Roman conflicts against the Parthian Empire, Teutonic Barbarians, and the internal turmoil of the frequent struggles for power until Constantine becomes the undisputed Roman Emperor around 325 AD.
The Imperial Rome expansion is packed full of new concepts and new units: heavy cataphract cavalry, baggage wagons, wagon laagers, massed units of horse archers, light infantry tossing caltrops, plus our new Para Bellum system for fighting a series of battles... and more. Each of these additions works within the confines of the original system rules, with only slight modifications to reflect historical abilities and importance. Experienced players will have no trouble learning the few new special units and rule concepts.
Important: The scenarios in this system assume that players own all the previous expansions. If you do not own all the expansions, you can “transplant” most of the scenarios using different armies than those depicted, although this will lose some of the historical and visual appeal.