July 1942, Egypt, First battle of El-Alamein
On the 2nd July Rommel ordered the resumption of the offensive, intending for Afrika Korps to drive over the Ruweisat ridge to outflank the South African (one British division) positions at Alamein.
By this time Afrika Korps strength was just 37 tanks, while the British defence of the ridge relied on an improvised formation called Robcol, comprising regiment each of field artillery and light anti-aircraft artillery and a company of infantry. Robcol was able to buy time, and by late afternoon two British armoured brigades joined the battle. They drove back repeated attacks by the Axis armour, who then withdrew before dusk. The British reinforced the Ruweisat on the night of the 2nd July. The now enlarged Robcol became Walgroup. All this time the Royal Air Force subjected the Axis units to heavy air attacks.
The next day, the 3rd July, Rommel resumed the attack on the Ruweisat ridge. This time the Italian XX. Motorised Corps led, an indication of the exhaution and low strength of Afrika Korps. Within the morning, the combination of British artillery fire and constant air attacks halted Afrika Korps advance. Although the British had succeeded in halting Afrika Korps, the Italian Ariete armoured divison initially made good progress along the Ruweisat ridge until they met the more numerous and better armed British tanks of the 4th Armoured brigade.
British | German | |
Division 1 |
10th Indian divison 4 QF 6 pounder AT guns 1x |
21st Panzer divison (Germans) 4 SdKfz 251 halftracks 1x |
Division 2 |
4th Armoured brigade and reinforc. 2 Bedford trucks 1x |
Ariete div. and XX. Motoriz. Corps (Italians) 6 Squad Bases - 19 Regular infantry - 1 Officer - 1 Mortar Crew - 1 Machine Gun Crew 2 SdKfz 251 halftracks 1x |
Strategy Decks | American Air Support 1 Artillery 1 Desert Tactics 1 (shared) |
Leadership Decks | Both B. Montgomery decks (Tactician and Hero Decks) |
Both E. Rommel decks (Blitzkrieger and Assaulter Decks) |
Starting Strategy Cards | 0 (special) | 0 (special) |
Operations Cards | No surrender Desperate defenders Inspiring leadership Thermite explosives |
Seize the initiative |
Deployment Zone |
The British forces deploy first, despite the initiative. 10th Indian deploys normally during a setup on any hill hexes on any map tiles except tiles 19A and 13A. Each AT gun is deployed on one victory hex and may not be moved at all during a whole scenario. British tanks of 4th Armoured deploy during a Status phase of the round 4 and 5 on the hexes on the map tile 18A marked with squad morale tokens. If British player does not manage to deploy all his tanks during these 2 rounds, then he loses his remaining (yet undeployed) tanks. British reinforcement squads (of the Division 2) with both Bedfords deploy on same hexes as tanks of the 4th Armoured during a Status phase of the round 3. They may be loaded (but do not have to) for free MPs in both Bedford trucks. |
The German 21st Panzer division deploys in two steps: Italian division also deploys in two steps: |
Starting Initiative | ![]() |
Objective | The Axis has to neutralize British defensive positions on the Ruweisat Ridge in order to secure an unobstructed advance of their forces towards El-Alamein. If Axis player manages to capture and control by the end of the scenario all 4 victory hexes, he wins. Otherwise a winner is determined via distributing of VPs as stated below. | |
Rounds | 8 | |
Actions per turn | 3 or 4 | 3 or 4 |
Reinforcements | - | - |
Special Rules |
AT guns Concealed squads Using strategy decks The British player puts during a setup following cards to his play area: Air superiority and Increased priority. These cards are added to the cards taken from Desert tactics deck. |
Italian tanks Strategy decks British deploy zone restriction |
Terrain Features |
Rules for strategy decks and operations cards
Using Desert tactics deck
Desert tactics is a shared deck. The Hidden minefield card is put away from this deck before a setup.
During a setup following cards are put to (next to other cards mentioned in their own sections):
a) the Axis player’s HQ: 2x Dust decoy
b) the Axis player’s play area: Dust cloud
c) the British player’s HQ: 2x Fill sandbags
b) the British player’s play area: Increased visibility
After dealing above mentioned cards are remaining cards of this deck removed from game, i.e. are not anymore used in the scenario.
Additionaly, both sides may play any Desert tactics card for free CPs (other strategy cards have to be normaly paid for :-)).
Leadership decks
Due to a fact that in this battle were engaged forces under a command of two commanders, who have their own commander cards – i.e. B. Montgomery and E. Rommel – then both player should use them, if they agree. They may also use only one of them and even none of them.
Moreover, if they agree to use them, then each of them may choose to use both leadership decks that a given commander card offers. Since they are 4 different leadership decks, there is no problem. So German player may use both Assaulter and Blitzkrieger deck, while the British player may use both Hero and Tactician deck.
If using Blitzkrieger deck, put away these cards: Bombing run, Rapid mobilization, and Elite tank crew and Tank ace operations cards.
If using Assaulter deck, put away Rapid mobilization card and Merciless assault operations card.
If using Hero deck, put away Inspiring leadership and No surrender operations cards.
If using Tactician deck, put away both Stolen supplies cards.
The reason for removing above stated operations cards is a fact, that these cards are represented in an appropriate leadership deck via similar cards, which have limited use (usually thrice).
Special rules for both players
Number of actions per turn
In the round 1 both players have 4 actions per turn. Since the round 2 British player has 3 actions, while Axis player has 4 actions per turn.
Distribution of CPs
CPs are earned this way. During Receiving CPs step a player:
a) receives 1 CP for each controlled victory hex. During a setup the British automaticaly gain control over any victory hex, where they have deployed at least one squad.
b) receives an amount of CPs equal to the half of his (not yet destroyed) tanks (round up) – i.e in case of 7 tanks a player receives 4 CPs. German and Italian tanks add together.
These two sources are cumulative – i.e the Axis at the beginning does not control any victory hex but it has tanks. The British vice versa. During the scenario, tanks will be destroyed and deployed and victory hexes will change their owner.
Distribution of VPs (by the end of round 8):
a) for each controlled victory hex its controller receives 1 VP.
b) for each destroyed enemy tank a player receives 1 VP.
c) if the Axis player destroys or manages to capture any British AT, which survives till the end of scenario and Axis controls it, he receives 1 additional VP for each such an AT.
c) the British player receives 1 VP for each AT gun, which survives till the end of the scenario and is under British control.