Victory Results:
 3 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  98 %
Total plays 40 - Last reported by sushidog on 2024-10-10 20:24:34

Champaubert - 10 February 1814

Historical Background
Napoleon’s 30,000 men were tired and hungry after their defeat at La Rothiere, but Blucher believing the French force to be spent, did not make any attempt to unite his army. On February 10th, Napoleon turned and moved on Olsufiev’s 5,000 isolated Russians. Lacking cavalry, Olsufiev decided to stand and fight instead of trying to run and rejoin the main army. It was a fatal decision.
Marmont’s French infantry slowly advanced forward, while the cavalry sent the Russians into squares that were pounded by the French artillery. After suffering heavy losses, Olsufiev and many of his survivors were taken prisoner. Only a few Russians made good their escape.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 8
Town 5


Battle Notes

Russian Army
• Commander: Olsufiev
• 4 Command Cards
• 3 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Foot Artillery General
4 2 2 2

French Army
• Commander: Marmont
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery General
4 3 3 2 1 4


5 Banners

Special Rules
• French line infantry are conscripts and do not receive one additional die in melee when attacking an enemy infantry unit.

• No Pre-Battle Mother Russia Roll.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago
I would suggest that 3 bnners for the Russians is a great preformance

Pevans replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago
The next scenario for Evert and me. He plays the French first. Under Evert's command the battle started with the French Light cavalry attacking the Russian Line infantry in the centre, forcing two units into square with the French Light infantry on the left inflicting casualties on one square. (I'm using left and right as in the set-up picture, not from each army's viewpoint.)

The French cavalry continued their attack, hitting the artillery on the left and another Line infantry in the centre (which couldn't form square as I already had the maximum number of squares I can!).

I attempted to drive off the cavalry, but the infantry who advanced to do this were wiped out by the French infantry. And the French Light infantry on the left finished off the square in front of them. General Udom trotted into the safety of Champaubert town, but the score is 0:2 to Evert.

My Russians pulled back in the centre, but the French quickly followed up (a "Force March" from Evert), taking out the damaged artillery and another Line infantry: 0:4 now.

General Ricard's attack on the Russian artillery on the right proved less successful and his fresh Line infantry was eliminated to make the score 1:4.

Another "Force March" saw the French centre push into the Russians and another Line fell to seal the French victory 1:5.

That was all over in 30 minutes (just 9 turns) and was the expected thrashing for the Russians. So we re-set and went for the re-match.

It worked for Evert, so I sent the French Light cavalry into the Russian Line centre-left, putting two units into square. Pushing two French Line forward under General Lagrange let me eliminate one square while General Doumere's Light cavalry chased another Russian Line into the town (Champaubert) in the centre. That's 1:0 to me.

A "Force March" let me push the French Line forward in the centre, but to little effect - one of them even bounced off the remaining square.

I continued the attack with an "Elan" and removed both the second square and a Light infantry right of centre, but Gen Lagrange's unit in the centre fell attacking the town - the General retreating safely. And the score's suddenly 3:1.

And then it's 3:3 as the Russian infantry in and around the town eliminate Gen Doumere and his cavalry (despite their attempt to get out of the way).

The other French Light cavalry got rid of the artillery on the right to make it 4:3.

Time for our favourite card: "La Grande Manoeuvre" let me push full strength French units well forward centre and right, including occupying part of the town. Evert pulled back what was left of the Russian force, but the French pressed into the centre from the right and took out the infantry under Gen Lietven to finish the battle 5:3.

This game was a bit longer - 15 turns over 45 minutes - and the Russians did much better. The aggregate score of 6:8 means a win for Evert.
LARS replied the topic:
3 years 6 months ago
Agree with comments re: exit Victory Banners for the Russians in this scenario. It is an ok scenario as a replay of the historical debacle that the battle was for Olsufiev. After all, he was soundly trounced.
LARS replied the topic:
3 years 6 months ago
Olsufiev humbly presented Marmont with his sword after his line quickly crumbled. French win 5-1. Block count a surprising 18-6. (Excellent French card draws). This scenario appears to be one sided.
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
Ref the game above... the Russians bought time by withdrawing from the French's strongest section. A good early Rally recovered their infantry from initial French ranged fire and return fire gave them a temporary advantage in the centre. The French switched attack to the other flank, looking to take out the Russian artillery. Unluckily for the French side, an exchange of First Strikes went against them. The French left then seemed stuck for the rest of the game, eventually costing a banner. The game then played out in the centre.

Two First Strikes and two generals falling to double XSWs, one French, made this a quick game even for a five banner scenario, 7 turns each. The opportunity for the French to regain the initiative after their cavalry attack failed was limited by cards and the demands of "fire fighting" whilst their right flank was distant from the fighting. The last French move shows that the French player was keen to get his right into action and regain the initiative. This was late but yet, a turn too early. Instead, the player could have taken his vulnerable 2 block infantry unit to safety. Easy to miss in the heat of a game but this one action would probably have changed the final score to a 5:4 French win.

No doubt the same Russian strategy would fail in the face of a less cooperative card draw or a couple of die rolls going the wrong way.
Fencer replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
It seems that the player for France made serious mistakes. But this does not cancel out the player's brilliant actions for Russia. Congratulations!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
this must be the sole Russian victory!

well done, but how did the French fail to force the Russians to battle where they chose?
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
From one of my PBEM games of a while opponent and I working our way through the Russian expansion at the time.

The Russians avoided the French where they were strongest, especially on the flanks - refusing on the Russian left and using the woods for cover on the right, aided by a First Strike. Both Russian flanks attempting to support probing attacks from the centre. All but one of the Victory Banners on both sides came from battling in the centre. Luck held for the Russians in this game.

Fencer replied the topic:
4 years 8 months ago
OK, in English. I made a suggestion: give one victory flag for each Russian artillery unit that left the battlefield through the base line. This is true, but I'm not sure if it makes the game more interesting (I'll try). It may be a good idea to give 1 victory flag for every "Scout" order played by the Russians. . This would symbolize the delay of time (it was important for the Russians to wait for night).
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 8 months ago
Fencer, if you can find a way to give the Russians a better chance, I think it is worth it.
Allowing a Mother Russia roll probably isn't enough, but maybe some fieldworks would be some help.

Not sure what you are saying about the guns and Victory banners.
Fencer replied the topic:
5 years 8 months ago
Правило "Русь-матушка" здесь было бы уместно. И победные флаги, например, за вышедшие пушки. Русские были обречены, но сражались отчаянно и умело, Наполеон полагал, что их вчетверо больше, чем было на самом деле.
Bayernkini replied the topic:
11 years 4 months ago
Sadly, we have this problem of extrem unbalanced, but historical correct setups, in more scenarios, most in spanish extension.

Therefore is wished for the simple C&C games, more balanced and less historical Setups :)

In most unbalanced scenarios it would be help much, if you change only little things.
1 command card more/less and/or changing the starting player, would already help.

In the Champaubert scenario, a "Exit Victory Banner" would be also an alternate :)
Mark-McG replied the topic:
11 years 4 months ago
I will nominate this scenario as unwinnable for the Russians. Historically it was a debacle, but not even a close contest here. Russians get 1 Victory Banner if lucky. One scenario where I think an Exit Victory condition might have merit.