After a gap for holidays, Evert and I resumed our progress through the Russian scenarios. As is traditional, Evert took the French first, so I got to make the Mother Russia roll. This gave me two extra Cossacks, which I added to the front line, and fieldworks for three of my Foot artillery units (centre and right - that's right as the French see it and as everybody does on Vassal).
Initial advances by French infantry saw the lead unit on the centre right, under Gen Vedal, attacked by Cossacks and Light cavalry. The infantry tried to stand their ground, but eventually formed square after taking a battering. A concerted response from the French on the right eliminated two Cossacks (but no banners for them!) and forced the Light cavalry to retire over the Mosin Heights. {No casualties, but the score is 1:0 to the Russians for holding Mostachin Woods on the left}
Musket and cannon fire on the centre left forced the other advanced French Line infantry off its hill after taking casualties.
Speedy footwork brought the French infantry and Gen Reille forward to the Heights in the centre (while what was left of Gen Vedal's troops retreated further). This allowed a French Light infantry to inflict casualties on the Russian Light cavalry that had no room to retire. {Evert used a "Force March" card.}
Then Gen Claparede flung his Light cavalry against the Cossacks on the right, only to get mauled, while the French Light infantry advanced to shoot at the Russians in front of them. Since the General was right in front of their muzzles, the Russian artillery opened up. Down went a number of horsemen, including the General. {Yep, I rolled a double six on the leader check for the first real banner and a grumpy response. The score's 2:0}
The French Light infantry pressed their attack and removed the Russian artillery, one of the units diving into the fieldworks and the heart of the Russian position on the right. {2:1}
With nothing to lose, what was left of the Russian Light cavalry in the centre trotted over the Mosin Heights and into the heart of the French positions to finish off the infantry under Gen Vedan. The General fled the battlefield. {3:1}
On the centre left, Gen Reille now led some French infantry to attack the Russian Lights in the woods. They destroyed one unit, Gen Reille taking that position with French Line. {2:2 as the Russians lose the banner for the woods}
In response the Russian infantry under Generals Osterman and Sacken came off the ridge to occupy Mosin Heights, chasing off the French infantry and eliminating one unit. {3:2 with a "Bayonet Charge"} The French response removed a Russian Line in exchange. {3:3}
Supported by musket fire from Osterman's Line, Russian Grenadiers moved left to destroy Reille's troops in the woods and re-occupy them. The General made his escape to the safety of a French Line further back. Sacken's Line, on the Heights, drove another French Line back into the woods with their fire. {4:3 with a "Force March"}
The Russians continued to attack in the centre, getting more troops onto Mosin Heights while the lucky Light cavalry retreated from its position between French infantry. {5:3 as the Russians regain the banner for Mostachin Woods} The French Light infantry attacked on the right, eliminating the Russian Lights on the hills and prompting Gen Baggowut to nip back to the safety of the town. {5:4} Russian muskets caused one French Light to retreat, relieving the pressure.
The Russian infantry on and around Mosin Heights attacked again on the centre left, destroying the damaged French Line infantry holding the hill and the Light infantry supporting them. {7:4} On the centre right, French muskets removed a Russian Line in turn. {7:5}
Russian Light cavalry and Cossacks got in amongst the French Light infantry on the right, inflicting some damage, but losing the Cossacks. French artillery moved up to menace the horsemen, while the cannon in the centre bombarded the infantry with Gen Osterman, killing the General. {Second double six of the game, evening things up and taking the score to 7:6} The guns switched to Gen Sacken's unit, finishing off the infantry while the General escaped. {7:7 and that was a "Bombard" card from Evert}
While the Russians brought up fresh troops to replace the battered units around Mosin Heights {Another "Force March"}, the French attacked on the right again. {Evert had a "Counter-attack"} This drove back the Russians, one French Light infantry occupying part of Pultusk town. Russian Light cavalry sprinted past the forward French units to finish off a Light infantry lurking behind them as the infantry's muskets pushed the occupiers back out of the town. {8:7}
Time for the French cavalry to get into the action. Gen Reille and Light cavalry attacked on the left, backed by the Heavies under Gen Aultanne. The Russian Line formed square, but still took some damage. The Russian Guard Light Cavalry attacked in turn, damaging the French Heavies while infantry muskets drove back the Lights.
Cue a general advance across the battlefield by the French. On the right, the Light infantry moved up to take on the infantry defending Pultusk. On the left, the Heavy cavalry smacked into the Russian Guard Lights, demolishing them {lucky dice from Evert, 8:8}. They then set on the infantry in square, but the muskets got Gen Aultanne. {Yes, the third double six and the score's 9:8} The French artillery finished off the square. {9:9} And then French Line under Gen Gazan hit the Russian Line under Sackem on Mosin Heights and destroyed them. {A very useful "Forward" card followed by some lucky dice - on both sides - and Evert's French win 9:10.}
That was quite a battle, nip and tuck most of the way until Evert's final surge gave him the game. The Russian defence held pretty steady, though, so the French know they've been in a fight. The geographical objectives didn't play much part. Only Pultusk town looked like becoming banners for the French.