Victory Results:
 75 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  25 %
Total plays 8 - Last reported by Davesnothere on 2022-08-05 15:21:48

In early September, Motonari sent a small group of Ashigaru across the Tajii to provoke the Amako into attacking. When the Amako troops came out to drive them back, the Ashigaru fled back across the river to the safety of the castle. The Mori force, that was waiting in Ambush, then took the Amako soldiers by surprise in their flank. The Amako were immediately routed and fled back to their camp.

The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. Can you change history?


Ford Forest Hill River River
1 4 4 2 1


Mõri Samurai Army (Red)
Move First
Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card
Dragon Card
Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune

Ashigaru Yari Samurai Bowmen Samurai Spearmen Samurai Bowmen Cavalry Infantry Leader
5 1 1 2 2

Amako Samurai Army (Blue)
Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card Command Card
Dragon Card
Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune Honour & Fortune

Ashigaru Yari Ashigaru Bowmen Samurai Bowmen Samurai Bowmen Cavalry Infantry Leader Cavalry Leader
5 2 1 2 1 1

4 Banners
• 1 Victory Banner for each unit or leader eliminated.
• The Mori army gains 1 Victory Banner for each Ashigaru spearmen unit that crosses the River Tajii. When the unit is on a hex across the river, remove the unit from the battlefield and gain the Victory Banner.

Special Rules
• The River Tajii is impassable except at the river ford.


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Pevans replied the topic:
2 years 8 months ago
Run away, ashigaru! Starting as Mori, I managed to get two of them acros the river, but nephew Tom's ashigaru and mounted samurai archers were in pursuit and took out the third, along with the attached foot leader. (That makes the score 2:2) I actually had the Turncoat card this time, but not the advantage (ahead in banners and Honor and Fortune chips) to use it successfully.

And I'm now outnumbered, so I went defensive. Tom's archers engaged in the centre, killing my remaining leader. (2:3) His ashigaru swung across from his right to join his central forces and I lost another unit for no reward. That finished the game. (2:4)

For the re-match, I started with low-powered right section cards, so I couldn't pursue Tom's retreating ashigaru in any numbers. The units I did send after him got battered and he got all three ashigaru across the river. (0:3)

Exchanges of archery in the centre made little impression. Then Tom snuck his samurau through a wood to attack my battered ashigaru on the right. Removing them gave him the win in short order. (0:4) Ouch!

(This report is also on my BGG blog, with photos: )
Pevans replied the topic:
2 years 8 months ago
GMT scenario book has a Mori SSp with the infantry leader in the centre, not the SSpC shown here. Oops: just spotted that's already been mentioned (wipes egg off face).
NightOwl3 replied the topic:
2 years 10 months ago
Judd jumped in again for this series of playing through the CCS scenarios. Coming in, we were tired 2-2 in the first four battles. Tonight, I was Red and Judd Blue. I had the option of getting VP for crossing the river with my medium troops. Red goes first, and I was able to pull some left cards and fall back towards the river. Judd charged up and we had a battle line. I decided not to fall back again and we fought. I got one unit across the river, and killed a Blue unit. Judd attacked and it was 2-2. Maybe I should have fallen back after all. He had an ambush card that foiled my death blow. One of my leaders had to fall back to the ford. I joined a medium unit with him. Judd pushed up his Cav for the kill but failed. On the next turn I played Shogun, and rolled two blues, and two flags. I retreated the blue unit across the river, and elected two samurai units to take out one of his mediums which just had one block left. It was 4-2 and over.
I like this scenario, and I know Judd wants to play it again. I think it favors Red if he can get some left side cards early.

Also, in the map above Mori should have a foot samurai with a leader not a Cav. samurai with a leader. The troop roster is correct, but not the unit on the map.