Victory Results:
 47 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  53 %
Total plays 73 - Last reported by LtCol_Theodora_Fusilier on 2024-05-12 01:48:33

Grossbeeren - 23 August 1813

Historical Background
Battle had been joined. Bertrand’s IV Corps had become engaged at Blankenfelde, Reynier’s VII Corps, composed primarily of Saxons, had come up against von Bulow’s larger German/Swedish corps in good defensive terrain. Still by 2 pm, those Saxons had pushed through the woods in front of Grossbeeren and thrown the Prussian defenders out of the village. The victorious Saxons in Grossbeeren were in danger because their position was exposed to a flank attack and could easily be overwhelmed. The Prussians sensed this opportunity and moved forward to the attack. Reynier ordered Lecoq’s Division to advance and protect the French left flank, but it was forced back by the Prussian artillery. The French guns were brought forward to silence them, but the ensuing artillery engagement served only to neutralize both sides’ artillery.
Soon von Bulow’s reserves attacked Grossbeeren from front and flank and retook it. A half-hearted Saxon counter attack failed, and Reynier was unable to rally the dispirited Saxons for another attempt, leaving Reynier no choice but to retire. Oudinot realized his advance toward Berlin had failed and ordered a complete withdrawal.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 5
Hill 7
Town 4
TownWindmill 1


Battle Notes

Prussian Army
• Commander: von Bülow
• 5 Command Cards & 4 Iron Will Counters
• Optional 4 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Reserve Infantry Militia Infantry Light Cavalry Light Lancer Cavalry Militia Light Lancer Cavalry Foot Artillery General
4 3 1 4 5 2 1 2 4 4

French Army
• Commander: Oudinot
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 3 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Light Lancer Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery General
8 2 1 1 1 4 1 4


10 Banners

Special Rules
• The two town hexes of Grossbeeren, along with the Windmill and adjacent hill hex, form a Temporary Majority Victory Banner Objective worth 2 Victory Banners for the side that occupies the absolute majority of these hexes at the start of the turn (Temporary Majority Victory Banner Turn Start)

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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 1 month ago
Vittoria Francese 10-4. La battaglia si svolge su due fronti, nel centro per la conquista dei punti chiave e sulla destra francese per la conquista del gruppo di colline, mentre le truppe di Lecoq e Hessen-Homburg restano quasi inattive. Durutte occupa senza fatica il mulino e la collina posizionando poi l'artiglieria nel villaggio. I prussiani avanzano per scacciare i francesi ma il gen.Theuman muore nello scontro. Intanto Saur e Borstelle si affrontano per la conquista delle colline. I prussiani hanno la meglio ma i leggeri francesi ben presto li scacciano con il loro tiro preciso. I granatieri prussiani intervengono e appoggiati dalla milizia conquistano il mulino, troppo tardi perché la battaglia termina quando la sinistra prussiana crolla sotto l'avanzata francese.
Etzko replied the topic:
3 years 4 months ago
In the beginning there was some maneuvering and skirmishing all over the battlefield. Both players tried to build their hand for an attack on their left wing. The French were quicker and attacked first combining their FA with both CAVs. Although Prussia could play Frist Strike they could not break the attack. The next three rounds werde heavy fightings on the French left with with better dice on the French side. So the Prussia right wing broke and French won 10-4. Perhaps Prussia should have attacked aswell on their left wing to put some pressure on the French... 
LARS replied the topic:
3 years 7 months ago
10-7 Prussians. The French held the towns, but lost two leaders on double swords and the right caved in under constant pressure.
Hexagoon replied the topic:
3 years 10 months ago
Played twice, with a victory to each side. Prussian pressure on the left flank took the ridge and dominated the town, driving the French out and securing the temporary banners. With the French win, the Prussians were unable to do this, and the French held the towns and got cavalry and artillery forward to grind down the Prussians. Combined with consistently good dice (for once!) it was a relatively easy win 10-4. A good scenario with opportunity for the Prussians after many one-sided games earlier in the booklet..
tantalon replied the topic:
5 years 2 months ago
A very evenly matched scenario. Very fun to play this one.