Victory Results:
 17 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  83 %
Total plays 29 - Last reported by RiverWanderer on 2024-10-02 23:29:32

Waren-Nossentin - 1 November 1806

Historical Background
On the morning of November 1, as the last of the Prussian rearguard pulled out of Waren, the French cavalry, under the command of Guyot, launched an attack against the Prussian cavalry screen and captured Major Schmude and part of his command.
The Prussians quickly counterattacked, led by Pletz’s light cavalry, throwing the French horsemen back and freeing Schmude.
Shortly thereafter Bernadotte arrived, and his cavalry fought a series of small indecisive skirmishes with the Prussian cavalry.
Yorck, now took command of the Prussians, and established a defensive line between the two lakes and centered on the village of Jabel. Bernadotte sent word for Savary and his cavalry to join him, but before Bernadotte could mount an attack, Yorck pulled his rear-guard forces back to Nossentin after a short artillery exchange.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 1
Hill 3
River 6
RiverBend 1
Castle 4
Marsh 5


Battle Notes

• Commander: Yorck
• 4 Command Cards & 2 Iron Will Counters
• Optional 4 Tactician Cards

Light Infantry Light Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Horse Artillery Leader
4 3 1 1 3

French Army
• Commander: Bernadotte
• 4 Command Cards
• Optional 4 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Light Infantry Light Cavalry Lancer Cavalry Foot Artillery Horse Artillery Leader
3 6 1 1 1 4


4 Banners

Special Rules

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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
Vittoria Prussiana 4-2. I prussiani avanzano con la cavalleriz leggera e si schierano di supporto a Schmude. Sulla loro destra la fanteria leggera si posizina nelle paludi e nei boschi quando finalmente anche la sinistra francese si mobilizza. Sono i leggeri prussiani ad avere la meglio costringendo gli schermagliatori francesi ad indietreggiare. Gli ussari francesi attaccano l'unità di Schmude ma non hanno successo. La battaglia si conclude con i cavalleggeri prussiani che eliminano i loro omologhi francesi nel centro e sulla loro sinistra.
LARS replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
Prussian heavy cavalry was eliminated on the first card. The French used two Force Marches to move up the Light Infantry on the left. The Prussians could not stand up to the combined attack of the Lights and a cavalry assault in the center. French 4-1.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 5 months ago
General of Division Anne Jean Marie René Savary arrived with a task force consisting of the 1st Hussar and 7th Chasseurs à Cheval Regiments, giving the French a total of eight cavalry regiments.

neither of these regiments are lancers as far as I can tell, and my thought is a concession to unit count limitations. There were 3 French Light Cavalry (LC) in the Base game, and 3 LC in Expansion 4. With 7 LC in this scenario, I guess that they used a LNCR as the 7th LC in the furthermost corner to allow play with just Base & Expansion 4. Substituting a French LC for the LNCR will have negligible effect.

My view on this scenario that it is far better balanced by reducing all the French cavalry to 3 blocks.
I recently played this with the Prussians losing 4-1. We played it again with the reduced French cavalry and it was a French victory 4-3, but the Prussians were unlucky to miss a winning roll.
blackfoxrenard replied the topic:
4 years 5 months ago
I've checked all my sources available and i don't find any lancers in french OOB. Can you give me some informations. Thanks
Tarheel replied the topic:
10 years 2 weeks ago
I had the pleasure of playing this twice with Bayernkini. Always great fun to play with him because he is so skilled. My opinion of this scenario is that it is far too luck dependent. One string of bad rolling, and the scenario can be over in a hurry for either side. It seems to lack the wonderful maneuver element that is so special in CCN. 4 banners in a scenario full of cavalry on both sides just doesn't work IMHO. I feel bad for those poor french infantry units on the left because I suspect they will rarely ever get any action unless the French intentionally withdraws cavalry in a hurry from the right, to avoid mixing it up in a cavalry match. But if that is done, they lose the chance to finish off the HC unit early.

Maybe a few more plays and I'll see something in this scenario I haven't seen yet, but so far, I don't rate it amongst my favored ones.