Victory Results:
 50 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  50 %
Total plays 20 - Last reported by reways on 2024-01-04 00:32:25

Historical Background
After the French defeat at Nive, Soult fell back to a position north of the River Gave de Pau. Wellington advanced along both sides of the river, while Soult deployed along a ridge, running roughly parallel to it. The French position was a good one, but too long.
Soult had to place all of his veteran troops in the front lines. He was now committed to a static defense with little besides raw conscripts in reserve.
Wellington’s army was organized into three groups commanded by Beresford, Picton and Hill, with the famed Light Division in reserve. He intended for Beresford to strongly attack the French right while Picton held the rest of the French line in a diversionary attack. Hill’s divisions were to cross the Gave de Pau and fall on the French left to complete the victory.
The battle opened with Beresford’s divisions going in against the church and village of St. Boes. He succeeded in capturing the church, but the advance was checked by Taupin’s troops defending the village. Reille, the French right-wing commander then launched a spirited counterattack that forced Beresford to pull back.
Wellington now displayed his command ability by quickly changing his plan. He converted Picton’s feint into the main attack. Picton’s division, aided by the Light Division, split the French center. At the same time Clinton’s division was pressing the attack on Orthez, and Hill’s two divisions had crossed the stream by means of a ford and were threatening Soult’s left and rear. On the French right, St. Boes fell to renewed assault, and Soult conceded defeat.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest Hill Church Ford Straight River RiverBend RiverBridge Town
20 15 1 2 3 2 1 6

Battle Notes

British Army
• Commander: Wellington
• 6 Command Cards
• 6 Tactician Cards
• Move First


Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery Leader   Line Infantry Light Infantry Foot Artillery Leader
15 2 4 1 2 1 6   5 2 1 1

French Army
• Commander: Soult
• 5 Command Cards
• 5 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery Leader
15 5 3 4 7

14 Banners

Special Rules
• The Church is worth 1 Temporary Victory Banner for the side that occupies it at the start of its turn.
• The French gain 1 Temporary Victory Banner at the start of the turn, if the Allies do not occupy any St. Boes town hexes.
• The French gain 1 Temporary Victory Banner at the start of the turn, if the Allies do not occupy any Orthez town hexes.
• The French start the battle with 3 Victory Banners.
• The Allies gain 1 Temporary Victory Banner at the start of the turn, for each Orthez town hex occupied.
• The Allies gain 1 Temporary Victory Banner at the start of the turn when one or more hill hexes are occupied.
• The Allies gain 1 Permanent Breakthrough Victory Banner for each Allied unit that exits the battlefield from any French left section baseline hex. To exit the Allied unit must already occupy the French baseline hex at the start of the turn.
• The Gave de Pau is impassable except at the fords and bridge.

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reways replied the topic:
6 months 3 weeks ago
French Victory 14 - 11. Fantastic battle with a few lead changes and momentum swings. Very bloody with 3 leader kills.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 10 months ago
MT20 results
3 French and 3 British wins. Broad spectrum of results.
A balanced, primarily infantry battle.
mk20336 replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago

RiverWanderer wrote: The scenario embedded into the Vassal module (as at v2.2) incorrectly gives French the first move. Checked against the published scenario.

Thanks for checking. I think we played with Gileforn this incorrectly. Thanks for catching this error!
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago
The scenario embedded into the Vassal module (as at v2.2) incorrectly gives French the first move. Checked against the published scenario.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
5 years 6 months ago
looking at the scenario card.. yes they should be French Line conscripts
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
5 years 6 months ago
Militia should be French Line conscripts, according to the official scenario. No?