Victory Results:
 26 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  74 %
Total plays 38 - Last reported by The-Admiral on 2024-01-27 16:08:26

Historical Background
King Xerxes desired to punish the Athenians for his father’s defeat at Marathon and their support for Ionian revolts. He planned a second invasion of Greece in 480 BC and amassed a huge   to extend the Persian Empire into Europe. Several Greek citystates gathered around Athens and Sparta, and decided to slow the Persian advance at the narrow pass of Thermopylae. The Oracle at Delphi had announced that Sparta would either be destroyed or lose a King. Leonidas, one of the two Kings, chose the latter, leading 300 Spartans and other Greeks to one of History’s most famous last stands. Xerxes waited four days for the small Greek force to leave. Then, for two and a half days he unleashed his  , wave after wave, against the Greek Hoplites who stood firm. The Persians did not prevail until Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks by revealing a goat path that led behind their lines. Dismissing the rest of the  , Leonidas fought to the death with his Spartans. Their epitaph reads: “Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie”. While a tactical victory, the heavy losses and the delay, inflicted by just a few hundred Greeks, was a significant blow to the Persian morale. In September, the Greeks defeated the Persians at the naval battle of Salamis and Xerxes, fearful of being trapped in Europe, returned to Asia with part of his 

The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

    Light Bow Auxilia Medium Infantry     Warriors         Medium Cavalry           Leader  
    5 1 5     2         2           2  
      Auxilia   Medium Hoplite Infantry Medium Hoplite Infantry                       Leader  
      1   2 3                       2  

War Council

Persian Army
(Use Persian light tan blocks)
• Leader: Xerxes 1st of Persia
• 5 Command Cards      
• Move First

Greek Army
(Use Spartan orange and bronze Hoplite blocks)
• Leader: Leonidas
• 6 Command Cards 

6 Banners

Special Rules
• The Persian army receives 1 Victory Banner for each unit that exits the battlefield from a hex on the Greek base line.

• The three Persian Immortal units are special units. Place a special unit block in the same hex as these units to distinguish them from other units. The Immortals are armed with bows and will also follow Ranged Combat rules.

• The Hoplite Infantry rule is in effect.

• Three Spartan units are special five bronze block MH units.

• All hill hexes are impassable.

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Riclev replied the topic:
1 year 3 weeks ago
I don't believe this is as one-sided as some below seem to think. We played it three times and saw victories of 6-5 Persian, and 6-4 and 6-4 to the Spartans. However, in both the Spartan victories, the Persians started with a Double Time with the eventual result being the wiping out of Leonidas and the Spartan right for the loss of three or four of the Persian medium infantry units. It then became a question of could sufficient Persian units exit the map before the Spartans achieved victory on their left flank. In both cases the answer was no, but this was due to a paucity of appropriate cards in the Persian hand. Despite this, however, the Persians should still have won at least one of the games if they had played better, even with the cards they did have.

In the other (Persian victory) game, the Persian player had no cards for the main body on the left, allowing the Spartans to advance and eliminate two of the archers. Eventually the Persians were able to get organised as the Spartans had no cards to follow this up (they started with four sectional cards in the centre and two Move Heavy Troops) and they were able to eliminate the entire Spartan/Greek army on both flanks.
HANJEL replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
Very unbalanced scenario, favorable for the side that lost the battle. Sparta 6, Persia 0.
GF1954 replied the topic:
1 year 10 months ago
Another 2 solo games, with the Spartans winning both, 6 - 1. and 6 - 2.
GF1954 replied the topic:
4 years 8 months ago
2 solitaire games. In the first, the Spartans won easily 6 - 0. But in the second, surprise, surprise, the Persians won 6 - 4! I really didn't think it was possible for the Persians to win in this scenario, but the Persians managed to withstand the frontal assault by the Spartans. The Persian right flank didn't have to do anything.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
12 years 4 months ago
the Persian left is essentially trapped and it isn't hard to see the Greeks just slaughtering their way forwards. Essentially the Persians have to move forwards to have any room at all.

Needs a breakthrough map I think.
broadsword replied the topic:
12 years 6 months ago
Spartans shove their MI forward, and smash the Persians against their back board edge. Why wait around on the wall for the Persians to shoot you to bits?