Victory Results:
 30 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  70 %
Total plays 161 - Last reported by RiverWanderer on 2024-07-03 21:48:58

Historical Background
Publius Cornelius Scipio inherited his slain father’s bravery, but he also had the intelligence to modify standard Roman tactical doctrine. As he rebuilt and retrained the legions in Spain, he made them far more flexible tactically than any other Roman legions. He first put this training to use at Baecula where Hasdrubal, Hannibal’s brother, had drawn up his army in a strong hilltop defensive position – light troops to the front; heavy troops in reserve in the camps. Traditional Roman practice would have sent the legions straight ahead at the hills. Scipio, however, put his legionary infantry on each flank and advanced his light troops in the center. As the battle was joined, Hasdrubal discovered he was being outmaneuvered. If he advanced his heavies to support the light troops, the Roman legions on each flank would encircle his entire army. Knowing his army was urgently needed in Italy, Hasdrubal withdrew his heavies and left the light troops to either escape or die in place. While not a complete victory, Scipio had beaten a good Carthaginian army without the heavy casualties that would have occurred in a traditional Roman frontal assault.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

Light Infantry Light Sling   Auxilia         Heavy Infantry Light Cavalry                 Leader  
4 2   3         3 2                 1  
Light Infantry     Auxilia Medium Infantry                           Leader  
6     3 8                           3  

War Council

Army: Carthagian
Leader: Hasdrubal
4 Command Cards     
Army: Roman

Leader: Publius Scipio
6 Command Cards 
Move First

6 Banners

Special Rules
A Roman unit that captures (enters) a camp hex gains one Victory Banner for the Roman player. The unit must stop on the hex, not just move through the hex. A camp may be only captured once, and when the Victory Banner is gained it may not be lost.

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Pevans replied the topic:
1 year 3 months ago
Having enjoyed playing Crimissos River solo (using GMT's CDG Solo System), I thought I'd try a proper Rome vs Carthage scenario.

Weighing up the scenario, the Carthaginian camps are victory banners for the Romans, so they're a target. But the Romans can win by destroying the Carthaginian Light infantry. As in real life, Hasdrubal has a quandary. The Light infantry is in a defensive position on the hills, despite being outflanked, so you don't want to pull them back. Pushing the heavier troops forward may not help and leaves the camps vulnerable - though the Romans don't have any cavalry to get behind the Carthaginians. Let's see what the cards do...

And the start was a "Line Command" and "Order Light Troops" for the Romans, letting their Lights get up close and personal with the Carthaginians on the hills. The defenders stood and fought and it was an even exchange of casualties to begin with.

The right flank Roman legion then advanced onto the end of the hills, the Carthaginian Lights Evaded and this gave Carthage the chance to get two of their Heavy infantry out of camp to engage the legionaries.

However, it was the Carthaginian Heavies that suffered, the Romans eliminating one to open the scoring - 0:1. One Roman was taken out in retaliation - 1:1. The Carthaginian Light cavalry then suffered the curse of the retreat flags: both units attacked with a "Mounted Charge", but the Roman legionaries rolled four flags battling back, forcing a 12-hex retreat: 1:2.

The Romans then got the upper hand in the centre, storming onto the hills and destroying the Carthaginian Lights to win 1:6. (Oops - just realised the Carthaginian Light infantry could have Evaded!)

(I've posted a version of this report on my BGG blog - with added explanation for non-C&C aficionados and photos: )
Warboard replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Fun battle to play. Two games, as Carthage I won against a friend 6:5, and lost against my nephew 6:4
BrentR replied the topic:
7 years 11 months ago
A Carthaginian win. Carthage, with two line command cards and a counter attack to start, was able to setup a screen on the left flank with a supporting heavy and shift the rest of his army to address the other flank. Rome advanced both flanks in response and was able to kill a heavy infantry and severely weaken another, but wasn't able to finish it. In the center, Carthaginian archers fired with three line commands in a row (one a counter attack), and a darken the sky card as well. Only 4 hits were scored over all 4 cards, demonstrating an embarrassing lack of ability from the Carthaginian archers. However, Rome was unable to capitalize with an army spread apart, and Carthage was able to cut down enough MI from range (1 on the left, 2 on the right) as well as 3 light infantry. Carthage had several units at 1 block, but Rome had no means of quickly advancing to the backlines without taking fire the whole way.

Carthage 6 - Rome 3
Anduril replied the topic:
14 years 1 month ago
A Roman win. The Roman center pushed forward and took the hills, but without inflicting extensive damage on the Carthaginians, which had simply fallen back while giving as good as they got as the Catharginian heavies moved to their right. The Roman left advanced, collided with the Carthaginian heavies, and were annihilated though eliminating one heavy and hammering another into uselessness. The Carthaginians tried a last ditch effort to pick off battered Romans, including one behind the Roman lines, but only got one of the two they needed. The Romans surrounded and annihilated the Carthaginian unit behind their lines for the win.
badweasel replied the topic:
16 years 2 months ago
Solo Play:

The early Roman strategy was to force the light Carthaginian units off the hills, which was surprisingly effective. The Roman command was enabling them to constantly harass and weaken these troops, forcing them back. Rome pushed their right legion forward to try and take a camp but was met with a well orchestrated defense that cost the lives of all four units. Hasdrubal was not going to go down easy. The next period of the battle focused on Rome taking the hills and trying to pick off light units. Though they caused casualties they failed to eliminate anything. The final phase of the battle began when Laelius pushed his legion forward. They were very effective and swept through the Carthaginian troops to claim the remaining banners.

Rome 6 - Carthage 5

The Romans marched forward secure in both their numerical superiority as well as the awesome command of their officers. I mean, how could having two line commands, a rally, and several leadership cards go wrong? They are just facing light troops after all. Well, just being the \"obvious\" favorite does not matter on the field of battle. Carthage eliminated FIVE units before Rome had even killed one. Hasdrubal expertly led his heavy infantry against the Roman legion completely smashing it to pieces using a combination of First Strike and Double Time. Rome stood no chance against such an onslaught. Needless to say, Rome did not have a chance to recover very well, but still managed an aggressive push with the remaining legion. It was set to destroy several Carthaginian units, until a lone heavy infantry finally had enough and advanced cutting down a whole unit in a single attack. Every Carthaginian melee attack by heavy infantry resulted in an eliminated unit, 4 of them being at full strength.

Carthage 6 - Rome 2
Dimsum replied the topic:
16 years 7 months ago
Definetly one of my favourite scenarios... radically asymetrical with an important terrain factor... As a Carthaginian, I just love to play the "guerilla" in the hills if the roman tries to go central... on the other side if the Roman has the means for getting on the wings (with 3!!!! leaders it's quite possible) it can be really a hard time for the Cart...