Heavy Cataphract Cavalry

Heavy Cataphract Cavalry is a mounted unit that is identical to a heavy cavalry unit except that it may ignore 1 sword hit.

Unit Class: Heavy Mounted (red square with white border)
Blocks: 3
Movement: 2
Ranged Combat: ---
Close Combat: 4 (1 sword hit)
Evade Close Combat: may vs Foot or Elephants
Retreat: 2 hexes
Special: retreat 1 additional hex per flag when attacked by elephant or camel.



Cataphract Camel

Cataphract Camel is a mounted unit that is identical to a camel unit except that it may ignore 1 sword hit.

Unit Class: Medium Mounted (blue triangle with white border)
Blocks: 3
Movement: 3
Ranged Combat: ---
Close Combat: Att 3 - Def 2 (1 sword hit)
Evade Close Combat: may vs Foot or Heavy Monuted
Retreat: 3 hexes
Special: may ignore 1 symbol hit when attacked by cavalry or chariot.


Rectangular Wagon Blocks

Wagon blocks are black and have a Baggage Wagon on one side and a Wagon Laager on the other side.

Baggage Wagon

A Baggage Wagon is similar to a leader. Both are not units, but both may be ordered by specific cards. A Baggage wagon cannot be ordered by an I Am Spartacus card.
When Baggage Wagon Rule is in effect:  A Baggage Wagon is a single block, laid down in a hex with the Baggage Wagon side face up.


  • A Baggage Wagon may be ordered and move up to 2 hexes as part of the play of a Section card or an Order Mounted troop card.
  • When ordered as part of a Mounted Charge card, it can move up to 3 hexes.
  • Normal terrain movement restrictions for Mounted units apply.
  • A Baggage Wagon may not move onto a hex with a unit or unattached leader and may not move if a unit or unattached leader occupies its hex.
  • Any unit or leader moving onto a hex with a Baggage Wagon must stop and may not move any further on that turn. Exception: if a Baggage Wagon occupies a Fortified Camp Hex, no unit or leader may enter the hex.


  • A Baggage Wagon may not battle.
  • A unit on a hex with a Baggage Wagon rolls one fewer battle dice than usual when it battles.

Line of Sight: A Baggage Wagon will block line of sight.

Special: An enemy Baggage Wagon may be destroyed at the start of the player’s turn, before a Command card is played, when your unit occupies a hex with an enemy Baggage Wagon and no enemy units are in an adjacent hex. The Wagon block is removed and you collect a Victory Banner for destroying the Baggage Wagon. The Victory Banner cannot be lost.


Wagon Laager

A Wagon Laager is similar to a leader in that both are not units.
When Wagon Laager Rule is in effect: A Wagon Laager is a single block laid down in a hex with the Wagon Laager side face up.


  • A Wagon Laager may not be ordered or moved.
  • Any unit or leader moving onto a hex with a Wagon Laager must stop and may not move any further on that turn.
  • Any unit or leader that leaves a hex with a Wagon Laager may only move onto an adjacent hex regardless of its normal movement allowance.


  • A Wagon Laager may not battle, but units on a hex with a Wagon Laager may battle.
  • Close Combat: A foot unit on a hex with a friendly Wagon Laager rolls its normal number of battle dice, and may disregard one sword symbol and flag rolled against the unit.
  • Ranged Combat: A foot unit on a hex with a friendly Wagon laager may disregard one flag rolled against the unit.
  • A Wagon Laager offers friendly foot units protection against attacks from all sides.
    Note: All mounted units receive no Close Combat, Ranged Combat or protective benefit from a Wagon Laager.
  • Any unit on a hex with an enemy wagon laager rolls one fewer battle dice than usual when it battles. In addition the unit may not disregard one sword symbol and flag rolled against it in Close Combat or one flag in Ranged Combat.

Line of Sight: A Wagon Laager will block line of sight.

Special: An enemy Wagon Laager may be destroyed at the start of the player’s turn, before a Command card is played, when your unit occupies a hex with Wagon Laager and no enemy units are in an adjacent hex. The Wagon Laager block is removed and you collect a Victory Banner for destroying the Wagon Laager. The Victory Banner cannot be lost.