Victory Results:
 46 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  54 %
Total plays 26 - Last reported by NCF on 2024-12-08 15:29:24

Historical Background
Slowed by having only one bridge to cross, Napoleon had less than a third of his army across the Danube, when Charles attacked. The Austrians were formed into five attack columns with the Grenadiers and the majority of the cavalry in reserve.
The battle started with the attack by the first and second Austrian columns against Aspern. The French, under the command of Molitor, were already deployed in the village and repulsed the first attack. The second Austrian attack briefly entered the town before being thrown back. French reinforcements were needed to repulse a third attack. By this time, some of the Austrian cavalry had moved forward along with the third column. Napoleon, concerned the village might fall, ordered Marulaz to charge. The battle for control of Aspern swung back and forth and at the end of the day, both Austrian and French infantry occupied the town. Meanwhile, in a series of uncoordinated attacks, the infantry of the Austrian fourth column could not take the granary in Essling, a massive bastion, and pulled back. The fifth column, having the greatest distance to march, was now in position around 8:00 PM and launched its attack. Using both the granary and the Long Garden as key defensive positions, Lannes skillfully deployed and redeployed his outnumbered French troops to these critical points to maintain control of the village. After this final attack of the day, Rosenberg ordered his Austrians to retire and wait for the Grenadiers and the rest of the Austrian cavalry reserve to arrive.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest Hill Church Walled Garden Marsh Town
8 14 1 1 4 6

Battle Notes

Austrian Army
• Commander: Charles
• 5 Command Cards
• 3 Tactician Cards
• Move First


Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenzer Infantry Militia Infantry Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Light Lancer Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry Horse Artillery Foot Artillery Leader
15 3 4 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 4 9

French Army
• Commander: Napoleon
• 6 Command Cards
• 6 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Young Guard Old Guard Light Cavalry Cuirassier Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery Leader
12 7 1 1 2 3 4 1 9

16 Banners

Special Rules
• The four town hexes of Aspern (3 town hexes and church) form a temporary Group Majority Group Victory Banner Objective worth 2 banners to the side that occupies an absolute majority of the town hexes at the start of its turn.
• The three town hexes of Essling form a temporary Group Majority Group Victory Banner Objective worth 2 banners to the side that occupies an absolute majority of the town hexes at the start of its turn.
• The French starts with 4 Victory Banners.
• The Long Garden is a Temporary Victory Banner for the Austrians worth 2 banners when occupied at the start of the turn.
• The two side by side town hexes in Essling represent the Granary. The Granary has all the effects of a town, in addition, a unit on each Granary hex may ignore one flag.

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NCF replied the topic:
2 months 2 days ago
2 battles played

1 FRENCH victory (16-15)
Fierce battle in building hexes but final victory for FRA

1 AUSTRIAN victory (16-8).
France was overrun in both flanks with Austrian Force March cards
NightOwl3 replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
This was my first CCN Epic. Judd had played the battle in the regular CCN which is two different scenarios. He knew the cards better than I, and had some experience with the game. Since he knew the Austrians better, he suggested he play them and I the French which had more cards and held some towns for a defensive advantage. I started out trying to support my left and the towns there. I also had to worry about the towns on the right as well. Judd quickly got his ARTT in position and bombarded my towns. My towns on the left held out against multiple attacks, but the towns on the right traded hands several times before Judd claimed them. I eventually stopped trying to take them back since it was to deadly. He took two banners from me and added them to his score. He also was in control of the game at this point. I was reacting to his moves. He also attacked in the center with some Cavs including a lancer which was deadly. Thankfully, I responded with a Heavy Cuir to push them back. I finally killed the lancer and one of his Heavy Cuir. I also lead a light Cav attack on my right to take pressure off the Long Garden which was two banners if he took it. Meanwhile on my left my light troops took out some of his units with ranged fire. Those volleys of 5 dice were effective against his infantry. I was slowly gaining banners but his masses on my left were also starting to wear me down. He finally took one of the hexes for the towns but not total control. I was in a position to win (if I got four banners) but only got three. He attacked with a heave Cav which took out an ARTT but could not defeat my infantry in square. I charged with a Heavy Cuir and attacked with a flag bonus charge to win: 16-12. It was close, and I thought I might not win.
Hexagoon replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Austrian victory by 4 banners. The Austrian right flank was unstoppable, ground down the French and at the end took 3 of the Aspern hexes after which the cavalry unit was able to pass through and mop up. An attritional fight in the centre and Austrian left used up the French cavalry and the Guard, and there wasn't much left to halt the final Austrian advance. JB & Colin v CK & Glen.
g1ul10 replied the topic:
6 years 7 months ago
I won this one yesterday with the Austrians, 16 to 11. The main assault on Essling was helped by the fact that my opponent did not draw any first strike Combat card. The Frenches were committed to controlling the villages at any cost. Thus they kept on sending infantry units in Essing, just to be ground the next round by Austrian combined attacks. I gained 3/4 medals this way that in the end were decisive.

View of the village of Essling from the Austrian lines.