Victory Results:
 71 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  29 %
Total plays 119 - Last reported by driddle01 on 2024-07-21 02:10:42

Historical Background
Having gained control over all of the known civilized world, Alexander ventured into India in 326 BC. He met resistance from Porus at the River Hydaspes. Porus’ large corps of 200 elephants thwarted all of Alexander’s attempts to cross the river. Learning that a large force was moving to reinforce Porus, Alexander decisively divided his army, and secretly crossed up-river with the majority of the Macedonian troops. Craterus remained in place with a large detachment to deceive the Indians. Upon receiving the startling news that Alexander had crossed the Hydaspes, Porus hurriedly turned his army to meet him in battle. Porus sent his chariots forward but these were quickly destroyed. Alexander then sent his cavalry to attack Porus' right wing and gained the flank of the Indian army, while his heavy infantry advanced to attack the elephants and bowmen. The elephants charged the phalanx and did great execution among the elite Macedonian infantry. Only the timely intervention of the light troops prevented a greater loss. Porus, wounded six times, was captured and the remainder of his army routed. Porus so impressed Alexander with his bravery that he was allowed to retain his kingdom as a Macedonian vassal. The power of the elephants was not lost upon the Macedonian generals who fought at Hydaspes. They would go to great pains to obtain elephants of their own during the Wars of the Successors.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

Light Infantry Light Bow Auxilia Medium Infantry Heavy Infantry   Light Bow Cavalry Medium Cavalry     Leader
3 1 1 1 3   2 2     3
  Light Bow Auxilia     Light Cavalry   Medium Cavalry Elephant Heavy Chariot Leader
  4 4     1   1 3 2 3

War Council

Macedonian Army (Use Greek blocks)
• Leader: Alexander
• 6 Command Cards 
• Move First

Indian Army (Use Eastern Kingdom blocks)
• Leader: Porus
• 5 Command Cards      

7 Banners

Special Rules
• The River Hydaspes is impassable.

• When Alexander is attached to a unit, the unit will battle with 1 additional dice in Close Combat.

• The two Greek Companion Cavalry units are special units. Place a special unit block in the same hex as the Companion Cavalry units to distinguish it from the other units. The Companion Cavalry will ignore 1 sword symbol in Close Combat and may ignore 1 flag.

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srugge replied the topic:
2 months 5 days ago
Solo Game. Alexander and Coenus attacked the Indian Left with the two Companion Cav, inflicting some damage but then both Companion units were wiped out in a vicious counterattack by Porus' auxiliaries and supported by elephants. The Macedonians then advanced their heavy phalanx in the center, but all the Macedonian Heavy units were wiped out by a two unit elephant charge in the center, supported by some Indian long bowmen. Macedonians had one damaged medium unit left, but he was dispatched by a combination of Indian auxiliaries and long range bow fire. All the Macedonians had left at this point was light units, who ran out of room at the back edge of the board and were overrun by a combination of elephants and chariots. Final score 7-2 Indians.
Andygor replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
At first glance at the balance of power, it seems that the Macedonians are significantly superior to the Indians in quality. But if you have the right order cards (Cavalry Charge, Darken the sky, Order Light Troops) the situation may not be in favor of the Macedonians.
mk20336 replied the topic:
6 years 7 months ago
Very interesting end of the evening. I like this scenario - there is small hope that with good cards Indians can cause some troubles to Alex. And rightly so - I had two times Order Heavy plus Mounted Charge - you can see below that it was very helpful as majority of battle happened in center of Macedonian phalanx. In the end, Greeks finished game with no leader on the board and heavy loses - 6-3 for elephants owners:

PS. I am using figures for elephants which look then gorgeous :)
King-Billy replied the topic:
13 years 1 week ago
It has been far to long since we had a gaming session of C&C A. We fixed that today.

I played this scenario twice today, firstly as the Indians, going down 6-7, then as the Macedonians, winning a massive 7-1, so two more wins for the Macedonians.

The first one was very, very close. I had the chance to win it, but botched up my last turn by attacking in the wrong order, allowing a unit that I should have destroyed to retreat. The elephants performed well, smashing the phalanx. It was Alexander and his Companions that pulled the Greeks out of the fire.

