Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by alecrespi on 2021-09-08 22:44:43

On June 6th, 1944 the American 82nd Airborne Division landed in Normandy. Horribly scattered due to high winds, heavy flak, and inexperienced pilots, elements of the division move to capture the all important road bridges across the flooded Merderet River; one such crossing lies to the southwest of the town of Chef Du Pont.
To take this bridge, the US 507th regiment of the 82nd Airborne must eliminate the defending German 91st Air Landing Division.


  American German
Division 1

4 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 2 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

3 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
Division 2

4 Squad Bases
- 10 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew
- 1 Mortar Crew

2 Squad Bases
- 6 Regular Infantry
- 1 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
Strategy Decks - -
Starting Strategy Cards - -
Operations Cards - -
Deployment Zone Division 1 & 2: Any half hex of map 10A or 12A Division 1: Any hex of map 26B.
Division 2: Any hex of map 27B.
Starting Initiative Initiative Token  
Objective The American player needs to capture the victory objective marker by the end of game round 5. If he does not, the German player wins.
Rounds 5
Actions per turn 3 2
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules During the first round every American squad must use the Advance action, and must end its movement on a full hex. Each American squad receives one fewer movement point than normal when Advancing on the first turn. -
Terrain Features The Stream is Flooded.


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