Victory Results:
 100 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %
Total plays 1 - Last reported by taliapharaoh on 2021-04-17 17:59:31

Historical Background
After his defeat in the 2nd Macedonian War, King Philip was determined to rebuild the military resources of Macedon. On his death he was succeeded by his son Perseus, who continued the buildup. Rome, afraid of a resurgent Macedon, took Perseus's meddling in Greek affairs as a pretext for war and appointed Publius Licinius Crassus to prosecute it. He was assigned two legions plus Italian, Greek and Pergamene allies. The two armies camped near each other in Thessaly for several days. Perseus tried to provoke an engagement by sending his light troops and cavalry close to the Roman camp. The Romans responded with a similar force and the two sides met at the foot of Callicinus Hill. Perseus commanded the centre with his elite Agema infantry and Sacred cavalry. He was flanked by auxiliaries and Kings cavalry. Cotys commanded the left wing with Illyrian cavalry and infantry, while Midon commanded the right with Cretans and the rest of the Macedonian cavalry. The Romans deployed their Greek cavalry and light troops on the left under Laevinus. The Italian cavalry and velites occupied the right under the consul's brother Gaius. The centre was occupied by a picked force of Roman cavalry led by Quintus Mucius. Eumenes of Pergemum took station between the front line and the Roman camp with his men. Both armies probably consisted of about 12,000 men each. Perseus attacked first and his left flank quickly drove off the Roman right. Perseus then led the central assault which was also successful. Only the Thessalian cavalry stopped the Roman defeat becoming a disaster by constantly attacking to allow the disorganised Roman army to retreat back to their camp. Crassus had 2,200 men killed and 600 taken prisoner compared to only 60 Macedonian casualties. Perseus hoped that his victory would gain him a favourable peace settlement, but the Romans fought on.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Macedonian Army (Use Greek blocks)
Leader: King Perseus
Take 5 Command Cards      .
Move First .

Roman Army
Leader: Publius Licinius Crassus (not present)
Take 4 Command Cards     .

6 Banners

Special Rules
The Macedonian medium infantry units labelled 'Agema' may ignore 1 crossed sword and 1 retreat banner. Also, they may move two hexes if they don't battle.

The Roman heavy cavalry unit labelled 'Thessalian' may ignore 1 crossed sword and 1 retreat banner.

The Mucius unit is a special unit. Place a special unit block in the same hex as this unit to distinguish it from the other units. This unit may ignore 1 crossed sword and 1 retreat banner. This unit consists of only one block and it may not be rallied above this single block. If this unit is eliminated the Macedonian player does not receive a victory banner, however, the Roman player should roll one dice and on a leader symbol, Mucius is considered to have died and the Macedonian player is awarded a victory banner.

HERE you will find a complete list of all scenarios by Jim Duncan.

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