Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

This operation took place in the day of April 25, 1945. The line is delimited by a river inflated by the risings of spring. As the troops cannot cross this one any more to ford, the bridges quickly become crucials strategics places to cross troops and material.


  American German
Division 1

5 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

2 M3A1 Half Track

1x Flamethrower
1x AntiTank
1x Medic
1x Concealed Concealed

5 Squad Bases
- 12 Regular Infantry
- 3 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

2 SdKfz 251 Half Track

1x Flamethrower
1x Engineer
1x Medic
1x Concealed Concealed

Division 2

3 Squad Bases
- 7 Regular Infantry
- 2 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

2 Sherman Tank

1x AntiTank
1x Concealed Concealed

3 Squad Bases
- 8 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

2 Panzer IV Tank

1x AntiTank

Strategy Decks American Air Support 1
Morale 1
Artillery 1
Ground Support 1
Starting Strategy Cards 3 3
Operations Cards 009 Tank Ace -
Deployment Zone Any of the hexes on map 1A. Any of the hexes on map 9A.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  
Objective The ''3 bridges'' are the three hexes containing a victory objective marker. A nation that controls 2 victory objectives markers at the end of round 10 achieves a minor victory. A nation that controls 3 victory objectives markers at the end of round 10 achieves a major victory.
Rounds 10
Actions per turn 3 3
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules
  • Mortar Crews units may shoot, one time by round (its a free action) a smoke on a hex in his normal range (not available in long range). Place an activation token on the fatigued side at yours mortar crews squad after.
    The rules are similar of artillery cards:
    • Establish contact (automatic)
    • Target Hex
    • Determine Drift
    • Area Attack (no dmg, just place a smoke marker on the hex)
  • ll vehicules has -1 to his movement value.
Terrain Features The stream is Flooded.


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alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 6 months ago
Scenario Overview by Evil Knivel @ BGG

Very thrilling scene. Great map. Very balanced. Simple rules."
Time: 3 h
Favors: Balanced
Fun Factor: *****