The second game was a lot closer than the score would make it appear. I only lost one full unit, but boy, most of my army was looking very sick. Eric, my opponent, seemed to be able t pull any dice combo he needed with his archers, reducing half a dozen units to half or less blacks.

Two double times allowed me to get my phalanx in among the Indian infantry, causing carnage, and winning the game for me.

We just have to do this more often!
religon replied the topic:
13 years 9 months ago
Played this solo reducing the Macedonian Command Cards to only 5. Macedonians still won 7-3 without real difficulty. Some poor card draws hurt Porus preventing the elephants from activating quickly.
The-Admiral replied the topic:
14 years 3 days ago
Yes This one does appear a little one sided. Had a quick check of my results and solitaire was 4 games to 0 to Macedon and in a ftf with my brother he won 7-4.

It was 2 or 3 years ago but I recall him balking at all my elephants and saying how easily I would win. He had never faced them before and had seen me solitaire a game of Bagradas (Greg Blanchett) where the elephants had gone through the Romans like a hot knife through butter for a 6-3 win. I explained that Elephants can be very hit and miss, and my Indian Elephants on the Hydaspes definitely missed big time that day. My left wing cavalry fought a valiant comeback but from 3-0 down it was a lost cause.

But if the Elephants can do their stuff the Indians can win.
Tuscan-Centurion replied the topic:
14 years 2 weeks ago
As this report shows the flip-flop way of playing a scenario gives both players a taste of each side and in one sided scenarios - victory (hopefully!).
I have to add that this so far is my favorite CCA scenario and can't wait to play it as an EPIC game! B)
King-Billy replied the topic:
14 years 1 month ago
I played this one twice today, as both sides. In both games the Macedonians won, although by different ways.

As the Macedonians, I pushed my phalanx up early, using a double time card to present a solid front. Simon, my opponent, pushed his elephants forward to meet them. The phalanx failed. every single heavy infantry block was wiped out in the engagement. I had to pull back my centre, and used my left flank light infantry to clean up what remained of his elephants. Things were not looking good for Alexander, so I threw in the cavalry. Using both Companion units, one with Alaxander and the other with a leader, I smashed into the Indian left flank, carving through his cavalry and light infantry. He counterattacked with his remaining elephant, but I used a First Strike card to kiill it before it could have an effect. The Macedonians won 7 to 4.

We swapped sides, and the start was somewhat the same, with the phalanx advancing up the centre. I positioned my elephants to strike, and sent them in. This time he pulled out the First Strike card, and my elephants crumbled, followed by my right flank, the pikes of the phalanx sweeping all before them. Macedonians 7 to 3.

I think it is winnable by the Indians, if they get the elephants right. They need to get into the right position to strike, and cause as much damage as possible in their initial attack, because they do not last long. The Companion cavalry, particularly the one with Alexander, are a huge threat, four dice and can ignore two retreats and one sword dice. They should be the primary target of every light infantry unit in the Indian force to try and jag a leader hit against Alexander.

alecrespi replied the topic:
15 years 8 months ago
Eric S. Raymond wrote some comments about this scenario on his webpage. CLICK HERE to read full article.

Macedonion infantry and cavalry (with Alexander as a special leader) against Indians with archers and elephants. This is a big, fun brawl. Historically, this is the battle that gave the the Diadochi (Alexander's generals) a vast desire for elephants in their armies — and, in fact, the elephants are key to the battle. They will wreak havoc on the Macedonian mediums and heavies if the Macedonian player doesn't learn how to counter with light infantry harassment tactics.
Maybe the indian slightly exotic weapons mix (heavy on longbowmen and elephants) makes it more fun to play, but on the other hand the Macedonians have the Alexander leader unit. His bonus battle die and morale effects make the Companion medium cavalry he starts with pretty nasty, but there can be worse fates for the Indian player — as I found out when I shot the Companions to ribbons and my opponent moved Alexander onto a heavy infantry unit. A six-battle-dice attack is no fun to be on the receiving end of; it will chew opposing units up pretty fast even when they evade.

Overall, well balanced. In my opinion one of the best compositions anywhere in the GMT scenario books.

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