Victory Results:
 47 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  53 %
Total plays 19 - Last reported by Dawnreader on 2021-05-22 00:06:28

Battle of Dresden - 27 August 1813
Day 2 (French Right flank)

Historical Background
Dresden was the last major depot in Napoleon's line of communications and full of supplies.  St. Cyr and XIV corps were charged with its defence while Napoleon pursued the Army of Silesia under Blücher.  This was NOT what the allies had expected.
The allies launched the Army of Bohemia through the mountains, north towards Leipzig, thinking that Napoleon would fall first on the Allied Army of the North, defending Berlin under the command of Bernadotte.  They hoped to arrive in Napoleon's rear as he was doing so.
Instead, they learned Napoleon was marching into Silesia instead and they decided to convert the Army of Bohemia's attack into a short hook north eastward to Dresden.
The change of plan led to considerable disorganization.  The Army of Bohemia had crossed into Saxony on the 22nd, first elements reaching Dresden on the 25th, but much of the allied force remained behind in the forests and mountain roads.
The leadership was short of planned strength and faced an active defence from St. Cyr and argued, hesitating to attack immediately, unsure who had a larger force.
Schwartzenberg made the decision to delay his attack until the 26th, thinking Napoleon was days away.  Napoleon however arrived on the 26th.
The allies began their pre-planned attack after much argument, and Napoleon supported St. Cyr just enough to stop the allies.  And by the end of the first day counterattacked enough to send the allies back nearly to their starting point.
During the night, Napoleon received reinforcements from Victor and Marmont.  Both armies planned attacks on the 27th, the allies in the center, and the French in a  double envelopment.  The center became a stalemated artillery duel, while on the French left, Mortier, Nansouty and St. Cyr had great initial gains, outflanking the Russians and pushing the Prussians back, but then stalled.
The biggest gains were on the French right.  Murat attacked, with Victor's infantry overrunning Austrian defenders and neutralizing the Plauen bridge on the flooded Weisseritz river so the Austrian main body could only watch events unfold.  Many Austrians were pinned near Dözschen and were lost when Victor's artillery set it afire. Due to heavy mud in the area, the cuirassiers and dragoons could only advance at a fast walk.  Austrians on the right, opposite Murat were trapped by Teste's infantry, and the cavalry of Pajol and Latour-Maubourg. Large numbers of them retreated, or were cut down by cavalry.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

Set-Up Order

Forest 7
Hill 28
River 3
RiverBend 1
Town 4

Battle Notes

Allies Army
• Commander: Bianchi
• 4 Command Cards
• 2 Tactician Cards (Optional)

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Grenzer Light Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery General
9 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 5

French Army
• Commander: Murat
• 5 Command Cards
• 3 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Cuirassier Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery General
6 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 5

8 Banners

Special Rules
• The four villages represent a temporary french victory objective (turn start). French gain 1 temporary banner at turn start for each objective hex occupied beyond the second (thus, 2 banners if occupy all four) (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)
• The Allies gain 1 Temporary Victory Banner if the French control 0 villages. Allies start with 1 Victory Banner
• The river is not fordable
• Heavy cavalry unit types may not move three spaces when ordered by a cavalry charge
•Mud: Artillery moves a maximum of 1 space per turn, regardless of Command or Tactician Card effects.

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LARS replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
An extraordinary opening. The Austrians , holding a Canister Card moved an artillery unit forward in the center to bait an attack by the French Lancers. Attack they did. After the Canister Card was played the French used Battlefield Smoke... no hits by the canister... artillery destroyed and a Light Infantry now in square. The Austrians attacked Victor and were smashed. French win 8-4.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 3 months ago
Good to hear from you!

My view is leave this one alone. In 2 plays, I found each game played out completely differently. One was a cavalry clash on the French Right, the other an infantry and artillery battle on the French Left.
Tarheel replied the topic:
4 years 3 months ago
Judging by the last tournament, wondering if tweaking the four villages VP to instead just provide a temporary VP to the French if they occupy at least one village location would help, and simplify rules
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 3 months ago
in 2020 Open Round 1, this scenario was played 23 times, with 10 French wins
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 5 months ago
Game file of latest version

File Attachment:

File Name: BH11-Dresd...813.vsav
File Size:37 KB
sharpe1812 replied the topic:
7 years 4 months ago
This is a good, enjoyable scenario. The French have quite a puzzle to unravel.
Tarheel replied the topic:
7 years 10 months ago
almost correct. first special rule should be replaced with, French gain 1 temporary banner at turn start for each objective hex occupied beyond the second (thus, 2 banners if occupy all four)
Tarheel replied the topic:
7 years 10 months ago
as in the other side of battlefield, mud affects artillery so it should be limited to 1 space per turn, regardless of card play, here as well. Also, given French bias, might be better if village objectives are worth 1 victory banner for allies if french do not occupy more than 1, and 1 banner for the french if they occupy at least two.
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
that sounds fair. will try that out
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
Tactical ratings
Based on the Commanders, Murat gets 3 in every other scenario, so I suggest 3
Bianchi is an unknown quality, but good Austrian Leaders like Archduke Charles get 3, so I'm suggesting 2
Tarheel replied the topic:
8 years 9 months ago
thanks for playing again! Do you have any suggestions for number of tactics cards to use? I am thinking five for French and four for Allies? I need to update my scenarios to the new decks.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 years 10 months ago
Played this with the old 70 deck. Came down the the next banner wins, tied 7-7. French had great cards and dud dice. Austrians had dud cards and average dice. Austria won!
Tarheel replied the topic:
9 years 10 months ago
Adjustments to scenario posted
Bayernkini replied the topic:
9 years 10 months ago

If someone is able to adjust the map here at the website

Send Alessandro a new map picture, he can replace it on website
Tarheel replied the topic:
9 years 10 months ago
And herein lies the problem with historical accuracy and adjusting for game balance. The forces on this map are historically accurate proportionately and the results you had quite accurate historically.

So, now to adjust for balance in the game.

Commander-wise I chose to pick the overall battle commanders, who were present at Dresden, but I can see focusing down to the wing commanders.

If someone is able to adjust the map here at the website and the Vassal entry, I am okay with the following for game balance:

1. Minus 1 CU unit FR
2. Minus 1 LN unit FR
3. Adjust commanders to Murat 5 cards and Bianchi 4
4. change the woods to a hill on far AU right to hill. This could still be accurate terrain, since maps a little open to interpretation that i found
Mark-McG replied the topic:
9 years 10 months ago
Played this scenario twice with Michael today, and French won both times 8-3

Michael's view is the French are overpowered in cavalry, whilst my view is that it is the French infantry that win the day. We agreed on 1 less French CU and 2 less French LN on the Left. If the woods behind Weissenwolf were a hill that would help the GRZ

I also have a minor quibble about the Commander, since both Napoleon and Schwarzenburg were more concerned elsewhere. I'd suggest Murat (Command 5) vs Bianchi (Command 4)

Napoleon Guide