Victory Results:
 96 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  4 %
Total plays 27 - Last reported by Mark-McG on 2024-11-17 06:36:41

Historical Background
Having gained control over all of the known civilized world, Alexander ventured into India in 326 BC. He met resistance from Porus at the River Hydaspes. Porus’ large corps of 200 elephants thwarted all of Alexander’s attempts to cross the river. Learning that a large force was moving to reinforce Porus, Alexander decisively divided his army and secretly crossed up-river with the majority of the Macedonian troops, leaving a large detachment in place to deceive the Indians. Upon receiving the startling news that Alexander had crossed the Hydaspes, Porus hurriedly turned his army to meet him in battle. Porus sent his chariots forward but these were quickly destroyed. Alexander then sent his cavalry to attack Porus’ right wing and gained the flank of the Indian army, while his heavy infantry advanced to attack the elephants and bowmen. The elephants charged the phalanx and did great execution among the elite Macedonian infantry. Only the timely intervention of the light troops prevented a greater loss. Porus, wounded six times, was captured and the remainder of his army routed. Porus so impressed Alexander with his bravery that he was allowed to retain his kingdom as a Macedonian vassal. The power of the elephants was not lost upon the Macedonian generals who fought at Hydaspes. They would go to great pains to obtain elephants of their own during the Wars of the Successors.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Macedonian Army
Leader: Alexander
9 Command Cards
Move First

Indian Army
Leader: Porus
7 Command Cards 

13 Banners

Special Rules
• The River Hydaspes is impassable.
• When Alexander is attached to a unit, the unit will battle with 1 additional dice in Close Combat.
• The three Greek Companion Cavalry units are special units. Place a special unit block in the same hex as the Companion Cavalry units to distinguish it from the other units. The Companion Cavalry will ignore 1 sword symbol in Close Combat and may ignore 1 flag.


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Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 months 3 weeks ago
Given the 96% pro-Macedonian score on this scenario, I asked what would balance this scenario more, without changing the setup or outcome.

If the Macedonian Heavy Infantry and Macedonian Companion cavalry were worth 2 banners each unit, I think this would make the scores very much closer.  Alexander should also be worth more, suggestions included losing the game (which seemed too harsh to me) or 2-3 banners. This would make loses of Macedonian elite troops very much more significant. 

As it stands, I don't think this is a competitive scenario, and the Indians should get a "win" based on how hard they are to defeat.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 months 3 weeks ago
two plays, both going 13-5 to the Macedonians, but played quite differently (to an extent)
In game 1 the centre was quiet, and Alexander swept around the Indian left, whilst the right gave the elephants a thrashing, and then settled. Most of the Macedonian casualties were on the right, including Alexander himself.

Game 2 the elephants got into the Macedonian centre and wreaked havoc. However, history repeated on the Indian left, with Alexander dominating and wiping out the entire flank.
alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 10 months ago
Wow! What a detailed match review.
I read it all and was completely involved in it.
I almost felt like I was playing or having the scenario under my eyes...
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Thermopylae replied the topic:
1 year 10 months ago
Battle of Hydaspes – 326 BC – Punjab India.

Alexander the great ventures into India unsure what to expect. What he got was elephants, lots and lots of elephants and what we all know about elephants is that anything can happen, but Alexander had no idea what and was left stunned by what he found.

The two armies lined up. Alexander had his companion cavalry on the right. A finely tuned killing machine. His heavier Infantry in the centre but some distance from the enemy and mainly lighter troops on the left.

Porus Indian army was made up of lots of light troops and elephants with a few chariots on each flank.

Whilst the leaders were finishing their dinner battle commenced.

Alexander’s light cavalry advanced firing and retiring. First kills to Alexander. First dead elephants. In the centre some light skirmishers started picking off Indian troops or making them retire. Porus responded with his own cheeky archers. (They had their own song and possibly dance but less said about that the better.)

Alexander then did what he does best…..attack… his Companion cavalry crashed into the Indian left and could do no wrong, whilst the Indian response it appeared could do no right. At one stage Alexander changed mounts without a pause to the slaughter he was bringing.

Porus’s chariots and cavalry on his right advanced and whilst it appeared initially, to look like they couldn’t kill anything however hard they tried, eventually the Greeks were driven back and many driven from the field all together.

But what about the elephants?

Porus generals were simultaneously crying out “Send in the elephants” and “Hold the elephants for the right time” but when would the right time come, Porus’s army was losing this battle and his “best” troops were doing very little.

At this point the relentless Alexander killing machine had destroyed the enemy right and was turning towards the centre, to roll up the line. His latest move had some elephants trapped and he moved in for the kill. The trapped Elephants panicked and a whole new level of carnage followed.

The Elephants panicked and destroyed just about everything around them wiping out two entire units, including a full strength Companion cavalry unit (Alexanders elite troops) that had the misfortune to block the panicked elephants retreat. Word quickly went out amongst the Greek cavalry “keep away from the bloody elephants” but the elephants had other ideas.

Elephants now advanced in the centre towards the Greek heavies. The heavies were not going to wait to be trampled and a brave Greek leader brought them forward…Elephant hunting. The Greeks were crushed, and the Elephant advance continued.

Clearly no one had told the elephants they were supposed to lose this battle.

However in the end Alexander is “The Great." Devastating in combat and conqueror of most of the known world. He would have to adapt to deal with multiple large grey problems.

So the cavalry avoided the Elephants and continued to kill. Any unit that stood up to them fled the field or were ridden down. Lighter troops took on the elephants and the enemy chariots were trapped and destroyed.

Alexander left the day with a great victory and a new respect for his enemy and their grey beasts.

Final score 14 : 7 to the Greeks.

The refight played out similar with an identical score 14 : 7 – so everyone went home a winner. (Unless they had been trampled to death.)
esparver73 replied the topic:
4 years 10 months ago
Macedonian landslide, using many cavalry charges.
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
5 years 2 months ago
Close game but Alexander still won by one banner.