Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

November, 1944. The 101st Airborne divison under Brigadier General McAuliffe is entrenched in the city of Bastogne but cut off from their supporting battallions. The Fifth Panzer Army is closing in from all directions attemping probing attacks to determine a weakness in the American defenses. The 101st is surrounded and under seige reinforced only by the occassional supply drop. The 101st must hold the town until Patton's Third Army can arrive to assist in the defense. 

  American German
Division 1

7 Squad Bases
- 18 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 2 Mortar Crew
- 2 Machine Gun Crew

1 Sherman Tank
1 M3A1 Half Track

2x AntiTank
2x Medic

4 Squad Bases
- 15 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer

4 Panzer IV Tank
2 Tiger I
2 Opel Blitz Truck

2x Flamethrower

Division 2

7 Squad Bases
- 19 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew
- 3 Machine Gun Crew

1 Sherman Tank
1 M3A1 Half Track

1x Flamethrower
2x Medic

7 Squad Bases
- 22 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

2 Opel Blitz Truck

2x Flamethrower
2x Medic

Strategy Decks American Air Support 1
Supply 1
Artillery 1
Morale 1
Starting Strategy Cards 2 2
Operations Cards Shaken Defenders Tank Ace
Deployment Zone Any hex in tiles 9B, 1A, or 11A. Div. 1: Any light gray hexes.
Div. 2: Any dark gray hexes.
Starting Initiative   Initiative Token
Objective The Americans win by preventing the German victory condition from occuring. The German must break into the center of the Bastogne crossroads and hold the victory objective marker for AT LEAST TWO ROUNDS before the end of Round 12.
Rounds 12
Actions per turn 4 4

General George S. Patton and his Third Army arrive at the end of
Round 8 and deploy on the reinforcement hexes on Tile 3A.

6 Squad Bases
- 20 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officers
- 1 Mortar crew

4 Shermans

2x AntiTank
2x Medic

Special Rules The Americans receive 4 AT guns at the start of the game. Due to the Americans being heavilly entrenched within the town the Concussive Fire ability of all German tanks is not in play for this scenario.


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