Victory Results:
 42 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  58 %
Total plays 60 - Last reported by Jamon79 on 2024-04-18 02:26:08

Plancenoit - 18 June 1815

Historical Background
“Give me nightfall, or give me Blücher.” Napoleon’s attacks had not been skillfully conducted, but Anglo-Allied losses were heavy and mounting. Wellington had serious doubts that his remaining forces could hold without assistance. Finally the Prussians appeared on the far right of the French near the village of Plancenoit. Bülow’s fresh IV Corps led the advance and bled itself white battling with Lobau’s VI Corps to enter Plancenoit. The Prussian advanced stalled, until Pirch’s II Corps came forward and pushed the depleted French forces out of most of Plancenoit, including the fortress-like church. Napoleon sent a division of Young Guard to aid Lobau, and they managed to retake most of the village. Still, superiority in numbers began to tell, and renewed Prussian assaults forced the French back out of the church and most of the village. Napoleon was in a desperate situation, for he knew if Plancenoit was not retaken, his right flank could collapse. He sent two battalions of Old Guard to the village. The guardsmen stormed through the village pushing the Prussians before them. The French line was stabilized for a time and Napoleon again turned his attention to Wellington. Meanwhile in Plancenoit for the next few hours no quarter was asked and none was given. The level of slaughter, it was said, even surpassed that of Hougoumont. As the battle went against the French elsewhere and the retreat commenced, the few French Old Guard survivors in the church broke out with heavy loss to rejoin their compatriots who had formed square.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?


Set-Up Order

Forest 11
Hill 7
Town 4
Church 1


Battle Notes

Prussian Army
• Commander: Blücher
• 5 Command Cards & 2 Iron Will Counters
• Optional 5 Tactician Cards
• Move First

Line Infantry Light Infantry Reserve Infantry Militia Infantry Light Cavalry Foot Artillery General
7 3 5 2 3 2 5

French Army
• Commander: Simmer / Duhesme
• 5 Command Cards
• Optional 5 Tactician Cards

Line Infantry Light Infantry Young Guard Old Guard Infantry Light Cavalry Light Lancer Cavalry Foot Artillery Guard Foot Artillery General
5 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 4


9 Banners

Special Rules
• The 4 town hexes and the church form a Temporary Majority Victory Banner Objective worth 2 French Victory Banners when the French occupy the absolute majority of these hexes at the start of the turn. The French start the battle with 2 Victory Banners (Temporary Majority Victory Banner Turn Start)

• The Prussian player gains 1 Temporary Victory Banner at the start of the turn for each town and church hex a Prussian unit occupies (Temporary Victory Banner Turn Start)

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kostas63 replied the topic:
10 months 3 weeks ago
Vittoria Francese 9-3
I francesi ricevono l'ordine di occupare Plancenoit e la chiesa, cosa che avviene in modo rapido, senza problemi. Ma sulla loro ala destra calano i prussiani di Ryssel che spazzano via la fanteria di Simmer. La Vecchia Guardia si mette in marcia e si posiziona sul centro aspettando l'assalto prussiano. Visto che due delle parti di Plancenoit e la chiesa sono in mano francese e il centro prussiano non reagisce, la fanteria di Jeanin avanza e occupa le colline e i boschi eliminando la debole resistenza di Hacke, concludendo la battaglia.
General Eble replied the topic:
6 years 10 months ago
A battle of attrition that the French ended up winning (9-4) due to their better quality troops and occupying the majority of victory hexes for the whole game. A tough one for the Prussians.
john replied the topic:
9 years 6 months ago
Thanks for the explanation Michael. BTW I played Schleiz yesterday with the other Michael; 2 games , 2 Prussian Victories!
Bayernkini replied the topic:
9 years 6 months ago

Temporary Majority Victory Banner Objective Hexes
The Victory Banner for this group of objective hexes is immediately
gained when the appropriate side has units occupying an absolute
majority of hexes in the group. Absolute majority means to occupy
more of these objective hexes than your opponent. Occupying one
hex and the opponent occupies none, for example, would be the absolute majority.
The Victory Banner is retained as long as the
side has the absolute majority. The Victory Banner is immediately
lost when a side no longer has an absolute majority.

1. Temporary: you get the VP if a player complied the conditions, if not, he loose the VP immediately. This can happen more times during a game.

2. Majority: Means not, you must occupy the majority of 5 hexes (3), it means,
you must occupy more hexes than opponent.
So it´s would be enough here, to occupy 1 hex, so far the opponent occupy 0 hexes.

3. The French start therefore the game with 2VP, because they have the majority of all stated hexes. If they don´t have the majority during game, they loose this VP again, because Number 1, Temporary.

A view here helps,
because all VP possibilities are explained.
john replied the topic:
9 years 6 months ago
I have a question on the special rules for victory banners for this game. The first special rule states that the 4 town hexes and church give the French 2 temporary victory banners when the French occupy the majority of these hexes. Then the next sentence says. " The French start the battle with 2 Victory Banners". Are these 2 Victory Banners permanent? i.e. unrelated to the temporary victory banners for the towns and church. I ask because if one looks at the initial deployment of the French they do not have the majority of the town hexes and church. They have only 2 out of 5