Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

Having broken through the Siegfried Line fortifications by the end of the first week in October 1944, the American 30th Infantry Division wheeled south to link up with the "Big Red One" (1st Infantry Division) at Wiirselen to encircle the city of Aachen. Instead of a relatively easy conclusion to its attack, within hours of jumping off General Hobbs' 30th Division was fighting for its life against desperate German counterattacks from the east.


  American German
Division 1

10 Squad Bases
- 20 Regular Infantry
- 5 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officers
- 3 Machine Gun Crews
- 3 Mortar Crews

2x AntiTank
1x Flamethrower

10 Squad Bases
- 24 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officers
- 2 Machine Gun Crew
- 2 Mortar Crew

2 Panzer IVs

2x AntiTank
1x Flamethrower

Division 2

7 Squad Bases
- 9 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officers
- 2 Machine Gun Crews
- 3 Mortar Crews

4 Sherman M4Als

1x AntiTank
1x Medic

11 Squad Bases
- 28 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 2 Officers
- 2 Machine Gun Crews
- 2 Mortar Crews

2 Panzer IVs
1 Tiger I

1x AntiTank
2x Flamethrower

Strategy Decks Command 1 (remove both "Surprise Assault" cards — see special rules)
Artillery 1
American Reinforcements 1
German Reinforcements 1
Starting Strategy Cards 2 2 (the two "Surprise Assault" cards from Command 1)
Operations Cards - Desperate Defenders
002 Heavy Fog (shared)
- Massive Confusion
002 Heavy Fog (shared)
Deployment Zone Div. 1: Any hexes on maps IA and 11A.
Div. 2: Any green bordered hexes on maps SB, 6B, and 12B.
Any grey bordered hexes.
Starting Initiative Setup First Initiative Token
  • At the end of a game round, the Americans win if they control all three Victory Objective Markers.
  • At the end of a game round, the Germans win if they control the Victory Objective Markers on maps 1A and 5B.
  • If neither side has won by the end of round 10, the game ends in a draw.
Rounds 10
Actions per turn 3 until the end of round 4, then 4 actions per side. 3 until the end of round 4, then 4 actions per side.
Reinforcements - -
Special Rules
  • Americans set up first.
  • Starting with the Status Phase of round 5, the Americans draw 2 Strategy cards instead of 1.
  • If the Germans control the Victory Objective Marker on map board lA at the end of round 8, the Americans may draw an additional 2 Strategy cards during the next Status Phase, both from American Reinforcements I.
  • The "Heavy Fog" and "Massive Confusion" Operations cards are discarded at the end of round 5. While it is in effect, all firing ranges, except for mortar fire, are halved and all squad movement is —1, all vehicle movement —2, and no Artillery I cards may be activated.
  • The Hill hexes in maps 8A, 3A and 4B represent slag heaps from mining, and are impassible to all vehicles (even if the hex has a road).
HINTS Time is on the side of the Americans, but they cannot afford to allow the Germans to capture the objectives in or north of Alsdorf (map 1A). This scenario is very challenging for the Germans, but not impossible. They should consider systematically reducing the American positions rather than gambling on a sudden breakthrough.


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alecrespi replied the topic:
2 years 4 months ago
Posting here some comments found online.
  • I'm not sure Mr. Radey has played ToI.
  • Looking at the victory conditions, it seems the Allies just need the one objective hex that is within a 2 turn reach to win the game while it would be nigh impossible for the Germans to prevent that.
pino replied the topic:
2 years 7 months ago
The last words of the original scenario design...."This scenario is very challenging for the Germans, but not impossible. They should consider systematically reducing the American positions rather than gambling on a sudden breakthrough"....i've played this scenario 2 times and i wonder how could it be possible for the Germans to win with such a limitations in terms of movement, impassible terrains, victory points, cards draw, range of fire, no possibilities of combined fire for the first 5 rounds and the need to control both the victory objective markers.