Victory Results:
 61 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  39 %
Total plays 54 - Last reported by craigJ on 2024-09-20 23:05:03

Altenzaun - 26 October 1806

Historical Background
The Prussian army fled north after their catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Jena-Auerstadt. Trying to reach safety behind the Oder River, Hohenlohe, Blücher, and Saxe-Weimar crossed the Elbe with Napoleon’s army in hot pursuit. During the retreat, Ludwig von Yorck’s Prussians fought a rearguard action near Altenzaun.
Yorck had deployed his men in a strong defensive position with their left flank resting on the Elbe River. About 4:00 p.m., French cavalry approached the Prussian position. They were greeted by Prussian light infantry fire and quickly retired. The French infantry then advanced along the Elbe to attempt to turn the Prussian flank, but Yorck quickly ordered his reserves forward, and the French were again turned back. A timely counterattack discouraged the French from any further action, and Yorck’s troops completed their crossing of the Elbe unmolested.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 6
Hill 10
River 5
RiverBend 4
Town 2
Marsh 4


Battle Notes

Prussian Army
• Commander: Yorck
• 5 Command Cards & 4 Iron Will Counters
• Optional 4 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Foot Artillery Leader
2 5 2 4

French Army
• Commander: Legrand
• 4 Command Cards
• Optional 2 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
6 2 4 2 2


5 Banners

Special Rules
• The Prussian player gains 1 Victory Banner for each scout card he plays.

• The French player gains 1 Victory Banner for each French unit that exits the battlefield from any Prussian baseline hex.

• The Elbe River is impassable.

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kostas63 replied the topic:
4 years 1 month ago
Vittoria Prussiana 5-3. Mentre i prussiani sistemano le loro unità nel centro, la cavalleria francese riceve l'ordine di caricare. Riescono ad eliminare un'artiglieria costringendo i resti dell'altra a rifugiarsi a Osterholz. I prussiani non si perdono d'animo e i loro leggeri costringono al ritiro la cavalleria francese. Inoltre uno dei battaglioni leggeri prussiani occupa indisturbato Altenzaun. Con la cavalleria francese fuori gioco i francesi premono sulle ali. Ware riceve pochi ordini e a causa delle paludi non combina un granchè. Leval riesce ad arrivare ai piedi delle colline ma i prussiani resistono e respingono i francesi. Un ordine di Scout dà infine la vittoria ai prussiani.
kostas63 replied the topic:
4 years 1 month ago
Vittoria Prussiana 5-3. Mentre i prussiani sistemano le loro unità nel centro, la cavalleria francese riceve l'ordine di caricare. Riescono ad eliminare un'artiglieria costringendo i resti dell'altra a rifugiarsi a Osterholz. I prussiani non si perdono d'animo e i loro leggeri costringono al ritiro la cavalleria francese. Inoltre uno dei battaglioni leggeri prussiani occupa indisturbato Altenzaun. Con la cavalleria francese fuori gioco i francesi premono sulle ali. Ware riceve pochi ordini e a causa delle paludi non combina un granchè. Leval riesce ad arrivare ai piedi delle colline ma i prussiani resistono e respingono i francesi. Un ordine di Scout dà infine la vittoria ai prussiani.
LARS replied the topic:
4 years 1 month ago
French win 5-4. In spite of drawing three Scout cards, Yorck lost due to an early cavalry charge by the French which crushed an artillery unit and captured two leaders alone in their hexes. The game ended with a French line unit exiting the map on a Grande Manoeuver card. The scenario is VERY card dependent, but it was exciting.
NightOwl3 replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
I was the French. I was able to pull off a win but it was very close, a 5-4 French victory. I got one Cav. off the board, and took out 3 units and a leader. I fantastic Cav. charge that did little damage set me up for failure, but slowly I got a few kills. The final victory came in an Art. attack that destroyed the unit and then killed the leader. It was a close one. My opponent had a scout card, and if I had not won on my turn, he would have just by playing the scout card (his only one of the game).