Victory Results:
 63 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  37 %
Total plays 27 - Last reported by The-Admiral on 2024-03-01 23:53:08

Historical Background
After the Battle of Pylos, a force of Spartan soldiers was isolated on the island of Sphacteria. Demosthenes, commanding the force at Pylos, initially planned to starve the Spartans out, but it became clear over time that the Spartans would be able to hold out. He requested reinforcements from Athens. Cleon, with an Athenian expeditionary force, landed and moved inland, harassing the Spartans with missile fire whenever they attempted to advance to battle. The frustrated Spartans withdrew to the northern end of the island, where they waited behind their fortications. A stalemate took place for some time, until an Athenian force burst into the Spartan rear using a route along the island’s shore that had been left unguarded because of its roughness. The Spartans abandoned their defenses after Epitadas, their commander, was killed. Styphon, now in command, ordered his surrounded men to throw down their shields and surrender. The mystique of Spartan invincibility was shattered.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

Light Infantry   Light Bow Auxilia   Medium Hoplite Infantry                         Leader  
2   4 4   5                         3  
Light Infantry Light Sling   Auxilia     Medium Hoplite Infantry                       Leader  
1 2   4     3                       2  

War Council

Athenian Army (Use Greek light blue blocks)
• Leader: Demosthenes
• 6 Command Cards 
• Move First

Spartan Army (Use Spartan orange and bronze Hoplite blocks)
• Leader: Epitadas
• 5 Command Cards      

6 Banners

Special Rules
• Each Athenian unit that occupies any one terrain hex in the center, or left section of the battlefield, between the line of ramparts and the Spartan base line, at the start of the Athenian player’s turn, will gain the Athenian player one Victory Banner. The Victory Banner is retained as long as the unit remains between a rampart and Spartan baseline hex or is not eliminated..

• The Hoplite Infantry rule is in effect.

• Three Spartan units are special bronze five block MH units.

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Riclev replied the topic:
11 months 3 weeks ago
Two games, two Athenian victories.

The first special rule is ambiguous. If by terrain hex it means the broken ground hexes, then why don't we say what we mean? Second, both the first comment below and the map above suggest that the left and centre sections of the battlefield in the rule are from the Spartan point of view, but we took this to mean from the Athenian perspective. In other words, all three broken ground hexes are included. From a logical standpoint, surely this makes more sense - why exclude one of the three and also the one clear hex behind the Spartan ramparts? Also, is only one hex included in any game or can different Athenian units occupy any one of the three? The use of the word "one" in the seventh word in the rule raises an ambiguity. I guess the intention is to count each and every Athenian unit running amok behind the Spartan lines regardless of which broken-terrain hexes they may have passed through, but the rule as written is as clear as mud.

A further thought, if a light or auxilia unit starts a turn on the hex between the hill, the broken ground and the sea and moves two hexes into the clear hex between the broken ground and the ramparts why would this not earn the victory banner at the start of the next turn? The rule as written states that it has to start a turn in the broken ground, but logically why? Furthermore, historically, the Athenian outflanking force climbed a cliff, which I presume is what the broken-ground hexes are simulating. If they are contained on the cliff surely they pose no threat. Personally, I would word the rule to award the banner only after a unit breaks out into the clear terrain behind the ramparts, so something along the lines of "Each Athenian unit, which at the start of the Athenian player's turn occupies a clear hex behind the Spartan ramparts having got there by crossing the broken ground in the gap between the impassable hills and the sea, will gain the Athenian player one Victory Banner. The Victory Banner is retained as long as the unit remains in a clear hex between the ramparts and the Spartan baseline inclusive and is not eliminated." I would also remove the two broken-ground tiles beyond the one hex of the chokepoint.
GF1954 replied the topic:
1 year 9 months ago
2 solitaires games, with both sides winning by the score of 6 - 1. In the first, I had the Spartans storm the Athenians with great success. That strategy did not work the second time.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 2 months ago
so I have updated the map with the correct unit, and indicated in green crayon where I think the victory area is.
haslo replied the topic:
4 years 1 month ago
The map above and the map in the Vassal module have an error - the second unit from the left shouldn't be a Medium Infantry, but a Light Infantry. It's a Light Infantry in my paper scenario book (1st Edition), and the unit breakdown below the map also lists two L and no M units.
The-Admiral replied the topic:
4 years 3 months ago
I have raised the following question with GMT:
"In the scenario 'Sphacteria - 425 BC' from the Spartan expansion, the Special Rules state that the Athenian player gains a victory banner for each "terrain hex" occupied. Is that any of the 27 hexes behind the ramparts and on the left and centre map, or only the 2 hexes that contain actual terrain (broken ground) tiles?"
The use of 'terrain hex' rather than just 'hex' leads me to believe it is just the two eligible broken ground hexes, but the last sentence of the rule has me doubting?