Victory Results:
 46 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  54 %
Total plays 39 - Last reported by bartok on 2024-06-23 10:52:37

Historical Background
Following the capture of Badajoz and Ciudad Rodrigo, Wellington advanced into Spain, where Marshal Marmont’s Army of Portugal awaited him. The two opposing armies sparred for position, each looking to catch the other at a disadvantage.
On July 22nd, Marmont found a British force in plain view on a ridge and great clouds beyond the hills to the south. Thinking this was just a rearguard, Marmont made a fatal mistake. Marmont’s army had marched into a deadly British ambush. Wellington gave a “whoop” of delight and set several combined arms counterattacks in motion, starting with an attack by his brother-in-law, Edward Packenham’s 3rd Division against Thomiere’s lead division. In the first hour of fighting, three of the eight French divisions were completely smashed and the French left wing ceased to exist. With Marmont wounded, command fell to General Clausel, who organized a truly effective combined arms attack that shattered Cole’s British Division. British reserves, however, were close at hand and soon Clausel’s forces were also in retreat. Wellington was determined to destroy the entire French army.
To that end, he launched the 1st and Light Divisions against the French divisions of Ferey and Foy on the French right. The British divisions emerged from hiding behind a ridge, crossed the Pela Garcia River with little opposition, and engaged the surprised French. Ferey’s 3rd Division, while still in march column, was attacked by the British guards and was forced back, while Foy’s 1st Division attempted to make a stand near Calvarisa de Ariba, but were also driven back. Bloody, but not beaten, these two French formations still managed to hold the British at bay, covering the French retreat toward Alba de Tormes and saving Marmont’s army to fight another day
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest Hill Church Bridge Bend River RiverBend RiverBridge Town
10 20 1 1 17 6 3 5

Battle Notes

British Army
• Commander: Wellington
• 6 Command Cards
• 6 Tactician Cards


Line Infantry Light Infantry Rifle Infantry Grenadier Infantry Guard Grenadier Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader   Line Infantry Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
9 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 5   6 1 1 1 1

French Army
• Commander: Marmont and
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Tactician Cards
• Move First


Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
13 5 3 2 1 4 6

13 Banners

Special Rules
• The six Town/Chapel hexes form a Group Majority Victory Banner Objective worth 3 banners for the side that occupies the absolute majority at the start of the turn.
• The Azan River is impassable except at the bridge.
• The Pela Garcia and Arroyo de Los Requesenes streams are fordable. In addition, a unit or leader’s movement is not stopped when moving onto a stream hex.

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reways replied the topic:
7 months 3 days ago
It was 2v2 battle. The French started strong, landing two range fire hits on the British artillery in the center before starting their advance on the left flank. The first volley dealt some dwindling hits on the British forcing them to readjust their right flank. After a few rounds the British were able to thwart the French advance on the right flank, stopping the LC advance, and caused them to retreat with heavy losses behind the tree and hill line.

The French were able to land a successful attacks and retreats on the British town in the very center of the board but was not supported enough to take and hold the town. French were able to maneuver their artillery on the center hills and landed two successful volleys on the approaching British Light while crossing the river. And though the French had depleted some units, they were not getting the rolls to eliminate and took heavy casulties. At this point it was 7-3, Brits.

Then, a Bayonet Charge was issued from the Courior rack. WIth the remaining full line units in the center, the French were in great position to move 3 units center, and a unit to capture the town on the British right. This attack amassed 12 hits, obliterating the strongest remaining British infantry.

What seemed dire after the first act, the French ended up with a solid victory of 13-8
Riclev replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
Played twice at Punched Con with 8 players. We saw two French victories - both scores were 13-10, but the second game included the British gaining three banners for capturing the village behind the Azan River by play of the Light Infantry Skirmish tactician card, so in reality the British line on the right and centre was fairly beaten up. The victories resulted from superior play, so I think this scenario is balanced. The first game took around a couple of hours; in the second the action was at a slower pace and lasted three.
Hexagoon replied the topic:
3 years 4 weeks ago
Played twice. Both very narrow British victories. The French efforts to win by taking the central town hexes almost paid off, however in both games their casualties were too high. This seems a very balanced scenario and could easily go either way.
RamyRock replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
We played it twice. One victory for the French and another victory for the British. Salamanca is one of my favourite epic scenarios so far.
proyce replied the topic:
4 years 6 months ago
Second game after yesterday, with players switching side. 13-8 Allies this time, and it wasn't really even that close. At the end, the French only had 1 unit left in the center and 3 1/2 on their left. French lost 60 blocks, Allies 47.
proyce replied the topic:
4 years 6 months ago
14-13 Allies in a very close finish. Very bloody - French lost 57 blocks, Allies 59. Interestingly, only 1 Bayonet Charge and only 2 Scout cards the whole game.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 6 months ago
French infantry faded back to use their dominant artillery to wear down the Allies. French victory 13-11 in nail biting finish.
Attila replied the topic:
6 years 4 months ago
13 to 9 to the French. Wondered whether British should start first as they were the attacking force. A French bayonet attack card on the first turn on the left flank caused devastation to the British although it was a close finish with many French units down to 1 stand